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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
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    Default Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    When I set up my first zencart I followed the tutorials for changing the templates, logo, welcome message, etc. Lots of these tutorials say they are started at v1.3. Do they still apply to the later versions? Do we still create, and save files in the same custom folder locations, and upload them to the same locations?

    I'm making changes to various files and saving them to my custom folders, and uploading them, but nothing is changing on the front end?
    Is there something I am missing. Seems we are now being directed to this wiki tutorial: Is it up to date with v.1.3.9h?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    Yes most everything in the tutorails remains valid

    1.3.9h is basically a rollup of the many security patches with major security enhancements

    Functionally it is the same
    Zen-Venom Get Bitten

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    Then should I not be able to re-upload most of my custom folders for the simple edits ie logo, welcome message, css, etc. Can you shed any insight as to why nothing is changing when I edit new, and/or upload my former custom folders?

  4. #4
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    Lansing, Michigan USA
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    Default Re: Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    Have you selected your custom template in admin ?

    Are the folders in question writeable ?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    Ah - making the folders writable... I didn't see this instruction anywhere on the tutorials.

    Selecting the admin custom template? Are you referring to the admin panel or to some file under admin(newname) directory? I haven't selected any "custom template" - just uploading my Custom files to the server. I'm assuming anywhere there is a "Classic" folder then a Custom folder can be added. Do you know if these basic custom pages need to be started fresh or compared with the new original files using WinMerge etc.

    Can I get just a bit more help on this please.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    You have to go to Admin - Tools - Template Selection and select your custom template to activate it, then to Layout Boxes Controller and click on 'Reset'.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    But I NEED TO KNOW what to select under this place in Admin. All that is there is Classic. I am not utilizing some preformated, downloaded template to call my custom, but instead just editing and creating overrides for the layout and design using the Custom folders which I uploaded to my site directory. (ie logo, welcome message, etc) So far they are not working.

    You are telling me to select my custom template in the admin panel, but I do not know you mean. Didn't have to do this for 1.3.8a and the tutorials do not mention that I have to make some change to this admin panel in order to make my overrides work. IS there a specific file (within some location of the directory?... some template index?? or something) that I am to call my template for this purpose.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    Zencart looks in every includes/templates/whatever folder for a file called template_info.php. If it finds one, it adds that template to the dropdown in Admin - Template - Selection.

    When you create a custom template (let's say the name is 'custom'), you need to create a file called template_info.php that looks like this (copy it from includes/templates/classic and edit it):

    * Template Information File
    * @package templateSystem
    * @copyright Copyright 2003-2006 Zen Cart Development Team
    * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
    * @license GNU Public License V2.0
    * @version $Id: template_info.php 4226 2006-08-24 02:23:25Z drbyte $
    $template_name = 'custom';
    $template_version = 'Version 1.0;
    $template_author = 'you';
    $template_description = 'This template set is designed to be easily modified using only the style sheet to change colors, fonts, and the store logo. Three images are required; logo.jpg, header_bg.jpg, and tile_back.gif.';
    $template_screenshot = 'scr_template_default.jpg';

    and place it in includes/templates/custom

    Then go to Admin - Tools - Template Selection, and it will be there in the dropdown.

    And yes, the procedure was exactly the same for 1.3.8.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Do tutorials still apply to v1.3.9h?

    PS - I just found that you need to upload
    includes/templates/CUSTOM/template_info.php, for something new to pop into the admin panel "template" drop down options. (This I also did not see anywhere in the tutorials....which are way outdated in many cases). I didn't edit this file, just got it into my CUSTOM folder by uploading it. Now my overrides are at least working.



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