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  1. #1
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    Default upgraded 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    Since happily running 1.39 for a long while, with Paypal updates, failing to take payments, finally had to close the shop.
    PHP versions for paypal seemed to be an issue, higher required for Wordpress, 1.39 wanted lower version.

    Host assisted in the earlier parts, now down to me and looking to the ZenCart forum.

    First I created a duplicate of my database, lets call that data2, into data3, also a 3a & 3b in case anything got corrputed.
    Changed database language to ut8_general_ci from latin1

    Downloaded a zip of the new store, uploaded to site, and followed the install.php
    It failed looking for the database #3, permissions and such like, but eventually round the block a few times it found #3
    Some times it offered upgrade, other times only clean install but refered to upgrade in the text.
    My host said the files had been modified, yet winmerge showed each download were identical.
    The install upgraded the database from 1.39 all the way to 1.56 so it said, I took away the install.php folder and renamed admin.

    Copied across my image files from the 1.39 /shop/ folders to the 1.56 /store/ folders, about half now show on the storefront.
    There were no active files only jpg & gif.
    States Down for maintenance, so looking at admin there are many issues here, so cannot go forward.

    For some reason the 1.56 was still looking for the 1.39 custom folder so in myphpadmin edited;
    phpmyadmin zen_languages edited custom/english to just english
    UPDATE zen_languages SET directory = 'english' WHERE zen_languages.languages_id = 1;
    That stopped it looking for my old /custom/english directory from 1.39.

    Please select the HTML/Rich-Text editor you wish to use for composing Admin-related emails, newsletters, and product descriptions
    No option to select HTML only plain text in the editor.

    Despite removing in both coupon admin and the actual database I still get;
    WARNING! Welcome Email Discount Coupon expires in -17903 days
    Trying to amend the name of the store, I get at
    WARNING: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.
    This is the same trying to change any options including the Down for Maintenance to false.

    My 1.39 /shop/ is still in its original folder, while the new 1.56 is in /store/ so no direct conflicts.
    The 1.39 would still be connected to the #2 untouched database while 1.56 connected to #3, a copy of the #2 database.
    Neither store is currently active. There are NO modifications, nothing added, just as it came in the zip file.

    Apart from going back to the start again, what am I missing in the process of the upgrade.
    Certainly didnt think this was going to be easy between these versions however happy to make customisations on the skin once it gets to work and in the main having my products and customers database within the 1.56 to work with.

    I can write in HTML, but I do not edit PHP, so easy to make a mistake.

    Example of the most recent log file (with ADMIN instead of my real adminname, thinking of google searches, and URL not a hyperlink in my signature)
    [07-Jan-2019 08:11:45 UTC] Request URI: /store/ADMIN/login.php?camefrom=configuration.php&gID=20&cID=443&action=edit, IP address: #1  mktime() called at [/home/nostalg/public_html/store/ADMIN/includes/functions/general.php:3294] #2  zen_date_diff() called at [/home/nostalg/public_html/store/ADMIN/includes/init_includes/init_errors.php:163] #3  require(/home/nostalg/public_html/store/ADMIN/includes/init_includes/init_errors.php) called at [/home/nostalg/public_html/store/includes/autoload_func.php:48] #4  require(/home/nostalg/public_html/store/includes/autoload_func.php) called at [/home/nostalg/public_html/store/ADMIN/includes/application_top.php:171] #5  require(/home/nostalg/public_html/store/ADMIN/includes/application_top.php) called at [/home/nostalg/public_html/store/ADMIN/login.php:9] [07-Jan-2019 08:11:45 UTC] PHP Warning:  mktime() expects parameter 6 to be integer, string given in /home/nostalg/public_html/store/ADMIN/includes/functions/general.php on line 3294
    Original store was 1.39:- (redirecting out)
    Working on a fresh new store... 1.56a
    Appreciate Zen-Cart? - Always keep a banner link on your shop

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    This also looked interesting in the earlier log

    [07-Jan-2019 07:45:42 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  1054:Unknown column 'val_function' in 'field list' :: SELECT val_function FROM zen_configuration WHERE configuration_id = '443' ==> (as called by) /home/nostalg/public_html/store/ADMIN/configuration.php on line 26 <== in /home/nostalg/public_html/store/includes/classes/db/mysql/query_factory.php on line 171

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    The v156a release (posted a couple days ago) contains some fixes that better handle the bad data in your database which caused the upgrade to fail silently for you.

