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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
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    Default "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required


    I am having an issue with PayPal Express Checkout. I have just upgraded to version 1.3.8a so I presume it has something to do with my revised setup (although I never had this installed in my previous setup). I have this installed purely because I am using Website Payments Pro but obviously all checkout options need to work. When using PayPal Express Checkout I get the error message

    "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required".

    Any ideas what might be wrong here? Where should I start looking?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Blog Entries
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    Turn on PayPal debug logging within your Pro module, do a test transaction where you get the error, and post the log files related to that transaction.

    Also, what address does this happen with?
    Can you replicate it on demand?

    How exactly did you do your upgrade?

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    I also got exactly the same error when we went to 1.3.8a

    Tried a totally fresh install, only thing I put in was the zones for Uk - nothing else - and also put in one product so i could test the paypal again. Still got the error - tried changing delivery addy and still no joy.

    Paypal express button works perfectly fine, as does the credit card WPP part - the only thing that wont is the link to paypal express in checkout - incidentally the only options i enabled were WPP and paypal express. Would appreciate someone coming up with a solution for this as to us its a pretty fatal error that means we cant possibly proceed to a full changeover to 1.3.8a



    set the debug and got this:
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:19
    ec_step1 - 1
    Checking to see if we are in markflow
    cart contents: physical
    NOTE: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Customer ID: 1
    Session Data: Array
    [securityToken] => 7c5790b122ce7b02d17cc538da38e927
    [customers_host_address] =>
    [cartID] =>
    [cart] => shoppingcart Object
    [observers] => Array
    [contents] => Array
    [1] => Array
    [qty] => 1
    [total] => 0.99
    [weight] => 0
    [cartID] =>
    [content_type] => physical
    [free_shipping_item] => 0
    [free_shipping_weight] => 0
    [free_shipping_price] => 0
    [navigation] => navigationhistory Object
    [observers] => Array
    [path] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [page] => checkout_shipping
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array
    [1] => Array
    [page] => checkout_payment
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array
    [2] => Array
    [page] => checkout_confirmation
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array
    [3] => Array
    [page] => index
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array
    [type] => ec
    [markflow] => 1
    [clearSess] => 1
    [stage] => final
    [post] => Array
    [snapshot] => Array
    [check_valid] => true
    [language] => english
    [languages_id] => 1
    [languages_code] => en
    [currency] => GBP
    [today_is] => 2007-12-30
    [updateExpirations] => 1
    [session_counter] => 1
    [customers_ip_address] =>
    [valid_to_checkout] => 1
    [cart_errors] =>
    [new_products_id_in_cart] =>
    [payment] => paypalwpp
    [cot_gv] => 0
    [customer_id] => 1
    [customer_first_name] => lyn
    [customer_default_address_id] => 1
    [customer_country_id] => 222
    [customer_zone_id] => 209
    [customers_authorization] => 0
    [sendto] => 2
    [shipping] => Array
    [id] => flat_flat
    [title] => Flat Rate (Best Way)
    [cost] => 5.00
    [billto] => 1
    [comments] =>
    [messageToStack] =>
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:19
    cart contents is not all virtual or customer is not logged in ... therefore will be submitting address details
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:19
    getOverrideAddress - 1
    Now in markflow mode.
    SESSION[sendto] = 2
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:19
    getOverrideAddress - 2
    $address_arr->fields = Array
    [entry_firstname] => sadfdsaaf
    [entry_lastname] => asdfds
    [entry_street_address] => asdfdsfasf
    [entry_suburb] => asdfdsf
    [entry_city] => asdfdsaf
    [entry_postcode] => asdfdsf
    [entry_country_id] => 222
