Hi all,

Did a couple of searches on the forum but couldn't find anything... maybe I wasn't using the right keywords... anyway I really think this should be a default option but I have no idea how to make it work so here it goes...

I'm using Free Shipping Options along with Table Rate. Orders above $100 get free shipping. Everything else gets the Table Rate.

In my Free Shipping Options I have the following:

Total >=

Total <=

But when I try it with a test order, the Table Rate shipping option is displayed along with the Free Shipping. Which doesn't make sense in my case because I'm not offering any "overnight" or "express" shipping methods and why would anyone want to pay for Table Rate when they can get free shipping? It really does confuse the customers.

If this could not be achieved by changing settings in the admin, could anyone let me know how I could make it work maybe by changing the core codes or something?

Thanks in advance !

Shirley :)