Do you have to have SQL phpMyAdmin backup to import when you move you site to a new host. I lost my site after the move. I tried to switch back to the old server because the new database wouldn't take the zipped or gzip file. I was getting the error that it wasn't setup. after this last install now I see something that say advance phpMyAdmin configurations but I don't know how to configure it. Can I get my products and customer with the backup I did from the cPanel I do one every month and when ever I get ready to change something and I check the complete backup when I backup. I have reinstall about 4 times. I have been trying to move for 2 weeks now and I am tired.
If I had read the forum about all the problems customers been having with Godaddy, maybe I would have found someone else or maybe not. I checked around and I just couldn't afford most of them. I had two sites to move and I'm retired and on a set income. But any way could someone please help me if I can use my cPanel backup, if I can, can you tell how its done to get my site, products and customers moved over. I install the v1.3.7 the same as my site.