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  1. #11
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    database error Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    Can't believe I overlooked it before, but in a sticky'ed thread at the top of this board, is following:

    NOTE: These settings were removed from Zen Cart v1.5.0 because they should never be enabled.

    So, the Zen Cart development team did indeed remove these settings (which is quite silly, considering cURL proxy appears to be enabled be default).
    OK, now I'm bamboozled.

    The following code is from zen 1.5 mysql_zencart.sql

    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('cURL Proxy Status', 'CURL_PROXY_REQUIRED', 'False', 'Does your host require that you use a proxy for cURL communication?', 6, '50', 'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());
    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function) VALUES ('cURL Proxy Address', 'CURL_PROXY_SERVER_DETAILS', '', 'If you have a hosting service that requires use of a proxy to talk to external sites via cURL, enter their proxy address here.<br />format: address:port<br />ie:', 6, 51, NULL, now(), NULL, NULL);
    And this is from the zen 139-150 upgrade script

    UPDATE configuration set configuration_title='CURL Proxy Address', configuration_value = '', configuration_group_id = 6, configuration_description = 'If you have a hosting service that requires use of a proxy to talk to external sites via cURL, enter their proxy address here.<br />format: address:port<br />ie:' where configuration_key = 'CURL_PROXY_SERVER_DETAILS';
    Hopefully one of the Dev team could elaborate on the apparent contradiction (Thanks guys).

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    GoDaddy had me try using PayPal Express Checkout with cURL disabled (which I knew wouldn't work), but regardless. The issue is clearly on Zen Cart's end, and it's becoming evident by lack of response that this is either an uncommon or unknown issue.
    At this stage I really don't know what to think.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    That being said, it looks like I'll be scrapping Zen Cart in favor of less obtuse software.
    Forgive me for saying this, but such comments always seem to come across as if it would be some kind of loss to the zencart team. This would be true if it were a commercial system, but that isn't the case, the team will lose nothing at all if you choose to not use it.

    Furthermore, I don't know of any eCommerce software that doesn't have a bug or three, and although you probably don't see or realise it (yet) after you've tried several of the other offerings available, discovered their bugs and start looking for support you will soon appreciate that when it comes to support, Zencart is second to none ... At least that has been MY experience so far (In case you weren't aware, I've developed a shipping module for a number of the more popular systems available and probably spend more time in the various support forums than most people).
    Don't take my word for it though, please try some of the others. You'll probably end up back here anyway :)


  2. #12

    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    Forgive me for saying this, but such comments always seem to come across as if it would be some kind of loss to the zencart team. This would be true if it were a commercial system, but that isn't the case, the team will lose nothing at all if you choose to not use it.
    It wasn't my intention to come across as being rude. But the very fact that this is free software means that it comes as no more a loss to me by not using it, than it does to the Zen Cart team.

    In less than 24 hours, this thread has garnered 100+ views and the only responses are communications between you and I. That's not to say that someone couldn't post something tomorrow, or the day after, but it seems unlikely. Community-based support isn't always reliable, and more often than not, never comes to fruition (as with WordPress for instance). Sitting idly by, in hopes that I'll receive support (that may never happen), is the irresponsible thing to do when administrating a game server with such high demands. It's my responsibility to get some sort of e-Commerce product running.

    I've scoured several sites, and found one other software package (that GoDaddy offers as well!) with quite a bit more positive reviews. 'Course, it could be worse than Zen Cart, but I won't know until I try. All packages have bugs/glitches/etc, but keep in mind, not all are as problematic as this one. Some are quick fixes, some aren't. Maybe I'll luck out elsewhere, maybe I won't. But regardless of what personal opinion I may have for Zen Cart and its community, I can't just sit around.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the Zen Cart software, but the administration panel isn't exactly user-friendly for first-time users, and without professional support, I'm afraid this issue won't be resolved. If Zen Cart provides an update with a fix, or even a workaround in this thread, I'll certainly be more than willing to take another look. But at the moment, it's simply a waste of space with my web host, and a dead link.

    Take this post however you like, it's in no way intended to be disrespectful. I'm merely pointing out that I have a persisting issue that doesn't appear to have a solution, and I don't intend to wait for an unknown length of time (especially when it could turn into weeks or months). You yourself stated you spend more time on these forums than most, and if you don't have the answer, then what does that suggest about the rest of the community?

    I thank you for your attempt at support thus far, it's been greatly appreciated. You've even taught me a thing or two. ;)
    Last edited by Orbit Storm; 14 Mar 2012 at 04:30 AM.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    It wasn't my intention to come across as being rude.
    For many people you didn't come across that way. It is just that was they way I chose to take it

    Forums are strange places in this regard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    In less than 24 hours, this thread has garnered 100+ views and the only responses are communications between you and I.
    I'm quite surprised at that too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    That's not to say that someone couldn't post something tomorrow, or the day after, but it seems unlikely.
    The thing is, you mentioned the unmentionable.. "GoDaddy".

