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  1. #1
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    Default Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in succession

    Hi guys,

    Moving from El Capitan macOS server on 1.5.5a to a fresh install of 1.5.7 on MAMP Pro (6.0) with php 7.4.9 and mySQL 5.7.30 and creating my website again fresh.

    Site is installed internally at home on ATT fiber with
    Currently using the MAMP Pro ports of 8888 and 8890 and mySQL 8889.
    SSL installed under my domain and working properly.
    (Ironically I tested ports 80, 443 and 3309 today and the same issues I write about below still happen)

    Internally on my own network (desktop and mobile), all site links with 56,000+ products and over a million attributes are running normally and properly, but issues happen when I test from outside my network over cell service on my iPhone (both Safari and Chrome) and also from my son's desktop at his home earlier today. BTW, this is NOT a 'responsive' website.

    I click on various categories and decent rate of speed and the site brings them up ok. Then clicking on the details for a few. After about 5-10 clicks, the browser status bars freeze up if I don't wait for the previous click to complete. Sometimes the product description comes up, but most times I get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT on Chrome and 'can't find site' in Safari.

    I have about 8 tables set to InnoDB when they are very large. Attributes has over a million lines and it's still set to MyiSAM, but I did try it on InnoDB today with no change.

    My old (current) website doesn't and never had these timeouts. I can't turn on to the new site until I figure this out. I've even tried a different 1.5.7 design last month and these same problems were happening. I decided to drop that design and stick with my old design, but create a brand new install and move my products over instead of upgrading from 1.5.5a.

    Here are my extra php.ini adjustments added to the default install with MAMP Pro. Anything else needed?
    session.use_cookies = 1
    session.use_only_cookies = 1
    max_input_vars = 5000
    memory_limit = 1024M

    I have adjusted the apache <directive> options, but no change there.
    Currently they're set to Indexes, Includes, AllowOverride all. Changing them didn't fix it either.

    Every change I'm made this afternoon hasn't made a single difference to the timeouts.
    Does anyone have any idea why this is happening. I can provide additional details and a link to the new (test) site if needed.

    thank you so much, (pulling my hair out)
    Jeff Michaels,
    pres of Musical Creations Ltd.

  2. #2
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    North Carolina
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    Default Re: Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in success

    I think I figured out where the delay is happening, but I’m not sure where to start to fix it. Yesterday I decided to duplicate the database and run the Zc install to update that database (in case something was done wrong initially). No updates were needed, so the default template came up with my products in a new website folder within my usual folder. There were now absolutely no delays changing pages or clicking on links on my iPhone over cell service. I was excited. My question now is where should I start when replacing my template pages with originals to track down and fix my speed issue on my usual website? Index page? header? Any advice?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in success

    just so i understand, you have MAMP running a live webserver at your house using a dynamically assigned IP address? which looks to be on (or close to) r*****y place? and you are using non standard ports for said hosting?

    if i understand that correctly, i'm not a fan for any variety of reasons:

    • a brief exploration of MAMP indicates it is for web development; not production hosting.
    • that does not mean you can not use it for web hosting, kind of like off-label prescription drugs.
    • what sort of router do you have have? can it handle the potential commercial loads and the hacking that comes with it?
    • is your MAC server on its own network? or at least on an isolated subnet of your home network?
    • you are selling music? and customers are downloading files? my understanding is that file servers that allow downloading are one of the easier servers to hack.
    • if you are asking about apache directives, i would encourage you to get a slice out on the 'web that provides a better and more isolated infrastructure than your home network. an inexpensive self-managed slice can be had for as little as $5/month.
    • i think this link can help with understanding your timeout issue:

    author of square Webpay.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in success

    Thanks for the thoughts.

    I'm running MAMP Pro 6.
    The old website is on the same network port mapping 80/443 to a 2008 MacPro and has worked perfectly for many years.
    I wanted to shut down the website portion of the server (only leaving it as a local file server instead) and upgrade to another in-house computer for the new website, but needed apache etc, so MAMP Pro was the best option. Right now, it's on ports 8888/8890, but on Friday I changed the port mapping to test so it would run on 80/443 and exactly the same problems happened. All day today (Sunday) I've set my working website error logging to 'on' for products and found lots of problems that I mostly fixed (from the upgrade of the same template from 1.5.5a to 1.5.7). I'm still having the same timeout issues after completing though. I just emailed MAMP Pro to see if they could help me also. I can PM you my working website URL so you can test a few clicks from your location to see if the site 'hangs' for you too. It does NOT hang on the current old website though.
    Jeff Michaels,
    pres of Musical Creations Ltd.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Updated website (1.5.7) times out randomly as I click different links in success

    I believe I finally tracked it down.

    After replacing with the default template, I no longer had any pages that were timing out.
    Slowly I substituted the common and css from the default template into my template.
    Still had the timeout error.

    Next was substituting the jscript folder...BINGO!

    My website uses an mp3 player to play audio samples.
    The premium-pixels mp3 player with it's jscript was causing the timeouts over the internet (not locally though)

    Searching for an up-to-date replacement now.

    Jeff Michaels,
    pres of Musical Creations Ltd.



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