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  1. #301
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOracle View Post
    Again - the activity of what causes this ?
    When I go to create an account, the duplicated fields are already there. Not doing anything.

  2. #302
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    Please forgive me if I am duplicating an inquiry, my eyes didn't find what I was needing...

    My current site is running:MYSQL 4.1.10 with Server version 4.1.22-standard and PhpMyAdmin

    This is my problem:
    I went to the admin and played with the information on the additional customer fields. It doesn't show up when they log in so I am assuming that is not something this provides (when they apply for an account...) but when going to the customer information, click edit and looking to "Additional Customer Fields it is blank..." then when clicking on "update" I get this error...

    1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE customers_id = 1' at line 1
    [UPDATE zen_customers SET WHERE customers_id = 1]
    If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.

    I am unable, all together, see the new fields either on the customer side as well as the Admin end of things.

    ANY help you can provide (and I am sure you tire from the inquiries) would be absolutely relished and thank you in advance for your time.


  3. #303
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    When I go to create an account, the duplicated fields are already there. Not doing anything.
    Can't see any template readings between your while and ending while statement from your tpl_modules_create_account.php file yet.

    UPDATE zen_customers SET WHERE customers_id = 1
    I assume this error comes from your admin/customers.php file.

    See that you have something like:

    PHP Code:
    UPDATE " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " SET " . $additional_sql . " WHERE customers_id '" . (int)$customers_id . "' 
    This part of instruction is also stated from my installation guide.

    The produced error from your end means that you did not incorporated my modules correctly under that file since the $additional_sql variable cannot be initialized for your case. See the installation instructions again on this matter as you must assure to have downloaded the latest version of this MOD from my site.

  4. #304
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    Hello Oracle,

    Progress has been made. I ran the file comparison again as you suggested and found the offending file. Now the menu for additional options shows up in my admin. Also, "sql patch" has created the needed table in the database. Hoorah!

    I did read the instructions in the file. Yes, I did reread. Yes, there was STILL a blank look after rereading a third time. However, after reading more of this thread, I was able to figure out what exactly the "additional_customers_fields.php" was meant to accomplish.

    I followed the instructions to make an "Authorized Buyer" field. Can you see where I may have messed this process up?

    1. Through the admin >customers>add customer fields, I typed in "customers_ab" into the NAME field.
    2. I selected "text" from the TYPE pulldown.
    3. The SIZE pulldown reads as ------- (I recopied over the JS files per suggestion in an earlier post within this thread. no luck.)
    4. ATTRIBUTE was not applicable (though it shows up as ------ as well)
    5. DEFAULT was left blank
    6. I hit "go to next step" and created the field.
    7. I added the line: $additional_customers_fields_form_textarea_title['customers_ab'] = array('Authorized Buyer: ');
    to the "additional_customers_fields.php
    8. I activated the field through the admin

    1. Admin Customer Details: no extra fields show
    2. Customer/storefront: Login form shows box with the heading "Additional Customers Fields" but the added field does not show
    3. Customer/storefront/my account info: Same heading but empty box as #2

    Also, from reading through this thread, I made sure more than one additional field was created.

    Any ideas? If I'm missing any details to help with an answer, please let me know. This would be an AMAZING help if I could get it to work. I've just been working at it for awhile and have a feeling I'm overlooking something.

    Thanks for you time!

  5. #305
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    On the multiple fields topic, here is my template page:

    PHP Code:
    <?php // Additional customers fields begins here. ?>
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name'])) { ?>
                <?php if (isset($account->fields['field_status']) && $account->fields['field_status'] == 2) {
                    <legend><?php echo ENTRY_ADDITIONAL_CUSTOMERS_FIELDS_TITLE?></legend>                
    // End of if statement.
    while (!$account->EOF) {                            
    // We now set up an additional customer field for hobbies.
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name']) && $account->fields['field_name'] == "customers_hobbies") {            
    // End of additional customers fields for hobbies.        
            // We now set up an additional customer field for sales representative.                   
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name']) && $account->fields['field_name'] == "sales_rep") {                        
    // End of additional customers fields for ages.     
            // We now set up an additional customer field for cellphone.
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name']) && $account->fields['field_name'] == "customers_cellphone") {
    // End of additional customers fields for cellphone.
            // We now set up an additional customers fields for pods.
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name']) && $account->fields['field_name'] == "customers_pod") {
    // End of additional customers fields for pods.
    // End of while statement.
    // End of if statement.
    // End of additional customers fields.