    Rightly or wrongly the mere mention of this host is enough to make many of the regulars around here to opt to not waste time responding.
    As a general rule I am also in this category, but there is/was something about your original posts that piqued my interest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    Community-based support isn't always reliable, and more often than not, never comes to fruition (as with WordPress for instance). Sitting idly by, in hopes that I'll receive support (that may never happen), is the irresponsible thing to do when administrating a game server with such high demands. It's my responsibility to get some sort of e-Commerce product running.
    Other than GoDaddy issues it is quite unusual to NOT receive some kind of support in these forums.

    Even more surprising (to me) as that so far no one has spoken up to inform me that I've been wrong with anything I've stated in this thread. There are some people around here that appear to watch everything I say with the sole intention to prove me wrong (Is that presumptuous of me?). At times I even take advantage of this fact to help 'force' these people to provide more useful input than I can provide myself

    It hasn't worked this time though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    I've scoured several sites, and found one other software package (that GoDaddy offers as well!) with quite a bit more positive reviews. 'Course, it could be worse than Zen Cart, but I won't know until I try.
    Don't be coy. Which software?

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    Don't get me wrong, I like the Zen Cart software, but the administration panel isn't exactly user-friendly for first-time users,
    I've seen worse. MUCH worse.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    and without professional support,
    I consider the Zen team to be true professionals. Please don't confuse professional with commercial either. I could name a rather expensive commercial offering who's support is so poor that their forums are littered with complaints and even the simplest queries go unanswered.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    I'm afraid this issue won't be resolved. If Zen Cart provides an update with a fix, or even a workaround in this thread, I'll certainly be more than willing to take another look. But at the moment, it's simply a waste of space with my web host, and a dead link.
    How about taking a step back and looking at this from another angle. It is well known that GoDaddy does so many things different than any other host on the planet. You are also paying GoDaddy for their services, so shouldn't *THEY* be the ones that should be supplying the fixes and support because these problems are ultimately their doing moreso than anything zencart related. On this basis you would probably be best of finding a host that provides better support rather than looking for another eCommerce system with better support (which as stated previously, will be difficult to find).

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    Take this post however you like, it's in no way intended to be disrespectful. I'm merely pointing out that I have a persisting issue that doesn't appear to have a solution,
    The solution is actually very simple and easy. DON'T USE GoDaddy. THEY are the problem, not Zencart.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    You yourself stated you spend more time on these forums than most, and if you don't have the answer, then what does that suggest about the rest of the community?
    Truthfully, it says nothing at all.

    My only experience with GoDaddy is the number of people reporting numerous different problems and issues relating to their servers. The number of issues raised are so great in comparison to all other hosts combined that I cannot understand why people insist on using them, ESPECIALLY for an eCommerce site.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    I thank you for your attempt at support thus far, it's been greatly appreciated. You've even taught me a thing or two. ;)
    All I can hope to do is give you the benefit of my experience. Whether you take advantage of this or not is entirely up to you.

    I don't expect you to wait 'weeks or months' for a fix, but before you leave us completely I'd say give it another day for one of the zencart team to respond, at least in regards to the mystery of the missing configuration options. It is quite possible that your situation really is 'unique' and that one of them is already looking into it so that they can provide a more informed response than I'm able to provide.

    Having said that, there is still nothing to prevent you from looking into other systems anyway, because some eCommerce commerce software is better suited to some things than others, and without knowing your specific needs we can't say that even if zencart worked flawlessly that it is going to be the best for your particular needs.

    All I'm really saying is don't go burning any bridges, but if you really must, then do yourself a favour and seriously consider dropping GoDaddy, because regardless of the eCommerce software used, they *will* cause you more headaches than you need, simply because they really are unique in the way THEY do things.

    Either way, I wish you well.


  4. #14

    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    Forums are strange places in this regard.

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    Rightly or wrongly the mere mention of this host is enough to make many of the regulars around here to opt to not waste time responding.
    And that is your prerogative. However, immediately disqualifying support requests based on the host just seems silly to me. GoDaddy clearly has its quirks (as I'm finding out), but they're also a quality host for a bargain. You get what you pay for I suppose. But feeling like I'm not "good enough" for support, solely because I opted for a cheaper route financially, already has me cringing at the idea of asking for future support here.

    Again, this could be another instance of perception vs. meaning, but as with you, I've definitely taken it as my account being stamped as "unwelcome". If that's the type of business model the Zen Cart team is willing to condone on their support forums, it isn't any wonder Zen Cart has more negative than positive reviews.

    This isn't a jab at you, because if this is the "way it is" around here, clearly that custom started long before you.

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    Don't be coy. Which software?
    I chose not to divulge the name due to not wanting to "advertise", but it really isn't an advertisement as I haven't used it yet.

    The software I'm referring to is osCommerce. As I mentioned previously, they have hundreds (potentially thousands, but I didn't read that far) of positive reviews - ranging from user-friendly to virtually bug free.

