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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
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    Default Shipping totalprice for each product


    no idea if someone has done this before in the shoppingcart.
    I have a productof say € 12,-
    And some attributes, but attributes also have a Onetime Charge on them.

    The shoppingcart displays the Onetime charge seperately from the product-price....

    I want them to add up, just like the sub-total in the shopping, but then for each product....

    Best to illustrate it i guess.... see attachment.

    i have done this in the checkout_confirmation page, but i dont know where to look for the shopping cart.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Orange County, California
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    Default Re: Shipping totalprice for each product

    The problem with this is, it may confuse your customers about one-time charges when you buy a higher quantity.

    For example, if you add 2 products to cart, and price is shown as 16.50, then logic would say that 2 of them would equal 33.00. But that's not the case, it should be 12.00 x 2 = 24.00, plus the 4.50 afterwards, making it 28.50

    The title of your post suggests that you would like to total your Shipping into the price. If that's the case, then do not use attributes for the shipping charge. There are options in Modules > Shipping, that will allow you to add a flat cost per item.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Shipping totalprice for each product

    yes indeed, my mistake, title should say: Shoppingcart, instead of shipping....

    The reason we want it this way, is that we don't show the OneTime Charge anywhere on the site. So we also don't want to show it in the shoppingcart.

    And we have Onetime charges on several different attributes.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Shipping totalprice for each product

    But wouldn't that confuse your customer further? If the product price is $12, I would expect my cart to total $12, not become a higher amount. I can imagine many lost sales this way, when customers get a feeling your site is broken and is trying to charge them more than they expect.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Shipping totalprice for each product

    we are not charging them more.

    we're just adding the final_price and onetime charge. which is the same. the subtotal is all the same.
    but i cant get that to work in the shopping-cart, because the code of the class, is so much

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Shipping totalprice for each product

    I still believe you are going to confuse many of your customers. You will find the code you want to edit in this file, and search for "onetime":


    WARNING: editing core files can have major impact on the functionality of your site, and make upgrading more difficult.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Shipping totalprice for each product

    thx for the reply, but i already knew it was the class shopping_cart,

    but that file has alot of code, and i don't want to just edit that blindly, that's why i asked if someone has done this before...

    searching for "onetime" in that file gives 30+ results, and that kinds freaks me out



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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR