I've searched the forum and read some of the posts on this topic. I also have the ZC book and read what it has to say but I'm still not quite clear on this topic.

The scenario is that we had a customer purchase a product with a money order. The money order was received yesterday so we went in to the order and changed it's status to "Delivered" with the assumption this would now make her download available. However the customer later reported that when she attempted to perform the download, she received a message the download was expired.

The exact steps followed on the admin side were:

Order->Edit->Select "Delivered" from the dropdown list->Click the Update button.

First question is this the proper procedure to use in order to make the download available? I'm a little confused because some of the threads and the book seem to mention performing an update. I don't know if that refers to selecting "Update" from the dropdown or simply any action involving clicking the Update button.

The other thing that I notice from the Orders detail page in the admin area is that browsing through orders going back a month or more is the download status for all orders is green. I hadn't really paid attention before last night when I started to research this last night. But since downloads are set to expire in three days, should not the download status for those older orders be yellow?

I double checked the admin/orders.php file with a text compare to the stock ZC 1.37 files to see if any changes may have been made to the file. The one in production and the stock file are identical. The version in place is:

* @version $Id: orders.php 5426 2006-12-28 14:58:57Z drbyte $

Thanks in advance for any help or advice on this.
