Hi @ all.

This module is fantastic! THANKS a lott.

There are some questions.

Is it possible to use more languages than english? How can I implement language files???
There are two translations at the beginning "define..... Price Breaktdown AND Your Price:" but there is another word to trancelate "Product price". Where is it???

I need the current weight (in kg) next to the price. How can I add this information into the box?

Is it possible to set a limit for the weight?
Every product can be advanced with attributes. Every attribute has a spezial weight. The customer can choose so many attributes he wants, but there must be a limit in the weight. The limit should be 900g (0,9kg). Than the customer should get a massage "Sorry you have reach the limit of attributes", or something else...

This is very important for us, is it possible?

Is there an option to set the box allways on? At the moment the box is on If I choose an attribute. Is there no attribute activated I cant see the box.
That would be nice.

Thanks for your help.
