Quote Originally Posted by mailbeez View Post
hi gruntre,

please check out the FAQ on:

there are several items about blank popups / 404.
From browsing your site I see you are using some kind of SEO / URL rewrite system. You need to make sure that <store>/mailhive.php is directly accessible. The pop-ups causing the issue are loading that url from the store-front.


Thanks for the reply.

The site that you browsed (waycool.com.au) is not the site in question. That is another completely seperate site which is an old zen 1.3.7 site.

Here is the site www.totalcontrol.com.au that I want to use mailbees with. I have a test version of this site on test.totalcontrol.com.au which is where I have installed mailbees.

I have read all of the FAQ and tried those suggestions to no avail.