    [entry_zone_id] => 200
    [entry_state] =>
    [zone_code] => Dorset
    [countries_iso_code_2] => GB
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:19
    address details from override check:Array
    [entry_firstname] => sadfdsaaf
    [entry_lastname] => asdfds
    [entry_street_address] => asdfdsfasf
    [entry_suburb] => asdfdsf
    [entry_city] => asdfdsaf
    [entry_postcode] => asdfdsf
    [entry_country_id] => 222
    [entry_zone_id] => 200
    [entry_state] =>
    [zone_code] => Dorset
    [countries_iso_code_2] => GB
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:19
    ec_step1 - 2 -submit
    [AMT] => 5.99
    [RETURNURL] =>
    [CANCELURL] =>;ec_cancel=1
    [SHIPTONAME] => sadfdsaaf asdfds
    [SHIPTOSTREET] => asdfdsfasf
    [SHIPTOSTREET2] => asdfdsf
    [SHIPTOCITY] => asdfdsaf
    [SHIPTOZIP] => asdfdsf
    [SHIPTOSTATE] => Dorset
    [EMAIL] => sales AT hedgepig DOT co DOT uk
    [PHONENUM] => asdfasfdasfdasfsd
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:21
    Killed the session vars as requested
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:21
    BEFORE: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Token Data:
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:21
    AFTER: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:21
    $this->showPaymentPage NOT true, and NO custom page selected ... using SHIPPING as default
    Dec-30-2007 12:24:21
    Redirecting to checkout_shipping - Stack: checkout_shipping
    Message: An error occurred when we tried to contact the payment processor. Please try again, select an alternate payment method, or contact the store owner for assistance. (7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required
    Session Data: Array
    [securityToken] => 7c5790b122ce7b02d17cc538da38e927
    [customers_host_address] =>
    [cartID] =>
    [cart] => shoppingcart Object
    [observers] => Array
    [contents] => Array
    [1] => Array
    [qty] => 1
    [total] => 0.99
    [weight] => 0
    [cartID] =>
    [content_type] => physical
    [free_shipping_item] => 0
    [free_shipping_weight] => 0
    [free_shipping_price] => 0
    [navigation] => navigationhistory Object
    [observers] => Array
    [path] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [page] => checkout_shipping
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array
    [1] => Array
    [page] => checkout_payment
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array
    [2] => Array
    [page] => checkout_confirmation
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] =>
    [post] => Array
    [3] => Array
    [page] => index
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array
    [type] => ec
    [markflow] => 1
    [clearSess] => 1
    [stage] => final
    [post] => Array
    [snapshot] => Array
    [check_valid] => true
    [language] => english
    [languages_id] => 1
    [languages_code] => en
    [currency] => GBP
    [today_is] => 2007-12-30
    [updateExpirations] => 1
    [session_counter] => 1
    [customers_ip_address] =>
    [valid_to_checkout] => 1
    [cart_errors] =>
    [new_products_id_in_cart] =>
    [payment] => paypalwpp
    [cot_gv] => 0
    [customer_id] => 1
    [customer_first_name] => lyn
    [customer_default_address_id] => 1
    [customer_country_id] => 222
    [customer_zone_id] => 209
    [customers_authorization] => 0
    [sendto] => 2
    [shipping] => Array
    [id] => flat_flat
    [title] => Flat Rate (Best Way)
    [cost] => 5.00
    [billto] => 1
    [comments] =>
    [messageToStack] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [class] => checkout_shipping
    [text] => An error occurred when we tried to contact the payment processor. Please try again, select an alternate payment method, or contact the store owner for assistance. (7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required
    [type] => error

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Blog Entries
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    I think I'm going to turn off the debug-to-email option in a future release, because people can't seem to use it right.

    Please use debug-to-file, and post ALL the log files created for the transaction. Posting only one or two sections doesn't help the analysis at all. I need to especially see what exactly was sent to PayPal, not just some of the preparation logic leading up to it.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    Try this then - this is both files generated (I have of course removed my vendor and personal info - hence the stars):

