Thread: Zen Colorbox

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  1. #141
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by jeking View Post
    Finally had time to get back to this. I missed the included \includes\modules\YOUR_TEMPLATE\additional_images.php Image Handler is also installed and I had that version of this file.
    That certainly would explain the issue.. Glad you are all set now..
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  2. #142
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by DivaVocals View Post
    That certainly would explain the issue.. Glad you are all set now..
    I do like simple fixes...and glad it put a on your face.

  3. #143
    Join Date
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    hamilton, ohio
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    ( Hello. This is a repost of a thread I posted in the general section first, but it might be more appropriate in this thread)

    I'm not sure the colorbox is the same popular colorbox module for zencart in the downloads, or else I would of posted this in the colorbox support thread. The colorbox came with a template I purchased called genesis, and the documentation in the javascript files states:

    jQuery ColorBox v1.3.30
    (c) 2013 Jack Moore -
    updated: 2013-01-25

    I have checked out his website, and it does have a lot of information on it regarding this colorbox. I haven't figured out how to fix the problem I have though yet, which is that when I use smaller pictures (under 800px or so) the colorbox's height is stretched. If I use a 350 x 350 picture, the height is usually stretched to around 751px for some reason. Since this might be a bit hard to envision exactly what I mean, here is a picture:

    The picture above is a 350 x 350 pixel. I have tried messing around with firefox firebug, and it seems it's an inline code. There is a colorbox css stylesheet in the template, but after hours of messing around, I think there is so way to adjust the height with it. Firebug says there is an (which I guess is inline code) which is causing a height property. I have looked in the developers tool in my admin, the closest I could find is a javascript file, which seems to be the main colorbox javascript file. I have messed around with it a bit, but to be honest.... I have no idea what I am doing here, . Here is the javascript file if anyone wants to check it out:\

