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  1. #2191
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    Good Afternoon everyone,

    Sorry if this query has been answered amongst these pages, I couldnt see it.

    Im very new to Zencart, but im playing around with layout at the moment.

    I have a test site at

    customers shop is

    Im using the latest version of zencart 1.3.9

    Im trying to mimic a customers site to make it into a zen online shop.

    Im currently trying to insert this addon into the site, but every time i put the following script in to activate the menu system, I lose the footer section

    <!--bof-drop down menu display-->
    <?php require($template->get_template_dir('tpl_drop_menu.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'common'). '/tpl_drop_menu.php');?>
    <!--eof-drop down menu display-->
    <div class="clearBoth"></div>
    the tpl_header.php file looks like this currently

     * Common Template - tpl_header.php
     * this file can be copied to /templates/your_template_dir/pagename<br />
     * example: to override the privacy page<br />
     * make a directory /templates/my_template/privacy<br />
     * copy /templates/templates_defaults/common/tpl_footer.php to /templates/my_template/privacy/tpl_header.php<br />
     * to override the global settings and turn off the footer un-comment the following line:<br />
     * <br />
     * $flag_disable_header = true;<br />
     * @package templateSystem
     * @copyright Copyright 2003-2006 Zen Cart Development Team
     * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
     * @license GNU Public License V2.0
     * @version $Id: tpl_header.php 4813 2006-10-23 02:13:53Z drbyte $
      // Display all header alerts via messageStack:
      if ($messageStack->size('header') > 0) {
        echo $messageStack->output('header');
      if (isset($_GET['error_message']) && zen_not_null($_GET['error_message'])) {
      echo htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_GET['error_message']));
      if (isset($_GET['info_message']) && zen_not_null($_GET['info_message'])) {
       echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['info_message']);
    } else {
    <!--bof-header logo and navigation display-->
      <!--bof-branding display-->
      <div id="logoWrapper">
        <?php if (HEADER_SALES_TEXT != '' || (SHOW_BANNERS_GROUP_SET2 != '' && $banner = zen_banner_exists('dynamic', SHOW_BANNERS_GROUP_SET2))) { ?>
        <div id="taglineWrapper">
                  if (HEADER_SALES_TEXT != '') {
          <div id="tagline"><?php echo HEADER_SALES_TEXT;?></div>
                  if (SHOW_BANNERS_GROUP_SET2 != '' && $banner = zen_banner_exists('dynamic', SHOW_BANNERS_GROUP_SET2)) {
                    if ($banner->RecordCount() > 0) {
          <div id="bannerTwo" class="banners"><?php //echo zen_display_banner('static', $banner);?></div>
        <?php } // no HEADER_SALES_TEXT or SHOW_BANNERS_GROUP_SET2 ?>
      <br class="clearBoth" />
      <!--eof-branding display-->
      <!--eof-header logo and navigation display-->
      <!--bof-optional categories tabs navigation display-->
    if (!isset($flag_disable_header) || !$flag_disable_header) {
    <div id="headerWrapper">
      <!--bof-navigation display-->
      <div id="navMainWrapper">
        <div id="navMain">
          <ul class="back">
            <li><?php echo '<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . '">'; ?><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG; ?></a></li>
            <?php if ($_SESSION['customer_id']) { ?>
            <li><a href="<?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_LOGOFF, '', 'SSL'); ?>"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_LOGOFF; ?></a></li>
            <li><a href="<?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL'); ?>"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_MY_ACCOUNT; ?></a></li>
          } else {
            if (STORE_STATUS == '0') {
            <li><a href="<?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'); ?>"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_LOGIN; ?></a></li>
            <?php } } ?>
            <?php if ($_SESSION['cart']->count_contents() != 0) { ?>
            <li><a href="<?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART, '', 'NONSSL'); ?>"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_CART_CONTENTS; ?></a></li>
            <li><a href="<?php echo zen_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL'); ?>"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUT; ?></a></li>
            <?php }?>
       <!-- <div id="navMainSearch">
          <?php require(DIR_WS_MODULES . 'sideboxes/search_header.php'); ?>
        <br class="clearBoth" />
      <!--eof-navigation display-->
      <!--eof-optional categories tabs navigation display-->
      <!--bof-header ezpage links-->
      <!--eof-header ezpage links-->
    <?php } ?>

    no matter where I place the extra script I seem to lose the footer, with the second set of menu items in.

    I imagine its something simple, but any help would be appreciated
    Last edited by mashamit; 30 Aug 2011 at 04:27 PM.

  2. #2192
    Join Date
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    Hi there.
    I have a question in regards to dropdown menu customization.
    I would like to remove the product type categories from my dropdown menu under "Shop by Brand", ie. Toners, Cleansers, etc. but would like to leave brands intact. The reason why I want to do this is because I placed product types in one of the sideboxes.
    I am using zencart 1.3.9 h
    Also I have CSS Flyout Header 1.5 menu installed.
    The website is nkfacial dot com

    Any help would be appreciated.

  3. #2193
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    Hi there, thanks for this great menu. It was easy to install and saved me a ton of time compared to fumbling around trying to program my own.

    I looked over the forum to try and find an answer to the following question but didn't have any luck.

