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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    Quote Originally Posted by CafePrima View Post
    My error log says this:
    I called paypal. They are adamant that the problem is not theirs, though they admit they've received other calls on the matter. I did ask about the website pro option and the guy with whom I was speaking said "no, that will not fix this problem." He said that "paypal is not receiving the info it needs from Zen Cart" but couldn't tell me what that info was

    Have you changed your API information at all? Removed Express and reInstalled it. I get that error message when I try to us Express without my API information entered.

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    Okay everyone freeze ...

    Only if you have an INVALID PARAMATER error ... should you be in this thread ...

    If you have the invalid paramater error answer the following questions:

    1 Who do you host with?

    2 unix or windows?

    3 what version of php?

    4 clean install or upgrade?

    5 are you using IPN or PayPal Express?

    6 Do you have 1 or both installed? Meaning, if not using one or the other do you have the other one installed?

    7 is there a pattern or specific country that this happens with?

    8 Live or Sandbox?

    Then sit quietly while we look at this further to determin the pattern here ...

    Linda McGrath
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  3. #33
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    1 Who do you host with? Bluehost

    2 unix or windows? Bluehost: Linux
    phpmyadmin: Localhost via UNIX socket

    3 what version of php? phpmyadmin mysql: 4.1.21

    4 clean install or upgrade? Clean install through fantastico with my host

    5 are you using IPN or PayPal Express? when receiving this error? Paypal Express

    6 Do you have 1 or both installed? Meaning, if not using one or the other do you have the other one installed? I have both installed but only Paypal Express turned on.

    7 is there a pattern or specific country that this happens with? No

    8 Live or Sandbox? Live
    Last edited by CafePrima; 16 Feb 2007 at 03:42 AM.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    1 Who do you host with?
    2 unix or windows?
    UNIX (FreeBSD 4.10)
    3 what version of php?
    Can't figure this out. I can probably get an answer .... eventually.
    4 clean install or upgrade?
    Installed all files over 1.3x, database upgrade. Installed Feb 8 patch. Uninstalled and reinstalled PayPal IPN module. Re-pasted API parameters.

    5 are you using IPN or PayPal Express?
    IPN 'cos PayPal express fails.
    6 Do you have 1 or both installed? Meaning, if not using one or the other do you have the other one installed?
    Both are installed.
    7 is there a pattern or specific country that this happens with?
    So far - US only.
    8 Live or Sandbox?

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    1 Who do you host with? Bluehost

    2 unix or windows? Linux

    3 what version of php? Php 4.4.4

    4 clean install or upgrade? Clean

    5 are you using IPN or PayPal Express? PayPal Express

    6 Do you have 1 or both installed? Meaning, if not using one or the other do you have the other one installed?

    Currently I only have Express installed (removed PHP because I couldn't get the echeck issue fixed, then removed Express when it quit working and re-installed IPN when Express quit working a few days ago. I have tried running both together to see if it worked, but no change)

    7 is there a pattern or specific country that this happens with? I have only had transactions from the US

    8 Live or Sandbox? Live

    Then sit quietly while we look at this further to determin the pattern here ... (My pleasure)

    THANK YOU!!!!

  6. #36
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    6 Do you have 1 or both installed? Meaning, if not using one or the other do you have the other one installed?

    Currently I only have Express installed (removed PHP because I couldn't get the echeck issue fixed, then removed Express when it quit working and re-installed IPN when Express quit working a few days ago. I have tried running both together to see if it worked, but no change)


    I meant removed IPN! Sorry!

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    This is UPDATED info after talking to my host provider. New info is red. I can't delete the other post or I would.

    1 Who do you host with? Bluehost

    2 unix or windows? Bluehost: Linux
    phpmyadmin: Localhost via UNIX socket

    3 what version of php? 4.4.4

    4 clean install or upgrade? Clean install through fantastico with my host

    5 are you using IPN or PayPal Express? when receiving this error? Paypal Express

    6 Do you have 1 or both installed? Meaning, if not using one or the other do you have the other one installed? I have both installed but only Paypal Express turned on.

    7 is there a pattern or specific country that this happens with? No

    8 Live or Sandbox? Live

  8. #38
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    FOUND IT!!!! Fixed it (maybe).

    but first, the requested data:

    1 Who do you host with? goDaddy

    2 unix or windows? Linux

    3 what version of php? 5.0.4

    4 clean install or upgrade? Clean install + latest patch.

