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  1. #1
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    Default Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    Ok, we've finally worked out all the communication kinks (well except the one I'm posting about) with the IPN and it is now reporting the order back to us. However, instead of updating the order, it creates a second order for the person. So now we have two order - one without description and the other as a complete order.

    Does anyone have any advice on how we can remedy this issue? Or if this has already been discussed, please link me to it.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    Hi babyface,

    I'm having the same problem too!

    You can read about it here:

    I've also noticed that the PayPal Instant Payment Notifications in the admin (Customers > PayPal IPN) is not updating at all!

    Please let me know if you managed to fix your issues.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    I've managed to work around this issue by setting to URL for the PayPal server to the default ( and not the UK server (which is what I was using before.

    Now when a PayPal payment is made only 1 order appears in the admin panel of Zen Cart (yes, it has all the PayPal auth. details attached to it).

    Hopefully this will help someone else. :)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    i have the same problem but i am also already using this server. did this still fix it for you?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    Yes, I'm still experiencing this problem regardless of which paypal server I point at.

    I'm trying to debug the paypal callbacks at the moment but I don't have much to add at this point apart from:
    1) My paypal logs are failing on the following line in ipn_main_handler.php:
    if ($extraDebug) ipn_debug_email('Breakpoint: 5b - PP table OID:' . print_r($sql_data_array, true));

    I will try my best to debug from this point...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    It seems that my paypal callbacks were failing (see my last post) because some of the fields expected in the $_POST are missing in the function ipn_create_order_array (paypal_functions.php).


    I have managed to get round this by defaulting the fields to zero as I don't need this data anyway.

    I am still getting duplicate orders though... but I'll keep debugging...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    I'd offer to pretend i could help but then i would be just way out of my depth. it's still happening to me too though.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    I think i might have dug up something on this. I went huntig on the paypal website and found some similar posts as this. the explaination there was:

    The reason why you can get duplication IPN POSTs (same data) is in situations where PayPal doesn't get a 200 OK from the server that is hosting the IPN script, in this situation PayPal will POST again. This article gives the IPN timeout. It can also happen in situtations where PayPal sends the POST but the server that is hosting the IPN script takes long to respond so PayPal will send it again -- resulting in duplicate IPN posts, which is what you described.

    this might explain it. If so does that mean it's our hosts?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    I am having the same problem and have ZenCart running on my own Windows server. Anything new on this yet?


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Paypal IPN creating Duplicate orders

    I have had this problem and was dicussing it on the thread I thought the solutions there worked, but its come back. So they haven't and it means the problem is just intermittent making it harder to see if its fixed.

    Now I just found this thread I am led to believe due to the Paypal 10 seond timeout rule and not Zencart. How else would Zencart add 2 orders? I think because Paypal sends 2 confirmations to the store.

    So my server was set to US (but the site is in UK) so I changed the Paypal server to the UK one and did a test and only 1 order came though. Its intermittent so this may not be the fix but I will monitor it to see. My thoery is perhaps having a UK site using the US server means the request from Paypal to the site and back takes longer than the 10 second timeout (it shouldnt but I cant think of another reason).



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