Searched forums but no joy... hope it's ok to post here.

I just upgraded to v 1.3.9h from 1.3.8. Manually copying the SQL data. New install as standard. But being careful not to lose data, I am going through thousands of lines of SQL code. Now:

1. It seems the main database contains just 93 tables (information_schema excluded). Is that normal? I could have sworn there were more.

I exported the SQL from 1.3.8 as you know. There were some 800 lines of code which do not seem to appear when I dump the data from the v1.3.9h. They are as below. Please does anyone know if this should be cause for concern?

Please note - I used the prefix meromero_ for the tables.

Thanks all!!

The code:

HTML Code:
-- Dumping data for table `COLUMNS`

(NULL, 'meromero_shopcart', 'mm_address_book', 'address_book_id', 1, NULL, 'NO', 'int', NULL, NULL, 10, 0, NULL, NULL, 'int(11)', 'PRI', 'auto_increment', 'select,insert,update', ''),
(NULL, 'meromero_shopcart', 'mm_address_book', 'customers_id', 2, '0', 'NO', 'int', NULL, NULL, 10, 0, NULL, NULL, 'int(11)', 'MUL', '', 'select,insert,update', ''),


(NULL, 'meromero_shopcart', 'mm_address_format', 'address_format', 2, '', 'NO', 'varchar', 128, 384, NULL, NULL, 'utf8', 'utf8_general_ci', 'varchar(128)', '', '', 'select,insert,update', ''),


(NULL, 'meromero_shopcart', 'mm_zones_to_geo_zones', 'date_added', 6, '0001-01-01 00:00:00', 'NO', 'datetime', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'datetime', '', '', 'select,insert,update', '');