Hi Rizla,

This add-on provides a different methodology to AutoFacebook, which is designed to draw existing Friends/Likers back to your website by keeping them up-to-date on your new products etc. The idea is that hopefully you will get them to re-order, but they will already know you exist.

The idea of Catalog Browser is to try and draw new customers to your website. They will search on Facebook and see your page and then immediately see your product catalog.

Also when your existing customers "like" your Facebook page, or any of the products through the Catalog Browser, their friends will see they like your page or product and in-turn may visit your Facebook page. The means that you can encourage more new people to visit your website.

We are anticipating that we will be able to offer a free version for people who don't have many 'likes' (i.e. fans) so only as your Facebook page grows, and hopefully provides you with a benefit, will you need to pay anything.

Hope this helps