    Dec-30-2007 10:06:23
    ec_step1 - 1
    Checking to see if we are in markflow
    cart contents: physical
    NOTE: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Customer ID: 1
    Session Data: Array
    [securityToken] => d470bc69204b57c62d878b11d050****
    [customers_host_address] =>
    [cartID] =>
    [cart] => shoppingcart Object
    [observers] => Array
    [contents] => Array
    [1] => Array
    [qty] => 1
    [total] => 0.99
    [weight] => 0
    [cartID] =>
    [content_type] => physical
    [free_shipping_item] => 0
    [free_shipping_weight] => 0
    [free_shipping_price] => 0
    [navigation] => navigationhistory Object
    [observers] => Array
    [path] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [page] => index
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array
    [type] => ec
    [markflow] => 1
    [clearSess] => 1
    [stage] => final
    [post] => Array
    [snapshot] => Array
    [check_valid] => true
    [language] => english
    [languages_id] => 1
    [languages_code] => en
    [currency] => GBP
    [today_is] => 2007-12-30
    [updateExpirations] => 1
    [session_counter] => 1
    [customers_ip_address] => 81.***.224.144
    [new_products_id_in_cart] =>
    [valid_to_checkout] => 1
    [cart_errors] =>
    [customer_id] => 1
    [customer_default_address_id] => 1
    [customers_authorization] => 0
    [customer_first_name] => lyn
    [customer_last_name] => hill
    [customer_country_id] => 222
    [customer_zone_id] => 209
    [sendto] => 1
    [payment] => paypalwpp
    [shipping] => Array
    [id] => flat_flat
    [title] => Flat Rate (Best Way)
    [cost] => 5.00
    [billto] => 1
    [cot_gv] => 0
    [comments] =>
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:23
    cart contents is not all virtual or customer is not logged in ... therefore will be submitting address details
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:23
    getOverrideAddress - 1
    Now in markflow mode.
    SESSION[sendto] = 1
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:24
    getOverrideAddress - 2
    $address_arr->fields = Array
    [entry_firstname] => lyn
    [entry_lastname] => hill
    [entry_street_address] => ******
    [entry_suburb] =>
    [entry_city] => *******
    [entry_postcode] => *** ***
    [entry_country_id] => 222
    [entry_zone_id] => 209
    [entry_state] =>
    [zone_code] => Lancs
    [countries_iso_code_2] => GB
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:24
    address details from override check:Array
    [entry_firstname] => lyn
    [entry_lastname] => hill
    [entry_street_address] => *******
    [entry_suburb] =>
    [entry_city] => ******
    [entry_postcode] => *** ***
    [entry_country_id] => 222
    [entry_zone_id] => 209
    [entry_state] =>
    [zone_code] => Lancs
    [countries_iso_code_2] => GB
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:24
    ec_step1 - 2 -submit
    [AMT] => 5.99
    [RETURNURL] =>
    [CANCELURL] =>;ec_cancel=1
    [SHIPTONAME] => lyn hill
    [SHIPTOSTREET] => *******
    [SHIPTOCITY] => Accrington
    [SHIPTOZIP] => BB5 0JR
    [SHIPTOSTATE] => Lancs
    [EMAIL] => ***** AT hedgepig DOT co DOT uk
    [PHONENUM] => asdfasfdasfdasfsd
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:26
    Killed the session vars as requested
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:26
    BEFORE: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Token Data:
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:26
    AFTER: $this->showPaymentPage = 0
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:26
    $this->showPaymentPage NOT true, and NO custom page selected ... using SHIPPING as default
    Dec-30-2007 10:06:26
    Redirecting to checkout_shipping - Stack: checkout_shipping
    Message: An error occurred when we tried to contact the payment processor. Please try again, select an alternate payment method, or contact the store owner for assistance. (7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required
    Session Data: Array
    [securityToken] => d470bc69204b57c62d878b11d05*****
    [customers_host_address] => host81-***
    [cartID] =>
    [cart] => shoppingcart Object
    [observers] => Array
    [contents] => Array
    [1] => Array
    [qty] => 1
    [total] => 0.99
    [weight] => 0
    [cartID] =>
    [content_type] => physical
    [free_shipping_item] => 0
    [free_shipping_weight] => 0
    [free_shipping_price] => 0
    [navigation] => navigationhistory Object
    [observers] => Array
    [path] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [page] => index
    [mode] => NONSSL
    [get] => Array
    [type] => ec
    [markflow] => 1
    [clearSess] => 1
    [stage] => final
    [post] => Array
    [snapshot] => Array
    [check_valid] => true
    [language] => english
    [languages_id] => 1
    [languages_code] => en
    [currency] => GBP
    [today_is] => 2007-12-30
    [updateExpirations] => 1
    [session_counter] => 1
    [customers_ip_address] => 81.***.224.144
    [new_products_id_in_cart] =>
    [valid_to_checkout] => 1
    [cart_errors] =>
    [customer_id] => 1
    [customer_default_address_id] => 1
    [customers_authorization] => 0
    [customer_first_name] => lyn
    [customer_last_name] => hill
    [customer_country_id] => 222
    [customer_zone_id] => 209
    [sendto] => 1
    [payment] => paypalwpp
    [shipping] => Array
    [id] => flat_flat
    [title] => Flat Rate (Best Way)
    [cost] => 5.00
    [billto] => 1
    [cot_gv] => 0
    [comments] =>
    [messageToStack] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [class] => checkout_shipping
    [text] => An error occurred when we tried to contact the payment processor. Please try again, select an alternate payment method, or contact the store owner for assistance. (7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required
    [type] => error