  6. #306
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    Also if I go to edit a customer from the admin side my pull down menu shows up, but there is no content in the pull down box. So, then I also create a radio button selection and it shows up but still no pull down. What am I doing wrong? Here is my admin/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/additional_customers_fields.php
    PHP Code:
    // Additional Customers Fields - Form Type Table Title For Whole Additional Window.
    define('ADDITIONAL_CUSTOMERS_FIELDS_FORM_TITLE''Sales Representative');
    // Additional Customers Fields - Form Type Table Structure (Input text fields)
    // Here's out it works in HTML version for the input text: 
    // - <input type="text" name="customers_hobbies" value="your content">
    // - <input type="text" name="customers_age" value="your content">
    // - <input type="text" name="customers_cellphone" value="your content">
    // Imagine; almost four years has passed and all the pain we had to push ourselves into.
    // This new way is a way for your freedom. All you need to do is to enter "one" title name for 
    // each additional customers fields you have created from the MOD.
    // Remember, a constance of 'two additional customers fields' is needed.
    // You can see some example below. As you can see, for the input type, there are no content.
    // Of course not, the content is being gathered from the database since no options are required
    // in order to ask customers to fill their content. The title should suffise in this case (the same for the textarea type).
    // Here's a cheap preview:
    //                                     Title      |      Content
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // From your admin/customers.php file, before this MOD was ever built, additional fields required to be
    // added manually into the file as expertise were required in order to accomplish the task without
    // any damages involved.
    // Try it here and time yourself to see how fast you can implement new fields - starting from this point.
    // Array functionality:
    // As for the other fields type -
    // The way arrays work, again, one title only. As for the content, you can add unlimited texts and values inside.
    // Ex: ("test1", "test2", "test3") and so on. Remember to add your title first.
    // In your admin/customers.php file, the results will output like this if you choose the pull down list type:
    //                                     Title      |      test1
    //                                                        test2
    //                                                        test3
    // As for your radio title, it will output like this:
    //                                     Title      |      <button> test1          <button> test2           <button> test3
    // If you have read this text until here, then you should understand how it works. If not, you can always request support
    // from the author for additional help.
    // 1st note: If you're worried about having your fields checked by default, don't worry - it is already implemented in the MOD.
    // 2nd note: Do NOT add the additional customers name field twice on two different form types. Otherwise, you might alter
    // your specific customer's options.
    // 3rd note: There are no checkboxes options inside this MOD yet. Reason: Checkboxes are meant for specific actions.
    // It cannot be determined on what exacly you'd like to do with these checkboxes (ex: delete, update, select, checked without validations ect ...).
    // Below are few examples on how it works. You can customize these names into the fields name you created - the way you like them to be.
    // Update note June 7, 2007: If you intend to, either, use the pull-down menus 'or' the radio buttons, make sure to set the default value to 1 rather than 0.
    // Good luck !
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_input_title['customers_hobbies'] = array('Hobbies: ');
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_input_title['customers_age'] = array('Age: ');
    $additional_customers_fields_form_input_title['customers_cellphone'] = array('Cellphone: ');
    // Additional Customers Fields - Form Type Table Structure (Textarea fields)
    $additional_customers_fields_form_textarea_title['customers_hobbies'] = array('Hobbies: ');
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_textarea_title['customers_age'] = array('Age: ');
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_textarea_title['customers_cellphone'] = array('Cellphone: ');
    // Additional Customers Fields - Form Type Table Structure (Select fields - title)
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_pull_down_title['customers_hobbies'] = array('Hobbies: ');
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_pull_down_title['customers_cellphone'] = array('Cellphone: ');
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_pull_down_content['customers_hobbies'] = array("test1");
    $additional_customers_fields_form_pull_down_title['sales_rep'] = array('Sales Representative: ');
    $additional_customers_fields_form_pull_down_content['sales_rep'] = array("None""Mel Kimmel""Boyd Thomas");
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_pull_down_content['customers_cellphone'] = array("test3");
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_radio_title['customers_hobbies'] = array("Hobbies: ");
    $additional_customers_fields_form_radio_title['sales_rep'] = array("Sales Representative: ");
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_radio_title['customers_cellphone'] = array("Cellphone: ");
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_radio_content['customers_hobbies'] = array("Test1");
    $additional_customers_fields_form_radio_content['sales_rep'] = array("None""Mel Kimmel""Boyd Thomas");
    //$additional_customers_fields_form_radio_content['customers_cellphone'] = array("Test3"); 

  7. #307
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    Also, is there any way to get this additional field to show up on the invoice when I print it?

  8. #308
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    I also get this error when I try to update the customer from the admin side.

    1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE customers_id = 36' at line 1
    [UPDATE customers SET WHERE customers_id = 36]
    If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.

  9. #309
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    1. Admin Customer Details: no extra fields show
    Of course not. No content has been filled from the customers yet. It will only show up when customers will fill something inside each new create additional customers fields.

    2. Customer/storefront: Login form shows box with the heading "Additional Customers Fields" but the added field does not show
    Sounds like you did not went into your template files and languages files for adding the required initials of your additional customers fields once you activated the field from the admin - > customers - > add customers fields page.

