Hi, I have read through almost every post i could find and and tried all what they have said and have had no luck so I thought I'd write in my problem...

My host has recently changed me from one server to another server....My shop was working great before that.....Until the change over........I do run with a control panel...............But my home page comes up with now nddbc.html page saying can not connect to data base..............My admin has this error.............
[delete from zen_db_cache]
If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.

I just don't understand.................In my control panel it does show the data bases...........Any clues on how to help me or maybe point me in the right direction.................I am even will to let one of the zencart administrators have a look in all my settings to see if you can see the problem.. I do hope someone can help.................My business has been out of action for 12 days now and I am loosing so much money and sales............My host has said they have done everything they could but that is not good enough when they created this mess...................PLEASE HELP