I am using zencart version 1.3.8a (fresh install)

The Paypal express buttons seem to work perfectly, and the transactions appear in Zencart, but there is no sign of any transaction in Paypal.

The Paypal express functionality did work a couple of weeks ago. Things that have changed since then: I removed the first Paypal button from the "Your Shopping Cart Contents" (I have since replaced that page, and all other pages that had minor text modifications from backup to before the problem with payments began - but that didn't fix the problem). We changed the company address in the Paypal Account (Paypal says that would make no difference. They looked at the account and tell me nothing is wrong). I have recreated the paypal credentials and uninstalled and reinstalled the paypal module, but that didn't help either.

Thanks for help with this! Let me know if I can provide any other info that would help.

I ran the ipncheck and curltest but they looked ok...

IPNCHECK.PHP - Version 1.0

IPN TESTING - POSTING to PayPal via: ssl://www.paypal.com:443

IPN TESTING - Confirmation/Validation response: RESPONSE RECEIVED - Communications OKAY

Script finished.


CURL Test Page
This page is intended for testing CURL behaviour. You should be accessing this page via CURLTEST.PHP running on YOUR server.

You submitted the following fields and data:
[field1] => This is a test
[statuskey] => ready
Data validation
Other Info
Your server IP address is:
user-agent: unknown.
Copyright © 2003 - 2008 Zen Ventures, LLC - Powered by Zen Cart™
[url] => "http://www.zen-cart.com/testcurl.php"
[content_type] => text/html
[http_code] => 200
[header_size] => 139
[request_size] => 174
[filetime] => -1
[ssl_verify_result] => 0
[redirect_count] => 0
[total_time] => 0.457396
[namelookup_time] => 0.388218
[connect_time] => 0.419917
[pretransfer_time] => 0.419934
[size_upload] => 37
[size_download] => 2142
[speed_download] => 4683
[speed_upload] => 80
[download_content_length] => -1
[upload_content_length] => -1
[starttransfer_time] => 0.457173
[redirect_time] => 0

Other info:
PHP version: 5.2.9 (Zend: 2.2.0)
Host: bluehost
HTTP Server: Apache/2.2.11
Server OS: Linuex 2.6.28-9.20
Database: MySQL 5.0.75