    3. Customer/storefront/my account info: Same heading but empty box as #2
    Here you go. Perfect sense. The content has not been filled by the customer from your account edit page. Of course, for the registration page, you must at least follow my reply right above for your 2..

    Also, from reading through this thread, I made sure more than one additional field was created.

    Any ideas? If I'm missing any details to help with an answer, please let me know. This would be an AMAZING help if I could get it to work. I've just been working at it for awhile and have a feeling I'm overlooking something.
    Sure. Apply my steps on this thread.

    <?php // Additional customers fields begins here. ?>
    <?php if (isset($account->fields['field_name'])) { ?>
    <?php if (isset($account->fields['field_status']) && $account->fields['field_status'] == 2) {
    <legend><?php echo ENTRY_ADDITIONAL_CUSTOMERS_FIELDS_TITLE; ?></legend>
    } // End of if statement.
    while (!$account->EOF) {

    // We now set up an additional customer field for hobbies.
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name']) && $account->fields['field_name'] == "customers_hobbies") {
    echo add_customers_fields_for_create_account('customers_hobbies', 'zen_draw_textarea_field');
    } // End of additional customers fields for hobbies.

    // We now set up an additional customer field for sales representative.
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name']) && $account->fields['field_name'] == "sales_rep") {
    echo add_customers_fields_for_create_account('sales_rep', 'zen_draw_pull_down_menu');
    } // End of additional customers fields for ages.

    // We now set up an additional customer field for cellphone.
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name']) && $account->fields['field_name'] == "customers_cellphone") {
    echo add_customers_fields_for_create_account('customers_cellphone', 'zen_draw_input_field');
    } // End of additional customers fields for cellphone.

    // We now set up an additional customers fields for pods.
    if (isset($account->fields['field_name']) && $account->fields['field_name'] == "customers_pod") {
    echo add_customers_fields_for_create_account('customers_pod', 'zen_draw_radio_field');
    } // End of additional customers fields for pods.

    } // End of while statement.
    } // End of if statement.
    // End of additional customers fields.
    AGAIN ! - Please post your messages within 1-2 threads for your problems (for each problems at least). I'm sorry but the next time I'm seeing this - no more support for you !

    That does look right ... hope I didn't coded my function wrong. I will test this in a couple of mins and confirm if this is a bug or not regarding the multiple fields showing up twice (or more).

    Also if I go to edit a customer from the admin side my pull down menu shows up, but there is no content in the pull down box. So, then I also create a radio button selection and it shows up but still no pull down. What am I doing wrong? Here is my admin/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/additional_customers_fields.php
    $additional_customers_fields_form_pull_down_title['sales_rep'] = array('Sales Representative: ');
    $additional_customers_fields_form_pull_down_content['sales_rep'] = array("None", "Mel Kimmel", "Boyd Thomas");
    What did you selected for the field type ? I just noticed I forgot to state an important line in my documentation.

    All drop down fields must be created as INT in order to see the pull down menu's content.

    Sorry about that. I will add this part into my documentation immediately and leave an update when my package will be ready.

    For now, you may delete your sales_rep field from the admin and re-create it again (as int this time). It should work from there - thanks for the catch.

    Also, is there any way to get this additional field to show up on the invoice when I print it?
    I'm not sure what you mean there ... all customers who completes an order should have the additional customers fields included (and this - of course - if you have followed my instructions regarding the email template and checkout_process.php's language file). If it wasn't what you meant, please advise.

    I also get this error when I try to update the customer from the admin side.

    1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE customers_id = 36' at line 1
    [UPDATE customers SET WHERE customers_id = 36]
    If you were entering information, press the BACK button in your browser and re-check the information you had entered to be sure you left no blank fields.
    Please read 5-6 thread above. The reason for this has been mentionned.

  10. #310
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    Default Re: Additional Customers Fields

    Hello again Oracle,

    Thank you for continuing to reply to all the questions.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOracle View Post
    Of course not. No content has been filled from the customers yet. It will only show up when customers will fill something inside each new create additional customers fields.
    The registration form in Zen allows fields to show, even if they haven't been filled out, so the admin or customer may fill them at a later date. This mod does not allow for fields to be available until the customer fills them out?

    Quote Originally Posted by TheOracle View Post
    Sounds like you did not went into your template files and languages files for adding the required initials of your additional customers fields once you activated the field from the admin - > customers - > add customers fields page.
    From the instructions I thought the only file that needed customized text/code (ie my choice of title/type of field) added to it after creating the fields was in the "additional_customers_fields.php". Are there other template and/or language files to add coding to as well? If so, which? I haven't found such an answer in this thread, however it's quite possible I'm overlooking it.


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