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  1. #41
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceMonkey View Post
    Anyone know another link, one here is 404 and search brings nothing up.

    This fix sounds perfect for me. This issue is causing me a serious problem affecting approximately 60% of my orders. My store is serving a takeaway site with major impact when addresses for delivery are changed by PayPal.
    Please note that you don't have to change any code -- only built-in PayPal Express Checkout payment-module settings, specifically:
    Express Checkout Shortcut Button
    Express Checkout: Require Confirmed Address
    With those settings, the customer logs into your store (no shortcut button), chooses their billing and shipping addresses, selects Pay with PayPal and at confirmation they're taken to PayPal to make their payment. Since you're not requiring a confirmed address, PayPal leaves the shipping address alone (with a message that the customer will need to return to your store to change it).

  2. #42
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    Unfortunately this is not the way it works right now especially if the customer has multiple adresses in Zen Cart or has different shipping and billing adresses.
    All stores suffering from this issue do have the setting Requird Confirmend Address set to No.
    If this setting would avoid the issue neither this thread nor code modifications would exist.

  3. #43
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by webchills View Post
    The link to the repository did change, here is a working one:
    I have added an English readme and updated the modification to Zen Cart 1.5.4
    Thank you "WEBCHILLS"!! I will run through this after tonight's session. I have my fingers crossed. Thanks again.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by webchills View Post
    The link to the repository did change, here is a working one:
    I have added an English readme and updated the modification to Zen Cart 1.5.4

    All works fine for me. Next few days will tell. Thanks for such a prompt response WEBCHILLS.

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue


    Was this ever resolved - I have had the same problem with one of my e-commerce sites (version 5.1)
    I have edited the following files in the includes/languages/english folder to try and get the customer to check/confirm the delivery address as follows:

    define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS', 'Special Instructions - To avoid shipping errors, please re-confirm your delivery address if different from your billing address ');

    and for the automated email order acknowledgement

    define('EMAIL_DETAILS_FOLLOW','The following are the details of your order - please check to make sure your delivery address is correct.');

  6. #46
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by webchills View Post
    The link to the repository did change, here is a working one:
    I have added an English readme and updated the modification to Zen Cart 1.5.4
    Thank you webchills, after years of trying to figure out a workaround, this has finally fixed the issue. Have just tested it myself and it works. Thanks again

  7. #47
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by jetx View Post
    If you had a site which suffered a minimum 2 of these a week you'd likely think otherwise. This is a very real problem, contrary to your arguments in this thread. It costs me plenty in terms of lost freight for returns. It is not practical to continue with this. Oh yes I suppose could just advise customers that the error was clearly their own. Maybe I could just point them to this thread so you could enlighten them.

    It is very simple, a customer creates an account or uses COWOA, they take the time to input their preferred shipping address, click on paypal to pay for the goods, get whisked away to paypal and click the pay button without even thinking about the address in paypal because they already put the shipping address in the shopping cart. I mean do you get this?

    With regards to your comment: " You'll find that the best carts function in the same manner as ZenCart" That is utter nonsense. Why don't take the time and have a look for yourself instead of drafting novels. Go to some decent, high volume sites. Try it on one of your local sites such as theiconic. You'll see they use paypal express and you'll also see that if you play customer and you take the time to put your items into the cart, input your shipping address and you hit paypal that when you confirm the order the address you put as the shipping address in the shopping cart is picked up by paypal. Checkout some others and you might see what everyone else besides you and Dr Byte are talking about.

    Anyway, I am quite certain this all falls on deaf ears with you. Dr Byte, if you read this I would appreciate your comments. In the meantime I have removed paypal as a payment option.
    It wasn't clear if this was a US store or another country.

    Quote Originally Posted by webchills View Post
    Many European Zen Cart stores are setting up their PayPal Express module like this:

    Payment Zone

    Express Checkout Shortcut Button

    Express Checkout: Require Confirmed Address

    Express Checkout: Select Cheapest Shipping Automatically

    Express Checkout: Skip Payment Page

    Express Checkout: Automatic Account Creation

    Payment Action
    Final Sale

    Transaction Currency
    Only EUR

    Allow eCheck?
    Instant Only

    So there is no PayPal Express Checkout button or automatic account creation.
    The customer has to register normally in the store and indicate a payment and shipping address during the checkout.
    Lots of customers have old adresses in their PayPal accounts and do not check their shipping address in PayPal.
    In the current module the PayPal address is taken as shipping address for the Zen Cart order, the PayPal address overwrites the shipping address that the customer has selected before in the store.
    So the shopowner gets lots of orders with wrong shipping addresses and can never be sure if the customer wants the shipping really to the address in the order confirmation email or shop administration.

    To solve this issue here are some modifications for the PayPal Express module in Zen Cart 1.5.3 (based on the current 1.6 code):

    This is of course only suitable for stores which are configured as described above!

    With these modifications PayPal does not care about shipping addresses and the customer is not able to change the shipping address at PayPal or able to select from his PayPal address book.
    No shipping options are presented and the shipping address for the order will always be the one the customer selected before during the Zen Cart checkout.
    Additionaly with this modification the customer gets the PayPal website in the language he has choosen before in the store and not in the language of the shop country.
    This is kind of a quick and dirty solution as I just commented out or deleted some code. Would be great to address this issue in upcoming versions as the way it is now is a real pain for many shopowners.
    I've re-read through this discussion and looked at the repo posted by webchills. I'm grateful that webchills posted the code for others to access and use. There are some changes in it that might negatively impact North American stores, but I'm trying to find a way to incorporate the relevant fixes so everyone can benefit from one common solution.