    I have a question about replacing the text links with image based ones. (Like I have done on a non-shopping-cart site here:

    Is it possible to customize this within php? Or should I give up right now before I waste tons of time doing something that's not really possible?

    Thanks so much,


  4. #2194
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    If there were better menu options for ZC for instance, CMS or EZ Page menu addons and such it would be the KILLER ecommerce app hands down. Why is there such limited templating options as opposed to say opencart/magento etc...???????

    I am dying to find a nice horizontal menu that incorporates the categories but also integrates ez-pages as well.

  5. #2195
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    Quote Originally Posted by jmacdoug View Post
    If there were better menu options for ZC for instance, CMS or EZ Page menu addons and such it would be the KILLER ecommerce app hands down.
    Quote Originally Posted by jmacdoug View Post
    I am dying to find a nice horizontal menu that incorporates the categories but also integrates ez-pages as well.

    Ummmmm.. You might have missed this.. BUT... this menu HAS supported EZ Pages since well let's see.. v1.2.. Did this not work for you??

    Quote Originally Posted by jmacdoug View Post
    Why is there such limited templating options as opposed to say opencart/magento etc...???????
    Always fun to see folks drop by with such NICE things to say...

    Though it's off topic to get into an in depth conversation on this matter here, let me say this.. It's CLEAR that the Zen Cart developers have concentrated their efforts on creating an e-commerce solution. Not a CMS solution, and SO WHAT.. No they did not spend lots of time making pretty free templates.. It's clear they left template development to the community and as such there are free templates available in the downloads.. And YES... (groan groan) don't need to hear it again that many of the free templates are not the most esthetically pleasing templates in the world.. I agree they are not.. Again so what??

    Simply put (for whatever reason) not a lot of folks have dedicated time developing pretty templates for Zen Cart and then contributing them for FREE.. (there are a few exceptions however to this most notably Picaflor Azul has created and contributed a number of gorgeous free templates) Apparently this hasn't stopped folks at all.. There are a TON of outstandingly designed Zen Cart sites which is to say that not having a bunch of free pretty templates hasn't stopped folks at all..

    BTW, the cries for more pretty templates has not changed the developers path.. They still aren't focusing on making more pretty templates available..
    Last edited by DivaVocals; 6 Sep 2011 at 06:50 PM.
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
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  6. #2196
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    @DivaVocals--I never mentioned I was looking for FREE anything actually. I have plenty of budget to work with. You will not attract users by pushing them away with rude replies like yours. Zen Cart should listen to what we see happening with other ecomm systems, maybe the light bulb will shine over some heads. I figured on trying to give ZC a chance but not if this is the result. People are saying ZC is all but dead and I put posts in other cart forums that it actually is not. Maybe I am wrong to stick up for ZC?

  7. #2197
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    Quote Originally Posted by jmacdoug View Post
    @DivaVocals--I never mentioned I was looking for FREE anything actually. I have plenty of budget to work with.

    Quote Originally Posted by jmacdoug View Post
    You will not attract users by pushing them away with rude replies like yours.
    Always interesting when folks consider posting an opinion as rude.. You are entitled to your opinion though..

    For the record, despite the prevailing thought to the contrary, there are quite a few folks who don't participate on this forum as a medium to find clients, but you are entitled to assume otherwise.. Thanks for the tips anyway..

    Quote Originally Posted by jmacdoug View Post
    Zen Cart should listen to what we see happening with other ecomm systems, maybe the light bulb will shine over some heads. I figured on trying to give ZC a chance but not if this is the result. People are saying ZC is all but dead and I put posts in other cart forums that it actually is not. Maybe I am wrong to stick up for ZC?

    Great.. and perhaps posting your thoughts in a more appropriate place would be a start.. If you think ZC is dead, then you SHOULD use a different e-commerce.. (It's far from dead, but you and the forums you've found these declarations on are certainly entitled to your opinions..) But it seems (based on your own words) as if your decision is solely based on the number of pretty templates available for Zen Cart. I happen to be of the opinion that the lack of pretty templates (free or otherwise) is not the best reason to NOT choose an e-commerce solution.. There's nothing in the codebase which prevents a shopowner from achieving the look and feel they desire..


    Now getting back ON TOPIC, I believe the issue you inquired about with regards to this add-on was regarding support for EZ Pages.. Were you unable to get that to work satisfactorily???
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  8. #2198
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    when i implement this mod only top menu shows everything is gone no product no left, center bar etc. i also tried to copy code manually but no luck. i am using template_default.

  9. #2199
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    I have a dilemma that I do not know how to solve. I am building a construction site for a customer using your CSS flyout menu. I have renamed categories to Residential per the site owners request. It of course has drop down menus, but he wants me to add two more tabs to the menu and he wants each of them to have their own drop down menus as well, but I really don't know how to go about this. Is it possible to do this and if so how hard is it to do it?

  10. #2200
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    Default Re: CSS Dropdown menu for the header- With Categories!

    It should definitely be possible, and probably not difficult if you have any experience with PHP. I haven't worked with this mod myself, but I believe it has "submenus" coded in that you could duplicate and modify as needed. What sorts of additional menu items/groups are you looking for?



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