    If you're able to re-upgrade your database after updating your site with the v156a version of the files and the v156a zc_install, that'll resolve the symptoms you're reporting.

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    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    Had this mostly written but then got interrupted. Partially duplicates DrByte's response, but... :)

    You're doing a wonderful job of trying to get through this.

    A couple of things to help your sanity/confidence and to clear the air a little.

    The suggested method of going through such an upgrade (upgrade by rebuild which is somewhat what you're doing) is provided here:

    Part of that process has you install the software using a known set of functional data. This at least shows proof of operation in the environment being used. It also eliminates issues that may already exist in the database.

    Now, I believe part of the reason that issues are occurring is because portions of the upgrade sql were not able to complete because of issues that have been identified with fields having dates or date/times. Essentially they should either have a value like 0001-01-01 or be null, but not 0000-00-00. Back in the 1.3.9 days, that wasn't so much a concern/known issue.

    So, once you are satisfied with a base new install or just want to try to tackle the upgrade again, would suggest at least two things: one is that to obtain the latest version of 1.5.6 (as of a couple of days ago that was 1.5.6a) and the other is to perform the sql update at the following post against your old database. That can be done from within your existing 1.3.9 store (easily if store doesn't use a DB_PREFIX as found in includes/configure.php and admin/includes/configure.php) or it could be done in phpmyadmin again taking in consideration of the DB_PREFIX.

    The above sql is expected to be incorporated into the 1.5.6b upgrade process. It is intended to target all of the date/datetime fields that are part of a standard ZC install. Since you've said you've not used any other plugins, there should not be any other fields that may have a date/datetime that would cause an issue.

    Now, all that said, regarding the html editor, a few versions back such an additional tool was removed from the core files, but... there is one or more available for installation and the process has become much simpler than long ago... used to be that files had to be edited for this or that to support using the editing tool. Now it is pretty much drop in and go... the recommended editor has been ckeditor and is available for download as a plugin.

    Regarding the logged error about receiving a string instead of an integer, that's an interesting one. Curious what string was provided other than the expected year for that field. But could also see that there may be a problem of the value not first being cast to an integer which could possibly be the cause of that error. Ie. The server may be setup with some intense restrictions. There's no discussion of what php version is being used for the software accessing db3, so not sure if php 7.3 has caused that issue or if there is/was a problem with the date being fed to the function. What date sequence is used on your current store and what is desired/expected of the new store? You mentioned that you had a custom english language. Typically the date/time setup is included in the language file. So asking if use something like DDMMYYYY or MMDDYYYY where day is first in the first example and second in the second example or any other sequence involved?
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
    The v156a release (posted a couple days ago) contains some fixes that better handle the bad data in your database which caused the upgrade to fail silently for you.
    If you're able to re-upgrade your database after updating your site with the v156a version of the files and the v156a zc_install, that'll resolve the symptoms you're reporting.
    Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
    Had this mostly written but then got interrupted. Partially duplicates DrByte's response, but... :)
    You're doing a wonderful job of trying to get through this.
    Very many thanks to Dr Byte (good to hear from you again after all this time), and mc12345678 for your positive answers, which does indeed help me keep my sanity, spending my quiet time since the 27th December on this task.

    My host, depending who was typing replies were helpful through the early PHP errors until it was apparent it was only down to the Zencart itself, then I was on my own. FVS now NetNerd are excellent, far better than the previous host I started with in 1999.

    I cannot get into the original store now because it does not seem to work with the later PHP, needed for Wordpress (used as my front end), and upgraded to enable the 1.56 version too. Thing was I could of and had kept on waiting for a 'stable' release, and so I thought its now or never as my old shop couldnt make any sales anymore, relying on other methods.

