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  1. #1
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    Default How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of store?

    This is something I've wondered every time I've built a shopping cart, but I'm just now getting around to asking. LOL My client would like the logo on his shopping cart to link directly back to his site index page, not to loop back to the shopping cart index page. Where can I find the code to modify that? I looked through the EZ-Blue files, but couldn't find a header.php file anywhere. And the header.php files that I did find didn't have any lines dealing with images/logo.gif.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    HTML Code:
        <div id="logo"><?php echo '<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . '">' . zen_image($template->get_template_dir(HEADER_LOGO_IMAGE, DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'images'). '/' . HEADER_LOGO_IMAGE, HEADER_ALT_TEXT) . '</a>'; ?></div>
    To tell Zen Cart to point to something other than your store, replace the highlighted code with the actual URL you want it to point to. When you make your edit, it will look like any other <a href=""> link you'd put in any standard html file.

    Of course, you won't have the need to do any of this if Zen Cart *is* your site, instead of just being bolted on as an addition to your site.

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    That's exactly what I needed, thanks! I was looking in the wrong section for the file, I thought it would be in with the specific template files.

    They're a small family-owned company...and while ZenCart makes an excellent vehicle for selling products, it just doesn't add that small-town personal touch that a regular website can. That's why they asked me to do the shopping cart as an add-on. Actually nearly all my clients have requested the same thing...but then again, I live in a small-town area, so maybe that's why.

    Thanks again, you're the best!!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    Zen Cart doesn't have to have an "impersonal" look and feel... you can make the entire site in ZC and give it whatever layout and style you want. Both sites in my sig are pure Zen Cart (except for the blog link in the festival site). You could even make it look like a 1999 HTML page if you really wanted to:)
    You can use as many ez-pages and define pages as you like to add neighborly front-end content to ZC without compromising the business functions.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    I guess I need to learn more about ZenCart to be able to do that. :-) Thanks for letting me know the option was available!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    Okay, I tried to use this same trick for another site I'm working on, This time it didn't work. I changed the includes\templates\sophyblue\common\tpl_header.php and the includes\templates\template_default\common\tpl_header.php, and uploaded them both. The Home link at the top still says when it should say (So does the bottom, but I haven't even started to address that problem yet.) Is there another tpl_header.php file that I should be looking for instead?

    Also, following several people's advice, I've tried to use the Firefox Developer Tools. I right-clicked on the Home link, and selected Inspect Element. I figured out how to make the change, by double-clicking on the link down in the box. But there doesn't appear to be any way to save what I've done. I close out the Developer by clicking the X in the upper right corner, which seems to be the only way to do it...and when I reload the page, the url is back to the original again. Obviously I'm missing some crucial step here...could someone please help me with this?

    Oh, and can I use this to center the logo inside the header jpg? Thanks!!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    Browser tools have no way to actually change the files on your server - if they did, anybody could hack up your site. You have to download and edit the PHP and CSS files from your server, then upload them again using FTP. You can use the developer tools to identify the changes to make, and possibly to save a copy so you have a reference to work from (I haven't done that myself).

  8. #8
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    That makes a whole lot of sense...and if I'd been thinking clearly, I would have realized that. See what happens when I don't get enough coffee??

    Any ideas on the two issues I mentioned above? Thanks!!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    Any /template_default/ file should not be altered from stock; if it is necessary to edit its code, the edited version should always be uploaded to the active custom template folder equivalent.
    If there is already a custom template version of a file, that will always be used by Zen Cart instead of the /template_default/ version, and any edits to the /template_default/ version will be ignored. You must make your edits to the custom template version instead. I can't tell you why your edits failed, except that they may not have uploaded to the correct place.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: How do I link the logo.gif back to the site's actual index.htm page instead of st

    One thing I don't think anyone mentioned is that if someone is shopping, has items in the cart and clicks the link taking him/her OUT of the Zen Cart portion of the site, the Zen Cart session ID and cart are likely to be lost and the user will have to start shopping all over again.
    Mary Ellen
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