Hi, I'm using this addon with version 1.3.8a. I have installed this addon on my live site along with the product attribute grid. It works wonderfully. However, I have started on my local machine to change the template and a few other things. In re-adding these modules back in, when you add some of my products to the cart it's coming up as out of stock.

I added the products to the catalog with current stock.
I assigned them attributes.
I went to the attribute manager and added each stock per attribute.

I'm at a loss as to why only 2 out of the 5 products I have there so far are coming up as out of stock in the shopping cart. I have deleted the products and re-added them thinking I may have done something wrong, but this did not fix it. I then deleted the attribute variants and checked....you can add it to the cart fine. However when I reassign the variants...I get the out of stock warning again. There are 3 in stock: 1 petite, 1 regular, 1 long.

I've tried some searching but my search terms turn up way too many results to sift through. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.