    jQuery ColorBox v1.3.30
    (c) 2013 Jack Moore -
    updated: 2013-01-25
    (function(e,t,i){function o(i,o,n){var h=t.createElement(i);return o&&(,n&&(,e(h)}function n(e){var t=b.length,i=(j+e)%t;return 0>i?t+i:i}function h(e,t){return Math.round((/%/.test(e)?("x"===t?T.width():T.height())/100:1)*parseInt(e,10))}function l(e){return||/\.(gif|png|jp(e|g|eg)|bmp|ico)((#|\?).*)?$/i.test(e)}function s(){var t,,J);null==i?(_=e.extend({},$),console&&console.log&&console.log("Err or: cboxElement missing settings object")):_=e.extend({},i);for(t in _)e.isFunction(_[t])&&"on"!==t.slice(0,2)&&(_[t]=_[t].call(N));_.rel=_.rel||N.rel||e(N).data("rel")||"nofollow",_.href=_.href||e(N).a ttr("href"),_.title=_.title||N.title,"string"==typeof _.href&&(_.href=e.trim(_.href))}function r(i,o){e(t).trigger(i),e("*",p).trigger(i),o&&}function a(){var e,t,i,o=U+"Slideshow_",n="click."+U;_.slideshow&&b[1]?(t=function(){I.html(_.slideshowStop).unbind(n).bind(et,function(){(_.loop||b[j+1])&&(e=setTimeout(,_.slideshowSpeed))}).bind(Z,function(){clearTimeout(e) }) .one(n+" "+tt,i),p.removeClass(o+"off").addClass(o+"on"),e=setTimeout(,_.slides howS peed)},i=function(){clearTimeout(e),I.html(_.slideshowStart).unbind([et,Z,tt,n].join(" ")).one(n,function(){,t()}),p.removeClass(o+"on").addClass(o+"off")} ,_.s lideshowAuto?t():i()).removeClass(o+"off "+o+"on")}function d(i){R||(N=i,s(),b=e(N),j=0,"nofollow"!==_.rel&&(b=e("."+V).filter(function(){va r t,,J);return i&&(t=e(this).data("rel")||i.rel||this.rel),t===_.rel}),j=b.index(N),-1===j&&(b=b.add(N),j=b.length-1)),O||(O=P=!0,p.css({visibility:"hidden",display:"block"}),C.css({width:0,heigh t:0}),K=g.height()+x.height()+w.outerHeight(!0)-w.height(),z=y.width()+v.width()+w.outerWidth(!0)-w.width(),D=C.outerHeight(!0),B=C.outerWidth(!0),_.returnFocus&&(e(N).blur(),e(t ).one(it,function(){e(N).focus()})),f.css({opacityarseFloat(_.opacity),cursor:_. overlayClose?"pointer":"auto",visibility:"visible" }).show(),_.w=h(_.initialWidth,"x"),_.h=h(_.initialHeight,"y"),G.position(),ht&& T.bind("resize."+lt+" scroll."+lt,function(){f.css({width:T.width(),height:T.height(),top:T.scrollTop( ),left:T.scrollLeft()})}).trigger("resize."+lt),r(Y,_.onOpen),F.add(H).hide(),S. html(_.close).show()),G.load(!0))}function c(){!p&&t.body&&(X=!1,T=e(i),p=o(st).attr({id:J,"class":nt?U+(ht?"IE6":"IE"):""} ).hide(),f=o(st,"Overlay",ht?"position:absolute":"").hide(),W=o(st,"LoadingOverl ay").add(o(st,"LoadingGraphic")),m=o(st,"Wrapper"),w=o(st,"Content").append(C= o( st,"LoadedContent","width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden"),H=o(st,"Title"),E=o(st,"Current"),L=o(st,"Next"),M=o(st,"Previ ous"),I=o(st,"Slideshow").bind(Y,a),S=o(st,"Close")),m.append(o(st).append(o(st , "TopLeft"),g=o(st,"TopCenter"),o(st,"TopRight")),o(st,!1,"clear:left").appen d(y= o(st,"MiddleLeft"),w,v=o(st,"MiddleRight")),o(st,!1,"clear:left").append(o(st,"B ottomLeft"),x=o(st,"BottomCenter"),o(st,"BottomRight"))).find("div div").css({"float":"left"}),k=o(st,!1,"position:absolute; width:9999px; visibility:hidden; display:none"),F=L.add(M).add(E).add(I),e(t.body).append(f,p.append(m,k)))}funct ion u(){function i(e){e.which>1||e.shiftKey||e.altKey||e.metaKey||(e.preventDefault(),d(this))}re turn p?(X||(X=!0,{}),{G.prev()}), function(){G.close()}),{_.overlayClose&&G.close()}),e(t).bind( "keydown."+U,function(e){var t=e.keyCode;O&&_.escKey&&27===t&&(e.preventDefault(),G.close()),O&&_.arrowKey&&b[1]&&(37===t?(e.preventDefault(),, ))) }),e.isFunction(e.fn.on)?e(t).on("click."+U,"."+V,i):e("."+V).live("click."+U,i) ),!0):!1}var f,p,m,w,g,y,v,x,b,T,C,k,W,H,E,I,L,M,S,F,_,K,z,D,B,N,j,A,O,P,R,q,G,Q,X,$={transit ion:"elastic",speed:300,width:!1,initialWidth:"600",innerWidth:!1,maxWidth:!1,he ight:!1,initialHeight:"450",innerHeight:!1,maxHeight:!1,scalePhotos:!0,scrolling :!0,inline:!1,html:!1,iframe:!1,fastIframe:!0,photo:!1,href:!1,title:!1,rel:!1,o pacity:.7,preloading:!0,className:!1,current:"image {current} of {total}",previous:"previous",next:"next",close:"close",xhrError:"This content failed to load.",imgError:"This image failed to load.",open:!1,returnFocus:!0,reposition:!0,loop:!0,slideshow:!1,slideshowAuto:! 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  4. #144
    Join Date
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    hamilton, ohio
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    (well thats weird that there ended up being smiley faces in the code, is there a way to post code so that doesn't happen?) Here is a pic of what firebug is telling me about this height property, which is not defined in the colorbox css as far as I can tell:

    Here is the colorbox stylesheet:

    ColorBox Core Style:
    The following CSS is consistent between example themes and should not be altered.
    #colorbox, #cboxOverlay, #cboxWrapper{position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:9999; overflow:hidden;}
    #cboxOverlay{position:fixed; width:100%; height:100%;}
    #cboxMiddleLeft, #cboxBottomLeft{clear:left;}
    #cboxLoadingOverlay, #cboxLoadingGraphic{position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%;}
    #cboxPrevious, #cboxNext, #cboxClose, #cboxSlideshow{cursorointer;}
    .cboxPhoto{float:left; margin:auto; border:0; display:block; max-width:none;}
    .cboxIframe{width:100%; height:100%; display:block; border:0;}
    #colorbox, #cboxContent, #cboxLoadedContent{box-sizing:content-box; -moz-box-sizing:content-box; -webkit-box-sizing:content-box;}

    User Style:
    Change the following styles to modify the appearance of ColorBox. They are
    ordered & tabbed in a way that represents the nesting of the generated HTML.
    #cboxOverlay{background:#222222 url(../images/overlay.png) repeat 0 0;}
    #cboxTopLeft{width:21px; height:21px; background:url(../images/controls.png) no-repeat -101px 0; display: none !important;}
    #cboxTopRight{width:21px; height:21px; background:url(../images/controls.png) no-repeat -130px 0; display: none !important;}
    #cboxBottomLeft{width:21px; height:21px; background:url(../images/controls.png) no-repeat -101px -29px; display: none !important;}
    #cboxBottomRight{width:21px; height:21px; background:url(../images/controls.png) no-repeat -130px -29px; display: none !important;}
    #cboxMiddleLeft{width:21px; background:url(../images/controls.png) left top repeat-y; display: none !important;}
    #cboxMiddleRight{width:21px; background:url(../images/controls.png) right top repeat-y; display: none !important;}
    #cboxTopCenter{height:21px; background:url(../images/border.png) 0 0 repeat-x; display: none !important;}
    #cboxBottomCenter{height:21px; background:url(../images/border.png) 0 -29px repeat-x; display: none !important;}
    #cboxContent{background:#fff; overflow:hidden;}
    #cboxError{padding:50px; border:1px solid #ccc;}
    #cboxTitle{position:absolute; bottom:4px; left:0; text-align:center; width:100%; color:#949494;}
    #cboxCurrent{position:absolute; bottom:10px; left:90px; color:#949494;}
    #cboxSlideshow{position:absolute; bottom:10px; right:50px; color:#0092ef;}
    #cboxPrevious{position:absolute; bottom:10px; left:15px; background: #888888 url('../images/sprite.png') no-repeat -10px -60px; width:28px; height:28px; text-indent:-9999px;}
    #cboxNext{position:absolute; bottom:10px; left:45px; background: #888888 url('../images/sprite.png') no-repeat -60px -110px; width:28px; height:28px; text-indent:-9999px;}
    #cboxLoadingOverlay{background:url(../images/loading_background.png) no-repeat center center;}
    #cboxLoadingGraphic{background:url(../images/loading.gif) no-repeat center center;}
    #cboxClose{position:absolute; bottom:10px; right:15px; background:url(../images/controls.png) no-repeat -25px 0; width:25px; height:25px; text-indent:-9999px;}
    #cboxContent {background: #f1f1f1;overflow: hidden;border: 1px solid d6d6d6; padding: 15px;}

    The following fixes a problem where IE7 and IE8 replace a PNG's alpha transparency with a black fill
    when an alpha filter (opacity change) is set on the element or ancestor element. This style is not applied to or needed in IE9.
    .cboxIE #cboxTopLeft,
    .cboxIE #cboxTopCenter,
    .cboxIE #cboxTopRight,
    .cboxIE #cboxBottomLeft,
    .cboxIE #cboxBottomCenter,
    .cboxIE #cboxBottomRight,
    .cboxIE #cboxMiddleLeft,
    .cboxIE #cboxMiddleRight {
    filter: progidXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#00FFFFFF,endColorstr=#00 FFFFFF );

