
have a couple of images that cause the SSL area to read... 'this page contains secure and non secure items...

I've learned it is a case of finding the HARD coded items.. in my case two images in my template/images.
Also have learned they need to be made to read /mytemplate/images/logo.jpg (without any http:// at the front)

Q: where is this done?

I have found the template header:
<div id="logo_box"><img src="<?php echo HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG.'includes/templates/'.$template_dir.'/'; ?>images/logo.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div>
and was expecting to find the http:// and so remove it... but it seems coded code, so must be elsewhere.

So where is the code actually written that can be altered (this is for the main standard logo set top left in zen cart)

Appreciate any know how on this