Quote Originally Posted by simondale123 View Post
This is caused because GV_AMOUNT is not declared in the clause "if ($_POST['email_to'])".

Open /htdocs/admin/gv_mail.php and add this on line 106:
$html_msg['GV_AMOUNT'] = $currencies->format($_POST['amount']);

I hope this helps somebody.
You bet this helps. Thank you!

I would improve the tip a little bit by not specifying the exact line number but rather the area in which this line should be injected. The reason is that this /admin/gv_mail.php file may have been customized.

For example, "insert the line:
PHP Code:
$html_msg['GV_AMOUNT'] = $currencies->format($_POST['amount']); 
Between the line:
PHP Code:
$html_msg['GV_WORTH']  = TEXT_GV_WORTH  $currencies->format($_POST['amount']) .'<br />'
and the line:
PHP Code:
$html_msg['GV_REDEEM'] = '<br />' TEXT_TO_REDEEM TEXT_WHICH_IS ' <strong>' $id1 '</strong> ' TEXT_IN_CASE "\n\n"
This fix gets rid of the ugly $GV_AMOUNT in the GC email, but it is now replaced by the substituted amount (so now it appears twice).

This doubling doesn't appear in the customer email, though. It only shows up in the copy emailed to the store owner.

Some extra polishing needed.