    The following provides PNG transparency support for IE6
    Feel free to remove this and the /ie6/ directory if you have dropped IE6 support.
    .cboxIE6 #cboxTopLeft{background:url(../images/ie6/borderTopLeft.png);}
    .cboxIE6 #cboxTopCenter{background:url(../images/ie6/borderTopCenter.png);}
    .cboxIE6 #cboxTopRight{background:url(../images/ie6/borderTopRight.png);}
    .cboxIE6 #cboxBottomLeft{background:url(../images/ie6/borderBottomLeft.png);}
    .cboxIE6 #cboxBottomCenter{background:url(../images/ie6/borderBottomCenter.png);}
    .cboxIE6 #cboxBottomRight{background:url(../images/ie6/borderBottomRight.png);}
    .cboxIE6 #cboxMiddleLeft{background:url(../images/ie6/borderMiddleLeft.png);}
    .cboxIE6 #cboxMiddleRight{background:url(../images/ie6/borderMiddleRight.png);}

    .cboxIE6 #cboxTopLeft,
    .cboxIE6 #cboxTopCenter,
    .cboxIE6 #cboxTopRight,
    .cboxIE6 #cboxBottomLeft,
    .cboxIE6 #cboxBottomCenter,
    .cboxIE6 #cboxBottomRight,
    .cboxIE6 #cboxMiddleLeft,
    .cboxIE6 #cboxMiddleRight {
    _behavior: expression(this.src = this.src ? this.src : this.currentStyle.backgroundImage.split('"')[1], = "none", = "progidXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=" + this.src + ", sizingMethod='scale')");

  5. #145
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles, California, United States
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by toomanyknots View Post
    I'm not sure the colorbox is the same popular colorbox module for zencart in the downloads, or else I would of posted this in the colorbox support thread. The colorbox came with a template I purchased called genesis
    and neither are we since we can't see your site.. posting a link might help, but I suspect you need to go back to the place you got your template from for help..

    Quote Originally Posted by toomanyknots View Post
    (well thats weird that there ended up being smiley faces in the code, is there a way to post code so that doesn't happen?)
    Yes, use the code tag to wrap your code.. (it's the # sign on the toolbar)

    Otherwise, I have NO CLUE what the issue is with your template's built in colorbox plugin.. Suggest asking your template author to help you sort it out. This support thread is for assistance with the Zen Colorbox module in the downloads section, not other implementations of the colorbox jQuery library.. You can also try just installing the Zen Colorbox module in the downloads here, but if it were me, I would want to make sure that the module the template maker installed is removed in full first so that there isn't a chance of any conflict..
    Last edited by DivaVocals; 6 Apr 2015 at 03:03 PM.
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  6. #146
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    hamilton, ohio
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by DivaVocals View Post
    and neither are we since we can't see your site.. posting a link might help, but I suspect you need to go back to the place you got your template from for help..

    Yes, use the code tag to wrap your code.. (it's the # sign on the toolbar)

    Otherwise, I have NO CLUE what the issue is with your template's built in colorbox plugin.. Suggest asking your template author to help you sort it out. This support thread is for assistance with the Zen Colorbox module in the downloads section, not other implementations of the colorbox jQuery library.. You can also try just installing the Zen Colorbox module in the downloads here, but if it were me, I would want to make sure that the module the template maker installed is removed in full first so that there isn't a chance of any conflict..
    Thank you for such a quick reply! And thank you for letting me know about the code wrap, I never knew that, thank you! The reason I haven't posted a link is because my website is live and typically has potential customers viewing it most of the time. The template with the colorbox issue is not one I am using currently on my website. I plan to switch to it when all the kinks are worked out, but until then I usually only work on it later at night or when there isn't that much traffic, to avoid freaking people out, since there are other issues with it as well. But I could switch templates if you would like to take a look at it. I have made an attempt to contact the author of this template, but last time it took about a week for a reply, so I am not sure when I will hear from them.


  7. #147
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by toomanyknots View Post
    Thank you for such a quick reply! And thank you for letting me know about the code wrap, I never knew that, thank you! The reason I haven't posted a link is because my website is live and typically has potential customers viewing it most of the time. The template with the colorbox issue is not one I am using currently on my website. I plan to switch to it when all the kinks are worked out, but until then I usually only work on it later at night or when there isn't that much traffic, to avoid freaking people out, since there are other issues with it as well. But I could switch templates if you would like to take a look at it. I have made an attempt to contact the author of this template, but last time it took about a week for a reply, so I am not sure when I will hear from them.

    and you can avoid having to work this way (which BTW is a BAD idea) by simply setting up a proper dev site which is a clone of your live site so you can test changes without impacting the live shop..

