Hi, due to a problem, we had to re-upload our store from scratch (new database, etc.) but we used our old back-up "custom" files which we re-uploaded onto the FTP server.

Several things are not working and I can't figure out how to fix them. It's been a long time since I played around in ZC, and i've forgotten quite a few things.

One problem is our custom header (the body & footer are working fine.) We uploaded the header JPG image into the "images" folder, but just not loading/showing for some reasons.

Also, none of the right-column "side-boxes" are showing up. We turned on (including the "search" sidebox.)

And we need to re-store the original "log-in" greeting/prompt on the main page, which I managed to mess up.

Here's the link to the store:


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,
