Thread: MobiZenCart

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  1. #31
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    Default Re: MobiZenCart

    Hello ultimate_zc,

    I just want to start off by telling you how grateful I am to have as of yesterday having the honors to install this addon. You just don't know how much needed this addon is. Then again, maybe you do know. Either way I give 1,000 thumbs up for having a addon that really did as it was said it would do. You just don't know that I was working on trying to make my cart mobile, yet, still have all the functions as if they on a desktop.

    I really do appreciate you and for what you've shared. Because this addon is so unique and a much needed addon I needed badly, I'll find it impossible to forget you. You are the first person since I've been using zc to have an addon that WILL transform your store into a mobile version in a matter of minutes. Now I can advertise better and should get an increase in sales... I hope.

    The only issue I'm having with this addon is that it shows the default theme and not my theme. I may have not have merged a few of my files all the way. In the instructions it gives line no#'s that are way off of mine, which make me think about some of the addons I already have installed on the zc.

    I logged in my admin area and I was able to load it through the Configuration tab. But for some reason I cannot get my template to load.

    I'm still using v1.3.9h. I'm going to upgrade soon.

    I also have a shipping module in my zc store, but on the mobile version, it won't calculate at all. It seem to be stuck at that point of clicking to get a shipping quote. The addon was custom made for me though, so that might have something to do with it.

    The mobile version adds and allows for all the options to be added easily. This addon is awesome to me. A much cried for addon.

    Also, on the default template that loads, the left icon at the top left will activate a slide out menu from the left, but when I click on one of my categories to go to that category, instead, it lists my items under the category name instead of taking me to the category and let all the images for that category show up. when I load the front page, it'll load and list my items and rotate the listings as I refresh the page, but it won't do it for any of the actual categories.


  2. #32
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    Thanks for your comments. I really appreciate that.

    Now, about the issues you are experiencing:

    1. The plugin was designed for 1.5.4. I wouldn't suggest you enable the theme with ZenCart 1.3.9h unless you test throughly and maybe, I say again, maybe if you don't have many plugins installed it may work. I would strongly suggest you update to 1.5.4 before you enable the plugin. There is an enormous amount of differences in the code between 1.3.9h and 1.5.4 which could potentially create problems.
    2. The MobiZenCart plugin is a template and as such, you should carefully add any files that you add to other templates. For example, lets just say that you have added a reviews on product page plugin to your desktop theme. For it to work you should copy and paste a copy of templates/tpl_product_info.php, added to your current theme and make the modification. If you already had a modified version in that folder, you add the additional code to it. The same applies to MobiZenCart. Any plugin that you have added to your website, you will have to add to the MobiZenCart folders when needed.
    3. It would be a lot easier for me to find the problem you speak of if you provide a link to your site. I would ask that you first update to 1.5.4 since more than likely you will not run into any problems.

    Thanks again for your kind comments, good luck with your store and Happy Holidays!

  3. #33
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    Default Re: MobiZenCart

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyV View Post
    This is completely awesome! Very fast very nice!

    Can you direct me where to look to find the various themes to reduce all the open space increase image sizes and increase fonts sizes? There doesn't seem to be a logical a,b,c defines like you have in the GUI.

    Well I should mention it doesn't look remotely like sizings on your screen captures on my various devices. Layout same but everything is tiny.


    Your best bet would be to install a developer plugin and see exactly what you are looking for. All major browsers have a plugin either preinstalled or in the respective extension/plugin page. For example, I'm using Safari and I can click on Develop > User Agent > iPhone to load the mobile theme. I can then right click on an element and click on Inspect Element. A second browser window opens up and I can see the HTML that creates that element and the CSS that styles that element with the line number where it is located.

    Make sure to disable CSS/JS loader before you try to find a particular line in a CSS stylesheet.

    Images are sized through your admin but you can also modify the CSS to make them bigger.

    If the design in your device looks tiny perhaps you may need to clear the cache for that particular mobile browser that you are using.

    Below is an image I just saved from the xCode simulator.

