Thread: Supertracker

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  1. #241
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
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    Default Re: Supertracker

    Quote Originally Posted by ScriptJunkie View Post
    1. Put back the js file you deleted.
    2. Blank pages mean you have a syntax error or corrupted file (which can sometimes happen during upload).
    3. Review the files on your server - do any of them have a 0 byte content? If so, it is corrupted and needs to be reinstalled.
    4. This is an old may use syntax that has since been deprecated and needs to be updated. For example, users who have PHP5.3 will need to make a fix, as shown in this thread
    5. Take a look in your store's cache folder - there should be debug logs there telling you what the error is and what file is causing the error. Before you can know how to fix the problem, you have to know where it's originating.
    6. If you have multiple debug files to look at and don't know which one is the right one, delete them all, reload the store page to create the error, and then go back and look at the new files that were created as a result.
    7. Check out this tutorial, but ignore the section on installing and using the debugging tool, as this is already installed in ZC139.
    8. Once you've done all this, if you still need help, post the error message from the debug file to the forum. Someone who understands how to interpret them will likely give you the answer or point you in the right direction to figure it out.

    Good luck
    Thanks but still getting blank page.. the debugging report is as follows
    [28-Mar-2011 16:24:46] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class supertracker in /home/on233/public_html/dir/includes/classes/supertracker.php on line 15

    any help would be appreciated

  2. #242

    Default Re: Supertracker

    I am getting the exact same problem as rxalex. Any fixes yet?

  3. #243

    Default Re: Supertracker

    I'm not that well versed in deciphering php error logs. Try searching the entire form for "cannot redeclare class" and see if any threads come up for this or other mods with that error. It might get you pointed in the right direction.
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    Empowerment Sanctuary

  4. #244

    Default Re: Supertracker

    I had a couple errors, but have it working correctly now. Here is what I did to fix each problem:

    Error #1 - After installing, my website came up blank. The error log came up as : Cannot redeclare class supertracker in /home/on233/public_html/dir/includes/classes/supertracker.php on line 15

    I deleted the install and reinstalled. This fixed it.

    Error#2 - Received the following error on the country and last 10 visitors report: 1267 Illegal mix of collations (latin1_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
    [SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, s.country_code, c.countries_name FROM supertracker s LEFT JOIN countries c ON (c.countries_iso_code_2 = s.country_code) GROUP BY country_code]

    I went into PhpMyAdmin, opened the supertracker table, clicked select all, then edit. I changed all the offending "latin1_swedish_ci" to "latin1_general_ci". This fixed it.

    Thank you for the tidbits of help I read on this thread so that I could fix these errors.


  5. #245

    Default Re: Supertracker

    And I spoke too soon. I'm still getting the blank page after reinstalling the mod.

    Still getting PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class supertracker in /home2/XXXXXX/public_html/includes/classes/supertracker.php on line 15

    The only thing on line 15 is:

    class supertracker {

    I know absolutely nothing about PHP, but the jscript file seems a little odd. All the other jscript files in the folder have a suffix of .js, whereas this one is named js_supertracker.php. Is this an error?

    I'm running PHP 5.2.16.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  6. #246

    Default Re: Supertracker

    I believe this error message is telling you that some other file is trying to call (or declare) the supertracker class for that page. Meaning that two different files are calling the same class (supertracker) for the same page. This is causing a conflict that can't be resolved, and so the fatal error (stop loading page) results.

    To resolve the problem, I believe you have to identify all the files that are calling (or declaring) the class (i.e the code that's on line 15) and remove one of them.

    I don't have the faintest idea how to advise you re: where to start. I suggest searching the forum for " PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class" and see what comes up. You might find some instructions on how to handle this kind of error.

    You could also do a google search on it.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help
    Go that extra mile, you never know what's at the end of the road

    Empowerment Sanctuary

  7. #247

    Default Re: Supertracker

    A google search of "cannot redeclare class" brought up this site. See if the info there helps you out a little bit.

    To find all the places this class is declared (usually more than once in a single file, but can also be only once in more than one file), try logging in to your ZC admin, and going to tools>>Developer's Toolkit.

    Go down to "Look-Up in all Files". In the all files field, select all files. Check "case sensitive" and then in the box, paste in the code from line 15 class supertracker {

    See which files that come up that are declaring (calling) this class, or if it's being called more than once in one file.

    Armed with that info, you can go to the forum's general support board and start a new thread and provide all the details of your research and request help in fixing it.

    Good luck :)
    Go that extra mile, you never know what's at the end of the road

    Empowerment Sanctuary

  8. #248

    Default Re: Supertracker

    Hi ScriptJunkie,

    I've been working on deducing the number of files it could be. I copied this website from another website I created. So, I downloaded supertracker onto the old website. It worked fine.

    Then on this website I changed it back to the classic template and the tracker worked fine (or at least it didn't give me a blank page).

    So, it's got to be a template file that doesn't exist in the classic template, and that I've changed since copying the website. I've also added about 4 other mods to this website. But I guess if the classic template works fine with those other mods installed, it wouldn't be any files from those mods.

    I did the search from the Developer's Tool Kit for "class supertracker" but came up empty except for the original file. Tomorrow I'll be going through my files with a fine tooth comb. I'll let you know what my findings are, as it may help someone else who has the same problem.


  9. #249

    Default Re: Supertracker

    Hmm...those are some interesting results....makes me wonder if it's the file itself that's being called more than once. That can happen when two identical javascript files are competing against each other.

    Since it only happens with the current template, makes me wonder if the mod and the template have battling js files. I have no idea how to advise on that though.

    Your next step might have to be putting all your results into a new thread in the general support forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by WriteAtHome View Post
    Hi ScriptJunkie,

    I've been working on deducing the number of files it could be. I copied this website from another website I created. So, I downloaded supertracker onto the old website. It worked fine.

    Then on this website I changed it back to the classic template and the tracker worked fine (or at least it didn't give me a blank page).

    So, it's got to be a template file that doesn't exist in the classic template, and that I've changed since copying the website. I've also added about 4 other mods to this website. But I guess if the classic template works fine with those other mods installed, it wouldn't be any files from those mods.

    I did the search from the Developer's Tool Kit for "class supertracker" but came up empty except for the original file. Tomorrow I'll be going through my files with a fine tooth comb. I'll let you know what my findings are, as it may help someone else who has the same problem.

    Go that extra mile, you never know what's at the end of the road

    Empowerment Sanctuary

  10. #250
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
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    Default Re: Supertracker

    Can I use supertracker outside of zen-cart, like on a portal page if zen-cart is installed in /cart ? Thanks.


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