Has anyone used the facebook tracking code on zencart Facebook call it pixels. I can see how to get the script code into the header and have pasted this in the file common/html_header.php

I am unsure about part 2 to the process which is to past the tracking event code on to the specific pages that you wish to track. eg add to cart or conversions. and example that they give would be to use the code fbq('track', 'AddToCart'); to track any adding to the cart that takes place a s a result of the advert.

I am not sure though i this is all I need enter on the cart page or if I need more script (i.e. the original part of the pixel script that they give you but change the view page part for the add to cart part.

Has anyone implemented this at all and are they able to enlighten to the exact position and code used for tracking specific events?

Thank you.