    Unless we can see what you have, the community can't help you.. We need to see if you have this module installed before anyone from this support thread can help.. Plus I strongly suspect that this is some colorbox thing the template author spun up, in which case it's still a question for the template author.. Any discussion on the author's own colorbox implementation in this support thread is off topic unless he's using this module..
    My Site - Zen Cart & WordPress integration specialist
    I don't answer support questions via PM. Post add-on support questions in the support thread. The question & the answer will benefit others with similar issues.

  8. #148
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    Western Australia
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Is there a way that colorbox can be used to create a gallery page on an ezpage? I am setting up a store using the winchester black template which has colorbox already installed. The client wants a gallery and I thought this may be a good way to go if its possible.

  9. #149
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    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    I've been looking at this issue due to another post that got me thinking... Colorbox (the script) is not very good at sizing an image up to match the box, so using external settings like scalePhotos:true, then setting innerHeight innerWidth or height width only affects the box the image is in. If the image is larger then the box, scalePhotos:true rescales the image down, but not proportionality, no scaling up at all, the code is not there to perform that task. Same as passing LARGE_IMAGE_HEIGHT/LARGE_IMAGE_WIDTH does nothing at all in colorbox. There is no external way to pass photo size to colorbox without rewriting colorbox script itself.

    Option 1, request a new feature enhancement to colorbox or fork it and do it ourself!
    Option 2, rewrite the function in zen_colorbox.php to resize the image and pass the size to the script by adding two lines of code.
    Option 3, upload the correct size image...

    I don't like what scalePhotos:true does to the image box, it's not responsive at all and it's possible to have a very large image trying to display on a very small screen!

    Sending the photo size to colorbox code keeps it responsive and allows the code to resize the image to the screen... so option 2 is on my todo list!

    The problem I had in testing without changing code... setting sizes in photo.height and photo.width without creating it proportionality caused distortions.
    Always forward thinking... Lost my mind!

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    Los Angeles, California, United States
    Plugin Contributions

    Default Re: Zen Colorbox

    Quote Originally Posted by davewest View Post
    I've been looking at this issue due to another post that got me thinking... Colorbox (the script) is not very good at sizing an image up to match the box, so using external settings like scalePhotos:true, then setting innerHeight innerWidth or height width only affects the box the image is in. If the image is larger then the box, scalePhotos:true rescales the image down, but not proportionality, no scaling up at all, the code is not there to perform that task. Same as passing LARGE_IMAGE_HEIGHT/LARGE_IMAGE_WIDTH does nothing at all in colorbox. There is no external way to pass photo size to colorbox without rewriting colorbox script itself.

    Option 1, request a new feature enhancement to colorbox or fork it and do it ourself!
    Option 2, rewrite the function in zen_colorbox.php to resize the image and pass the size to the script by adding two lines of code.
    Option 3, upload the correct size image...

    I don't like what scalePhotos:true does to the image box, it's not responsive at all and it's possible to have a very large image trying to display on a very small screen!

    Sending the photo size to colorbox code keeps it responsive and allows the code to resize the image to the screen... so option 2 is on my todo list!

    The problem I had in testing without changing code... setting sizes in photo.height and photo.width without creating it proportionality caused distortions.
    Re: Option 1, request a new feature enhancement to colorbox or fork it and do it ourself!
    I assume you mean forking the Colobox library?? Is the author of it adverse to accepting PRs?? Because if he isn't you could submit a PT and see if he accepts it into the codebase

    Re: Option 2, rewrite the function in zen_colorbox.php
    I know Daniel has been absent, but I do know he checks in to the Zen Colorbox repo.. The only issue at this point is that his master repo is out of step with the version available in the downloads because he's got the (yet unfinished) code to try and add the lightbox effect to all of the Zen Cart popups.. My fork of his repo matches what's in the downloads.. If you wanna fork my fork, and make the change, I'll re-submit the module (unless you wanna )
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