ok....so I figured out to install it w/o hanging. This is the command I used with the patch in the root of the store where admin is a sub directory

patch -p1 </eStore/google-checkout-zencart.patch

With version 1.3.5 I got errors where sections of the file did not merge. It does say that it is for version 1.3.0. - so shame on me...I could go merge the sections that failed manually but I don't really see the profit.

patch is a Linux utility used to patch the Linux kernel among other things. It's pretty nifty as it uses a file comparison utility called diff to compare the files and the patch script tells whether to add, subtract, or overwrite code blocks at specified line numbers. I am grateful to google for releasing this but I really wish it was released in standard format..this really slows me down so I will not plan on integrating it right now until it is easier to install.