    On the files from the zip install the file dates seemed to be really weried, way past now and many in the future, wether that is important I have no idea. Pity I went for 1.56 when 1.56a seems to have corrected a few things, so the daunting thought, I have to load everything again? or just a few files? I will study soon.

    The HTML Editor used to be just there, as drop box and swap. You mean this has to be loaded separatly now?

    I will check & come back with the date format, while the PHP is set at the highest the host currently has on offer at 7.1
    Why I cannot edit anything is annoying, with a PHP error line as mentioned, otherwise a blank page.

    Maybe I ought to use PHPMyAdmin again and try to locate the dates using all zeros, and if so should I go edit them within?
    Should there be anymore places to check for the /custom/english reference I located was an error from in 1.39 but not in 1.56.
    Making changes in the database #3 can be rectified when I have duplicated versions of and still leaving the original #2 intact/untouched.

    I will study the links and report back because it certainly helps others.
    Last edited by Dinnages; 7 Jan 2019 at 11:49 PM. Reason: spelling
    Original store was 1.39:- (redirecting out)
    Working on a fresh new store... 1.56a
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinnages View Post
    On the files from the zip install the file dates seemed to be really weried, way past now and many in the future, wether that is important I have no idea.
    Here is that screen shot of one on the unzipped file downloads of 1.56, with dates way into the future.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	filedates.jpg 
Views:	61 
Size:	37.9 KB 
ID:	18244
    Original store was 1.39:- (redirecting out)
    Working on a fresh new store... 1.56a
    Appreciate Zen-Cart? - Always keep a banner link on your shop

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    As I wait for the new upload to complete,

    Making writable /cache /logs and configure.php files, is this to 777 or 755 as they are?

    I assume only the configure.pho go back to 644 afterwards.

    On the thread
    I have mentioned about my lack of skill set working with SQL databases and fear of mucking them up.

    For later readers of how I uprreaded again from 1.39 to 1.56 then 1.56a

    Downloaded a zip of the new 156a, 62 files were different in 156a to 156, and my admin folder, plus configure.php files.
    Uploaded to site on top of the previous 156 files, overwriting anything different, kept my two configure.php files and made the files writable 777 along with the `/cache` and `/logs` folders already 755.

    Certainly not quite a novice but I have my limitations, guidenance on the forum is really good to keep sane and confidence moving forward.
    Best point, when you hit a problem, save where you are, go away and do something else, getting tired you possibly make bigger mistakes.
    So thanks to the skilled unpaid folk out there on the forums.
    Original store was 1.39:- (redirecting out)
    Working on a fresh new store... 1.56a
    Appreciate Zen-Cart? - Always keep a banner link on your shop

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    Taking a peek at store home, before I deal with database dates, disapointed to get similar issues as before.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	install.jpg 
Views:	80 
Size:	52.6 KB 
ID:	18246
    Original store was 1.39:- (redirecting out)
    Working on a fresh new store... 1.56a
    Appreciate Zen-Cart? - Always keep a banner link on your shop

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    [QUOTE=Dinnages;1353170]Taking a peek at store home, before I deal with database dates, disapointed to get similar issues as before.
    Did you remember to rename your "renamed admin" folder name back to "admin" just before you ran zc_install
    If NOT zc_install cannot find the configure.php file and will NOT give you an upgrade option

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Took the plunge upgrade 1.39 to 1.56, admin missing options

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinnages View Post
    Taking a peek at store home, before I deal with database dates, disapointed to get similar issues as before.
    Did you remember to rename your "renamed admin" folder name back to "admin" just before you ran zc_install
    If NOT zc_install cannot find the configure.php file and will NOT give you an upgrade option
    It is not necessary to rename the admin, The installer is smart enough to find the renamed admin folder.
    It looks lik the configure files for some reason do not contain the correct database info. double check your file permissions on the configure.php files before saving/uploading.


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