Quote Originally Posted by carilivia View Post
For anyone else that is looking for this fix ... here's what I did:

I replaced this code

// charset for web pages and emails
define('CHARSET', 'utf-8');

With this code in my includes/languages/german.php file

// charset for web pages and emails
define('CHARSET', 'iso-8859-1');
I did the above and everything what coming from the database show ok but all the php pages show like this:

Ihre Bestellung wird an die links angezeigte Anschrift geliefert. Sie k�nnen die Lieferanschrift �ndern, wenn Sie auf den Button Adresse �ndern klicken.

Shipping Method:
Bitte w�hlen Sie die Versandart f�r Ihre Bestellung.

Hope somebody can help because i already stuck with it for a few days
