I have Zen Cart 1.3.7, the web address to my site is www.godlytreasure.com. I downloaded and tried to install the testimonial manager, but when i try to add the Testimonial_Manager.slq to the Install SLQ Patches i get the following message:

1062 Duplicate entry 'DEFINE_TESTIMONIAL_STATUS' for key 2
[INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Define Testimonial', 'DEFINE_TESTIMONIAL_STATUS', '1', 'Enable the Defined Testimonial Link/Text?
0= Link ON, Define Text OFF
1= Link ON, Define Text ON
2= Link OFF, Define Text ON
3= Link OFF, Define Text OFF', 25, 900, '2006-07-29 18:33:01', '2005-11-19 23:07:18', NULL, 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(''0'', ''1'', ''2'', ''3''),');]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.

I followed the directions as best i could and did not see anything i did wrong. however i know you need a new database for the testimonial manager and there was no place i seen to type in the table name, user name, and password. Also the the testimonial sidebox does not show in the layout box controller, but im sure its probably due to the whole slq error. Thanks for any help that you might be able to provide.