    I'm revisiting this issue because in a bunch of testing I've been doing this week while upgrading the API for the current PayPal Express Checkout code I discovered that all my tests did indeed reveal that the store's customer address was correctly passed to PayPal and in the PayPal screen it says "you must go back to the store if you want to change the address on this order". So, since lat9 mentioned this same thing in an earlier reply to this discussion it got me thinking that maybe this "problem" is specific to UK (or perhaps broader european) merchants. My tests this week have been with US and Canadian stores using US and Canadian addresses.

    I'd be grateful if those of you who've had this problem could provide some more information:
    1. Is your PayPal EC module set to use "PayPal" API mode or "Payflow-UK" mode? (Normally it would be "PayPal", even for UK merchants, unless you're using certain Payflow features in conjunction with Payments Pro) (I'm not suggesting you change the mode, just asking which mode you're using.)
    2. In Admin->Configuration->My Store, what Country and Zone are you configured to use?
    3. Do you have zones for every province/state/region your customers might use? (ie: equivalent to US states or Australian provinces)? Or do you always have the customer enter their zone freehand?
    4. For your PayPal account, what country is your store's PayPal account domiciled in? What's its default currency set to?
    5. You indicated you did some testing and had troubles with old addresses in your "customer" PayPal account. What country is *that* PayPal account domiciled to?

    Summary of questions:
    1. PayPal mode vs Payflow-UK mode
    2. Store's country+zone
    3. Customer addresses: must choose from defined zones? or do they always manually "type in" their province/zone/county name?
    4. Store's PayPal account's "country" and default currency
    5. Customer's PayPal account's "country"

    This information (and anything else you can add) will help me try to recreate the symptoms. If I can consistently recreate the problem, then a solution can be confirmed. Otherwise it's mostly guesswork and that hinders progress significantly. So, the more info you can provide to help me recreate your same symptoms (ie: list of addons installed, configuration settings that make your store different from a typical US store, etc) the better.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
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    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  8. #48
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    I am having a weird issue related to the Paypal Express Checkout module, and I think it is related to the discussions I have seen in this thread.
    I only allow orders to the 48 contiguous states in the U.S.
    For my shipping module, I have a Zones Table Rate module installed, where I have 2 zones, an Eastern States zone and a Western States zone. For each zone, I have a list of states in that zone, and I have a table for the shipping costs.
    Alaska does not appear in either zone, and I have deleted it from the list of zones.
    But recently, I have gotten 2 different paypal orders, where the orders are to be shipped to an address in Alaska. And, presumably because Alaska is not one of the states in either zone, the shipping cost is 0.
    I thought I had set up my store so that the shipping address could only be set to the states that I have defined in my store.

    I currently have these 2 settings in my Paypal Express module:
    Express Checkout Shortcut Button: On
    Express Checkout: Require Confirmed Address: No

    It sounds like what lat9 is saying is that I might be able to fix this problem by changing
    Express Checkout shortcut Button to Off.
    Any thoughts on this?

    Also, I just wanted to make people aware that not only is paypal overriding the shipping address that the customer sets in your zencart store, but paypal might set the shipping address to a location that you don't allow in your zencart store.

  9. #49
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
    Summary of questions:
    1. PayPal mode vs Payflow-UK mode
    2. Store's country+zone
    3. Customer addresses: must choose from defined zones? or do they always manually "type in" their province/zone/county name?
    4. Store's PayPal account's "country" and default currency
    5. Customer's PayPal account's "country"

    Hi Sensei,

    I missed your data request on this one. Opps. Anyway hope this helps.

    My Answers:

    1. PayPal (API)
    2. UK (GBP ONLY)
    3. I do not use Zones. Zones has been removed (commented out) from my template.
    4. UK & GBP Only
    5. UK Always

    During testing I note. PayPal do not ask or hint address will be changed anywhere, no matter what Zen Cart is set to (confirmed address etc) they just simply change the address for delivery.

    Also point to note: In the UK unless you use a confirmed PayPal delivery address you are not eligible to Payment Protection. Zen returns "Protection Eligibility: Ineligible" on every payment since the fix here.

    I hope this helps.



  10. #50
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    Default Re: Paypal Express Checkout - Shipping Address Issue

    Quote Originally Posted by earth-friendly View Post
    Also, I just wanted to make people aware that not only is paypal overriding the shipping address that the customer sets in your zencart store, but paypal might set the shipping address to a location that you don't allow in your zencart store.
    Hi earth-friendly,

    Sorry can't help with most of this as don't use zones. Does sound like a similar issue and this fix resolved it for me.

    We only deliver 6 miles from our store and we started to get orders to deliver to Scotland (600 miles away). Our store is set to reject a delivery more than 6 miles away. Contact your customer to confirm delivery address. During "checkout" my customers were unaware of the changed address.

    They gave correct delivery address and supplied invoice address correctly. From there the problem unfolded to lots of different addresses being used by PayPal with what appeared to be no constant.



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