I think I may have deleted things from my templates/etc. and this is causing me problems. We are live (but not "live" since I am still screwing around with the site).

Anyway - if you see the site http://aurumitaliangold.com you will see the categories, info, and then the e-pages (Important Links) in the sidebox on the left.

How can I best add the links for payment options, security, etc. to the "Information" pages?? (i.e. I want to just have the "Information" list and NOT the "Important Links").

I followed all instructions I could find but the only way I could see these pages was to use the e-z pages. It seems that I should be able to define the page is the Define Pages Editor and I did make a page there (page_2.php) but I can not get it to show up anywhere...

Thanks - almost there!