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  1. #41
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmie View Post
    error when running sql command
    1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Tahoma,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]UPDATE configuration set co' at line 1
    [[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Tahoma,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]UPDATE configuration set configuration_group_id = 6 where configuration_key in ('PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_TYPE_SELECT', 'UPLOAD_PREFIX', 'TEXT_PREFIX');]
    If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
    Looks like the "paste" I made included format codes that were attempted to be processed. BTW, looks like the error logs are working? Or was that executed in phpmyadmin or similar?

    Thought was to execute that in tools->Install SQL Patches so that any DB_PREFIX that might exist would be included.
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  2. #42
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    that was posted when i hit send in sql patches

  3. #43
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    ok i went and downloaded from here
    went through every file to check file sizes. there were three files in admin that were different. changed to new file. did full/upgrade
    . what is the difference between dropdowns and SBA Selelect list dropdowns? right now the attributes are showing but they look identical, changing to sba dropdowns changes nothing.

  4. #44
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmie View Post
    ok i went and downloaded from here
    went through every file to check file sizes. there were three files in admin that were different. changed to new file. did full/upgrade
    . what is the difference between dropdowns and SBA Selelect list dropdowns? right now the attributes are showing but they look identical, changing to sba dropdowns changes nothing.
    Sba dropdowns support image swap and supports showing but disabling out-of-stock attributes. By being disabled, data can be shown for example that normally the attribute is available; however, the quantity is not present. If a store does not support overselling then the selection is disabled which is intended to prevent attempting to select the attribute for purchase. Further the sba select also supports hiding attribute options that are not to be displayed if they are either not offered or are out-of-stock whereas the default dropdown shows all attribute options that are assigned to the product regardless of stock quantity.
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  5. #45
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    is this normal dropdowns or SBA select?
    i have it set to SBA Select
    but dont see out of stock message text

  6. #46
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    would i have still create a default please select? i thought dynamic dropdowns adds this text

  7. #47
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmie View Post
    is this normal dropdowns or SBA select?
    i have it set to SBA Select
    but dont see out of stock message text
    This is the sba select (dropdown). Easy way to tell is to view the source code. There is additional information sent to the browser that is not a part of the standard dropdown when it is enabled. Thing is that it appears the image swap feature is not enabled, so hopefully that wasn't expected to occur. As far as out-of-stock, there is the text in the attribute name, but it appears that the store is setup to allow overselling so the option remains enabled.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmie View Post
    would i have still create a default please select? i thought dynamic dropdowns adds this text
    Yes, a default selection should still be created so that a customer is forced to pick an option not just to "get" whatever is first in the list. From a store's perspective, can you imagine either the number of returns or order cancelations because the customer just selected the product without really choosing an option? As far as goes otherwise, dynamic dropdowns is not used for product that have single attributes. Potteryhouse, the previous individual that had worked very hard to revive this plugin and make it functional at least for single attribute stock had put in a lot of thought and effort into this feature. While I kept it in somewhat honor to his excellent work, I also don't see dynamic dropdowns as it currently is provided as the end solution. So, I split the difference. Make something that works for multiple attributes while still using something that works for single attributes. When multiple attributes and dynamic dropdowns are used, the software does basically ignore the default, display only, sort order of 0 attribute, but if that software goes away in place of something better or to restore back to not using it, this way the store remains functional in absence of the extra plugin/feature. Very important for a store which wishes to be and remain successful.
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  8. #48
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    ok pictures, i got it to load on product page but when u click to enlarge it shows main image, can you help me merge it correctly in this file
     * Module Template
     * @package templateSystem
     * @copyright Copyright 2003-2005 Zen Cart Development Team
     * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
     * @license GNU Public License V2.0
     * @version $Id: tpl_modules_main_product_image.php 3208 2006-03-19 16:48:57Z birdbrain $
    <?php require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory(FILENAME_MAIN_PRODUCT_IMAGE)); ?> 
    <?php if($prodinfo_image_effects==1){ ?>
    <?php /*==========================================ZOOM EFFECT ==================================*/ ?>
    <div class="back product-main-image-item <?php echo $eftype; ?>">
    	<?php echo zen_image(addslashes($products_image_large), addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT,'class="product-zoom"'); ?>
    	<div class="product-main-image__zoom"></div>
    <?php /*==========================================EOF ZOOM EFFECT==================================*/ ?>	
    <?php }else if($prodinfo_image_effects==2){ ?>
    <div class="back product-main-image__item <?php echo $eftype; ?>">
    <?php echo zen_image(addslashes($products_image_large), addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT,''); ?>
    <?php }else{ ?>
    <?php /*========================================== LIGHTBOX ==================================*/ ?>
    <div class="back product-main-image__item <?php echo $eftype; ?>">
    <?php // bof Zen Lightbox 2008-12-15 aclarke ?>
    if (ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS == 'true') {
        $rel = 'lightbox-g';
      } else {
        $rel = 'lightbox';
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    document.write('<?php echo '<a rel='.$rel.' href="' . zen_lightbox($products_image_large, addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '">' . zen_image($products_image_large, addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT,'id="SBA_ProductImage"') . '</a>'; ?>');
    <?php } else { ?>
    <?php // eof Zen Lightbox 2008-12-15 aclarke ?>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    document.write('<?php echo '<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\\\'' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $_GET['products_id'], 'SSL') . '\\\')">' . zen_image(addslashes($products_image_large), addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a>'; ?>');
    <?php // bof Zen Lightbox 2008-12-15 aclarke ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php // eof Zen Lightbox 2008-12-15 aclarke ?>
      echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $_GET['products_id'], 'SSL') . '" target="_blank">' . zen_image($products_image_large, $products_name, MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a>';
    <?php /*==========================================EOF LIGHTBOX ==================================*/ ?>
    <?php } ?>