    5 are you using IPN or PayPal Express? when receiving this error? Paypal Express

    6 Do you have 1 or both installed? Meaning, if not using one or the other do you have the other one installed? - only Paypal Express

    7 is there a pattern or specific country that this happens with? Definitely US, not certain of others.

    8 Live or Sandbox? Live

    Being impatient i started looking at the code. In paypalwpp.php in function ec_step2_finish around line 1770 there is a nice check

    if (!isset($paypal_ec_payer_info['ship_country_code']))

    Well, it just happens that it IS set to '' (nothing).

    Changing that line to:
    if ((!isset($paypal_ec_payer_info['ship_country_code'])) OR ($paypal_ec_payer_info['ship_country_code']=='')) {$paypal_ec_payer_info['ship_country_code'] = $country1->fields['countries_iso_code_2']; $_SESSION['paypal_ec_payer_info']['ship_country_code']= $country1->fields['countries_iso_code_2'];}

    allowed me to successfully complete a transaction.

    Now, I do NOT know PHP, and I do NOT understand Zen Cart guts well enough to say that this is IT. The problem is probably somewhere upstream and the fix is more elegant.

    I can easily imagine though that PAyPal changed their protocol to return an empty but defined value instead of returning none, thus quietly throwing a wrench into Zen Cart machinery.

    I can't wait what the PROs think!


  9. #39
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    Quote Originally Posted by andrabr View Post
    FOUND IT!!!! Fixed it (maybe).

    I can't wait what the PROs think!

    I can't tell you what the PROs will think but I will tell you that *I* could kiss you right now! Thank you thank you!

    I get a really long lag after the paypal screen when I'm back on my site and click "confirm" but the order DOES go through and I get both the payment and the order confirm. So slow is better than not at all and I'll take it!


  10. #40
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    Default Re: Help? (Invalid Parameter)?

    Quote Originally Posted by andrabr View Post
    1. what version are you running: ZenCart 1.3.7

    2. have you installed the latest patch: Yes

    We are a 100% Express Checkout.

    USEFUL observations:

    1) I have a download-only product and it works just fine
    2) The logs show:

    Feb-15-2007 06:02:13
    before_process - EC-5
    [ACK] => Failure
    [L_ERRORCODE0] => 81210
    [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid%20Parameter
    [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Country%20%3a%20Invalid%20Parameter
    [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error

    3) Same logs show:

    Feb-15-2007 06:02:13
    before_process - EC-3
    address overrides added:
    [ITEMAMT] => 0.01
    [SHIPPINGAMT] => 0.00
    [AMT] => 0.01
    [L_NUMBER0] => 0
    [L_QTY0] => 1
    [L_NAME0] => GUTS
    [L_AMT0] => 0.01
    [L_TAXAMT0] => 0.00
    [SHIPTONAME] => Andrey Abramov
    [SHIPTOSTREET] => 240 Bay Street #410
    [SHIPTOCITY] => San Francisco
    [SHIPTOZIP] => 94133

    My best guess is that SHIPTOCOUNTRY used to be empty by default and now PayPal requires an explicit value.
    This last bit of debug log that you posted is from a DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call. Can you post the GetExpressCheckoutDetails log data for the same transaction? (TOKEN will be the same in both)

    PayPal EC processing happens in 3 stages:
    1. SetExpressCheckout (sets a TOKEN between PP and your shop, and customer logs into their PP account)
    2. GetExpressCheckoutDetails (gets details from PP based on customer-selected options)
    3. DoExpressCheckoutPayment (sends payment request and captures funds to complete the order).
    (All other debug logs merely show data pieces used in stitching together the entire transaction.)

    It seems that perhaps PayPal is sending data back differently in the GetExpressCheckoutDetails step (perhaps due to a recent code-maintenance update on their end), which is causing Zen Cart to be confused over the results. I need to see the GetExpressCheckoutDetails logs that are created just before the error occurs (no need to complete checkout ... just login to PayPal and return to the store).

    The fix suggested by andrabr earlier may provide some relief for U.S. shops, but may or may not be the final solution.

    Debug logs will be a huge help. If you prefer not to post them here (they should be safe generally), you may PM me with FTP access to your debug log folder as an alternative.

    (However, I do apologize in advance for delays in replying (if any), as I'm neck-deep in completing a very intense client project ...)

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.


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