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  1. #241
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies

    Hello to everyone! I need to set required the VAT numer entry during account creation. How can I do it?


  2. #242
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies

    Quote Originally Posted by tirsys View Post
    Hello to everyone! I need to set required the VAT numer entry during account creation. How can I do it?

    assuming you have this mod installed if you enable the VAT check then customers who put this in will get it checked:

    admin > configuration > vat mod > Check the VAT number > true

    however unless you have wholesale-only store i'm not sure you want the VAT# required as retail customers (or wholesale customers who do not have enough turnover to qualify for a VAT#) who do not have a VAT# will not be able to create an account.

  3. #243
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies

    my VAT mod is working funky all of a sudden... i had a customer from Germany order an item (no VAT# entered)... VAT tax was not calculated as it should have been.

    i found that the field entry_tva_intracom in table address_book gets populated with NULL. This happens when the customer does not TAB through the form fields but clicks on them without clicking in the VAT Number field when registering.

    does anyone know how to modify the code to auto include a   or something other than NULL when the strlen is less than 1???? it seems this mod does not function when NULL is populated.

    if someone could point me to which file i should modify i could hack an if statememt like

    if strlen(entry_tva_intracom)<1 then
    entry_tva_intracom = entry_tva_intracom & " "
    end if

  4. #244
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies

    problem fixed -- my create_account.php file was overridden with an older one without the VAT code. once i put the VAT code back in everything back to normal :)

    note to self -- test all functionality of website before accepting a new mod works :)

  5. #245
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies


    I have a problem. When I install all files, website is working but I can't get in admin area. When I go to admin I just get blank screen and that's it.

    Do you have any suggestion what is wrong?

  6. #246
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies

    I went instalation through file by file and found out that admin stop's working when I put on server file functions_vatmod.php
    Does this make any sense?

    One more thing in install instructions path for files is catalog/includes/... but in my zencart instalation there are all files listed but in folder includes and there isn't any folder catalog.

  7. #247
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies

    Quote Originally Posted by fision View Post
    I went instalation through file by file and found out that admin stop's working when I put on server file functions_vatmod.php
    Does this make any sense?

    One more thing in install instructions path for files is catalog/includes/... but in my zencart instalation there are all files listed but in folder includes and there isn't any folder catalog.
    'catalog' is the name of your main folder... for example mine is called 'shop' instead of 'catalog'... so my folder structure is D:\shop\includes....or D:\shop\admin\includes....

    hope this helps

    also for blank screen install this simple debug tool.... then look at the logfile file that is created in your /cache/ folder

  8. #248
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies

    Hi, I'm really confused.
    I installed VAT-mod_138a_v130 in a brand new zc install:
    I have:
    1. installed VAT-mod_English via "install SQL Patches"
    2. added and replaced all the files
    3. replaced 'SI'=>'SI');//Slovania with 'SI'=>'SI', //Slovania (reply#236)
    4. Changed the last lines of the file
      zen-cart-v1.3.8a\includes\functions\extra_functions\functions_vatmod.php (reply#238)
    5. configured the shop according the install.txt
    6. even chmod includes\functions\extra_functions\functions_vatmod.php and admin\includes\functions\extra_functions\functions_vatmod.php to 777
    7. tested VAT number on

    and still got "Server is unable to check your VAT number: please, leave blank" when I add a customer with a VAT number on my test site:
    Can somebody please tell me what i have forgot to do or what i'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by displaymannequin; 29 Jan 2010 at 10:18 AM.

  9. #249
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    help question Re: VAT-mod for European companies


    I have Zen Cart 1.3.8a installed, with some security patches (see below).

    Now I want to apply VAT-Mod v. 1.3.0 for Zen Cart v. 1.3.8a.

    Just to be sure, I've made a diff with all the existing files, and now I found a place where two lines of a patched section are missing that existed in the original file, so I'm wondering if they were simply forgotten, or if they are not necessary any more.

    In the file [FONT="Courier New"]catalog/includes/modules/order_total/ot_shipping.php[/FONT], in lines 71-72 of the original file, we have

    $_SESSION['shipping_tax_description'] =  $shipping_tax_description;
    $_SESSION['shipping_tax_amount'] =  $shipping_tax_amount;
    but around the line 81 of the file version that comes with VAT-Mod, these two lines are missing.

    Are they important?


    Not security problem: Display of English and German product names on the left "new product" box.

  10. #250
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    Default Re: VAT-mod for European companies


    I've too experienced problems with the vat verification. I was keep getting the "Server is unable to check your VAT number: please, leave blank" on every registration.
    Turned out for me that i had problem with the file_get_contents function on the functions_vatmod.php (both include and admin folder). My server would not allow this function to operate. So i decided to change that function with an alternative. Hope this will help others too that experienced the same problem with me. Below i provide the changes i've made so that vat verification to work for me. Please correct me if i've made any mistake.

    ON BOTH FILES functions_vatmod.php REPLACED

    // 071205 BEGIN
    $opts = array(
    $context = stream_context_create($opts);
    // 071205 END
    $monfd = file_get_contents('', null, $context); // 071205
    if ( eregi("invalid VAT number", $monfd) ) {
    return 'false';
    } elseif ( eregi("valid VAT number", $monfd) ){
    return 'true';
    } else {
    $myVerif = 'no_verif';

    $streamurl = "".$prefix."&ms=".$prefix."&vat=".$tva;
    $ch = curl_init();
    $timeout = 5; // set to zero for no timeout
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $streamurl);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
    $monfd = curl_exec($ch);
    if ( stristr($monfd, 'invalid VAT number') ) {
    return 'false';
    } elseif ( stristr($monfd, 'valid VAT number') ){
    return 'true';
    } else {
    $myVerif = 'no_verif';

    I replaced eregi function too with stristr since eregi has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 6.0.0


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