  9. #49
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    and what about custom id on product info? isnt it suppose to show?

  10. #50
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    Default Re: attribute pricing

    Quote Originally Posted by jimmie View Post
    ok pictures, i got it to load on product page but when u click to enlarge it shows main image, can you help me merge it correctly in this file
     * Module Template
     * @package templateSystem
     * @copyright Copyright 2003-2005 Zen Cart Development Team
     * @copyright Portions Copyright 2003 osCommerce
     * @license GNU Public License V2.0
     * @version $Id: tpl_modules_main_product_image.php 3208 2006-03-19 16:48:57Z birdbrain $
    <?php require(DIR_WS_MODULES . zen_get_module_directory(FILENAME_MAIN_PRODUCT_IMAGE)); ?> 
    <?php if($prodinfo_image_effects==1){ ?>
    <?php /*==========================================ZOOM EFFECT ==================================*/ ?>
    <div class="back product-main-image-item <?php echo $eftype; ?>">
    	<?php echo zen_image(addslashes($products_image_large), addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT,'class="product-zoom"'); ?>
    	<div class="product-main-image__zoom"></div>
    <?php /*==========================================EOF ZOOM EFFECT==================================*/ ?>	
    <?php }else if($prodinfo_image_effects==2){ ?>
    <div class="back product-main-image__item <?php echo $eftype; ?>">
    <?php echo zen_image(addslashes($products_image_large), addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT,''); ?>
    <?php }else{ ?>
    <?php /*========================================== LIGHTBOX ==================================*/ ?>
    <div class="back product-main-image__item <?php echo $eftype; ?>">
    <?php // bof Zen Lightbox 2008-12-15 aclarke ?>
    if (ZEN_LIGHTBOX_STATUS == 'true') {
        $rel = 'lightbox-g';
      } else {
        $rel = 'lightbox';
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    document.write('<?php echo '<a rel='.$rel.' href="' . zen_lightbox($products_image_large, addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '">' . zen_image($products_image_large, addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT,'id="SBA_ProductImage"') . '</a>'; ?>');
    <?php } else { ?>
    <?php // eof Zen Lightbox 2008-12-15 aclarke ?>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
    document.write('<?php echo '<a href="javascript:popupWindow(\\\'' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $_GET['products_id'], 'SSL') . '\\\')">' . zen_image(addslashes($products_image_large), addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a>'; ?>');
    <?php // bof Zen Lightbox 2008-12-15 aclarke ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php // eof Zen Lightbox 2008-12-15 aclarke ?>
      echo '<a href="' . zen_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $_GET['products_id'], 'SSL') . '" target="_blank">' . zen_image($products_image_large, $products_name, MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT) . '</a>';
    <?php /*==========================================EOF LIGHTBOX ==================================*/ ?>
    <?php } ?>
    Where you see something like this:
    zen_image(addslashes($products_image_large), addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT,'class="product-zoom"'); ?>
    Where zen_image is referenced. The parameter after MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT or whatever height definition should include the 'id="SBA_ProductImage"' with at least a space between that and the next statement. So in the above would make it:
    zen_image(addslashes($products_image_large), addslashes($products_name), MEDIUM_IMAGE_WIDTH, MEDIUM_IMAGE_HEIGHT,'id="SBA_ProductImage" class="product-zoom"'); ?>
    Similar text would need to be added or verified present for each of the instances of zen_image.
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