
I am almost ready to launch my first Zen Cart. My last step was to set up shared SSL with my host and to go through the Security steps in the tutorial on the Zen Cart site.

I verified that the SSL stuff seemed to be working fine before moving on to the Security steps found here: https://www.zen-cart.com/tutorials/index.php?article=73

I did steps 1-6 and step 8. When I went to all the "define" files in the folder for my template under html_includes, they were all already set to 644 so I did not make any changes there.

I then went into Admin and turned OFF my category that is Test Products. When I did that I got an error saying:
Error: Catalog images directory is not writeable: /Library/WebServer/WebSites/harmonyyoga/public_html/zencart/images/

However, I checked that directory and it is 755, so I'm not sure why it is saying that? (My site doesn't have any images either)

ANYWAY, here is the problem: now when I go in my Zen Cart none of my "define" content on the main page, privacy page, etc. displays at all!

Where has it gone? Can anyone help me or tell me what to check?

Site is http://www.harmonyyogaannarbor.com/zencart

Man I was really hoping to get this launched tonight before I leave for the weekend! What the heck did I screw up???