    2007-12-30 10:06:26
    (live transaction) -->
    Request Headers:
    [0] => Content-Type: text/namevalue
    [1] => X-VPS-Timeout: 45
    [2] => X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type: PHP/cURL
    [3] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product: PHP::Zen Cart - Payflow Pro
    [4] => X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version: 1.3.8a

    Request Parameters: {SetExpressCheckout}
    [SHIPTONAME] => lyn hill
    [SHIPTOSTREET] => **********
    [SHIPTOCITY] => ***********
    [SHIPTOZIP] => *********
    [SHIPTOSTATE] => Lancs
    [EMAIL] => ***** AT hedgepig DOT co DOT uk
    [PHONENUM] => asdfasfdasfdasfsd
    [AMT] => 5.99
    [RETURNURL[66]] =>
    [CANCELURL[91]] =>;ec_cancel=1
    [ACTION] => S
    [TENDER] => P
    [TRXTYPE] => S
    [PAGESTYLE] => Primary
    [REQUEST_ID] => **********
    [USER] => *************
    [PWD] => ****************
    [PARTNER] => **************
    [VENDOR] => ************

    [RESULT] => 7
    [RESPMSG] => Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required
    [REQUEST_ID] => **********
    [CURL_ERRORS] =>

    SetExpressCheckout, Elapsed: 2054ms -- Failed
    RESULT=7&RESPMSG=Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required&REQUEST_ID=1199005584&CURL_ERRORS=
    Last edited by hedgepig; 30 Dec 2007 at 10:16 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Blog Entries
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    1. I gather that you have a UK PayPal account and that you have both your Express Checkout and Payments Pro modules set into Payflow-UK mode?

    2. You said:
    Paypal express button works perfectly fine, as does the credit card WPP part - the only thing that wont is the link to paypal express in checkout
    Can you explain in more detail? You said the button works fine, but then you said the link doesn't work. I'm not sure I understand you fully.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    both are set to payflow-uk and the paypal account is a uk paypal account.

    What i meant by prevous post is that the yellow paypal express button (which shows on first shopping cart page) works fine - it goes to paypal and all appears well. If you ignore this button and proceed by pressing teh 'go to checkout' button then you eventually geton the payment page where you can choose to pay by either credit card (this works fine) or select the radio button for paypal express - this is the one that doesnt work. It just brings up the error in a red box - ive tried changing delivery address but still happens.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    Just in case its important - i have checked both the yellow paypal button AND the credit card section - and both are passing all of the address over fine, including the United Kingdom bit - I cant understand why no-one else seems to be having this problem.

    I did wonder if its because the test site is in a sub directory of the main and not the root directory - but surely if this was an issue then paypal would throw a hissy fit on all counts.

    Would certainly appreciate any efforts to resolve this as we cannot upgrade until it is resolved otherwise half our customers would start complaining loudly and going elsewhere!



  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    I have actually made it work

    All I did was set Paypal Express to use the Paypal selection and NOT the Payflow-Uk option.

    I left the Paypal Website Payments Pro still set on Payflow-Uk

    All tested and all working

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: "(7) 7 - Field format error: 10731-The field Shipping Address Country is required

    Oh well, it seemed to work briefly but alas no more. So, im still looking for a solution - please help - anyone!!




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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR