
I have been trying to solve this for a friend of mine all day long.
I honestly am at the crying stage now, no joke.

I have 30.00 USD to my name and am willing to pay someone to do this for me if anyone will.
This is How Frustrated I now am.

This is what is going on,

1) She wants people to be able to pay via paypal with a credit card, but when they try to they are instructed at paypal.com to type a password and she does not want this.
She was using the regular business paypal to do this.

OK so I research and found this article:
So I try to change it to the express checkout thinking this will fix it?

NO it gives a plain white page only and never did go to paypal or back to the site or make the payment.

Would someone be willing to walk me through this step by baby step or would someone be willing to update her zencart and set up the payment to work with out having to join paypal or set a password on paypal in order to buy from her site for 30.00 usd?

Guys I am seriously so frustrated with this, and for a long time I have loved zencart and tell everyone to use it but today has me feeling like I am a totally idiot when it comes to zencart and truly in tears.

Thank You