    Name:  Simulator Screen Shot Dec 13, 2015, 8.50.44 PM.jpg
Views: 328
Size:  28.7 KB

  4. #34
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    Thanks for your answer!

    Actually this problem seems isolated to Dolphin on which this doesn't look very good at all.

    Not sure why.

    I will look into it as I tune this amazing template. It's really light years ahead of the others in my view.


  5. #35
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    Default Re: MobiZenCart

    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyV View Post
    I will look into it as I tune this amazing template. It's really light years ahead of the others in my view.
    I'm very flattered, thank you.

  6. #36
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    I'm making a template for myself, trying to use some jquery ui for the mobile stuff, and having some difficulty with the pop-up's. I want them to be in a dialog box.
    Then I remember to download your template, and I've learn a lot reading the files, amazing job you did there.
    But , my approach it's going to be not fully mobile, and I've notice, that on the shipping estimator, if you update, the popup page it's still call, and there's no way out of there. The close links wont work, because there's nothing to close.

    I haven't figure out how to do it in my own template, except just calling in a iframe, but, I don't want that.
    Well, just saying, because, possibly you miss that.

    Best Regards
    “Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.” ― Bill Mollison

  7. #37
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    I am using this plugin "Easy Google Analytics" I have copied some files from that into the "MobiZenCart" template folder and everything is working fine for any mobile devices. But I have one issue, when a customer touches a screen and it changes pages on the Google Analytics doesn't show what pages they went to on there device. I hope you know what I am getting at.


  8. #38
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    That plugin is not going to work with this theme. jQuery Mobile loads pages via Ajax and all the scripts are placed inside the head tags. There are ways around it. I was working on a (paid) plugin to add google analytics to jQuery Mobile before I had to work on other projects.

    Search online for an Ajax version of Google Analytics or better yet, search for any tutorial/plugin built for jQuery Mobile. I'm sure somebody must have built something useful.

    Here I searched for Google Analytics jQuery Mobile on Google and found this article: One way to do Google Analytics with jQuery Mobile. I haven't tested the code but it should lead you in a good direction.
    Last edited by ultimate_zc; 6 Feb 2016 at 02:16 AM. Reason: added link

  9. #39
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    Default Re: MobiZenCart

    Thank you so much for creating this theme still very new to zencart so bare with me :-) I installed and it is working great but I have a couple questions first would be once I updated my main page in define pages it edit it in moizencart showing my slider images so had to shrink them down for now but my question is there a way to install a slider for the them like on my desktop theme. The other question I have is when I try to put an order through stripe payments on mobile all I get is the revolving circle never loads. My last question which I don't know if has to do with installing mobizencart or if I did something else (still a noob :-) but my product page add to cart box on the desktop theme is running over to the side boxes. I would be greatful for any help in pointing me in the right direction as said still really new to this and am officially lost lol. :-). Link is Thanks you so much :-) Sandria
    Last edited by Amethyst_fairy; 8 Feb 2016 at 05:20 AM. Reason: grammar

  10. #40
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    Default Re: MobiZenCart


    There is no reason why the mobile theme would interfere with your desktop theme. The mobile theme contains a script to detect mobile devices and only then, the theme is displayed. As long as you upload the files as stated in the instructions, you should not run into any problems.

    I am not familiar with the stripe payments plugin but I'm willing to bet that there are javascript files involved. jQuery Mobile, the framework used for the mobile theme loads the files using Ajax. You should find out how to load that plugin using Ajax and then modify the files accordingly. Until then I would suggest using a different method of payment.

    Perhaps you could try modifying the CSS/JS loader file to include any javascript the stripe payment plugin may include for the checkout pages.

    On your shopping cart page (desktop theme), there may be a div tag missing causing the theme to break. You may want to reload your desktop theme files or at least disable the left and right columns for that page only. Actually you should disable them for all of the checkout pages, create account and login pages as well as to not distract your customers but that is a completely different subject.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by ultimate_zc; 17 Feb 2016 at 06:12 AM. Reason: added last paragraph


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