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    How about taking a step back and looking at this from another angle. It is well known that GoDaddy does so many things different than any other host on the planet. You are also paying GoDaddy for their services, so shouldn't *THEY* be the ones that should be supplying the fixes and support because these problems are ultimately their doing moreso than anything zencart related. On this basis you would probably be best of finding a host that provides better support rather than looking for another eCommerce system with better support (which as stated previously, will be difficult to find).
    Problem with that is, the issue isn't on GoDaddy's end this time. Zen Cart removed the options themselves, thereby leaving users no option to ensure cURL proxy is disabled. I spent a considerable amount of time on the phone with them, and all sorts of theories were offered and tested.

    It's simple: cURL proxy is still enabled, and I'm unable to disable it via the Admin panel, because the options were removed. Belittle GoDaddy all you like, but that won't solve the problem that is definitively a result of Zen Cart's actions.

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    DON'T USE GoDaddy. THEY are the problem, not Zencart.
    And again, as mentioned previously, I don't have the luxury of spending wildly for extra resources I simply don't need. GoDaddy is a low-budget option, and I'll be sticking with them.

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    Truthfully, it says nothing at all.
    To me, it suggests that you have had more hands-on experience with the thousands of support requests here, and that if you're unable to think of a possible solution, then it's unlikely there are many others within the community who would either.

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    My only experience with GoDaddy is the number of people reporting numerous different problems and issues relating to their servers. The number of issues raised are so great in comparison to all other hosts combined that I cannot understand why people insist on using them, ESPECIALLY for an eCommerce site.
    I utilize WordPress, SMF, phpBB, MediaWiki, and phpMyFAQ without any issues at all. Zen Cart seems to be the only third-party application causing issues.

    Just to reiterate something though too: Zen Cart is a third-party application. I don't expect to call Samsung and request support regarding a third-party app I downloaded from the Android market, and actually receive support. It's not their responsibility - it's the responsibility of the software provider.

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    All I can hope to do is give you the benefit of my experience. Whether you take advantage of this or not is entirely up to you.
    And while your input is duly noted and appreciated, I won't be switching hosts, as I don't have the cash to toss around, nor can I afford to just squander what I've already invested.

    Quote Originally Posted by RodG View Post
    I don't expect you to wait 'weeks or months' for a fix, but before you leave us completely I'd say give it another day for one of the zencart team to respond, at least in regards to the mystery of the missing configuration options. It is quite possible that your situation really is 'unique' and that one of them is already looking into it so that they can provide a more informed response than I'm able to provide.
    I didn't have any intention of "bailing out", just "surveying" what's available for use, in the event Zen Cart is no longer an option. It's always good to have a "plan B" in regards to web services.

    I can't stress enough how much I do like Zen Cart, but we'll see where this support thread goes and hopefully something comes of it. If not, well.. the obvious course of action is to find other software.
    Last edited by Orbit Storm; 14 Mar 2012 at 06:25 AM. Reason: typos

  5. #15

    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    Just an afterthought...

    While GoDaddy's technical support might not be up to par with the lofty expectations these days, their agents have been nothing but helpful and extremely friendly. Each of my phone calls with them last night (and over the course of the past year that I've used their domain services), I haven't felt the need to complain about them. Most of the agents go above and beyond by forwarding helpful docs and even sending me their personal emails for additional support, whenever I may need it. This may seem trivial to you, but each of my support requests with them have been personalized and satisfying. Not many companies do that - in fact, I don't know of any others that do. GoDaddy may not be the "perfect" option for server hosting, but as with anything in the world (including Zen Cart), nothing or no one, is perfect. It's all about how companies make do with what they have, and I'd say GoDaddy does one hell of a job at that.

    And I certainly haven't been turned away, based on my choice of software, just saying. =]
    Last edited by Orbit Storm; 14 Mar 2012 at 06:33 AM. Reason: typos.. again.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    However, immediately disqualifying support requests based on the host just seems silly to me.
    I can appreciate that it may appear that way, but that really isn't the case.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    GoDaddy clearly has its quirks (as I'm finding out), but they're also a quality host for a bargain.
    Forgive me, but not once have I ever seen or heard 'Godaddy' and 'quality host' being used in the same sentence before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    But feeling like I'm not "good enough" for support, solely because I opted for a cheaper route financially, already has me cringing at the idea of asking for future support here.
    It isn't you, and it isn't personal. Please accept my apologies if I have made you feel this way.
    I'll also apologise on behalf of the zencart team for their current lack of input too. It really is highly unusual. When I said 'many around here will ignore support requests from GD customers I *wasn't* referring to the zencart team themselves, but moreso those of us that are little more than experienced users.

    In my experience it has been rare for the zen team to let any support query go unanswered ... even if the answer turns out to be no more useful than mine.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    Again, this could be another instance of perception vs. meaning,
    I'm sure it is.
    I don't think some of my comm[quote=Orbit Storm;1111371]ents have really helped in this perception either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    but as with you, I've definitely taken it as my account being stamped as "unwelcome". If that's the type of business model the Zen Cart team is willing to condone on their support forums, it isn't any wonder Zen Cart has more negative than positive reviews.

    This isn't a jab at you, because if this is the "way it is" around here, clearly that custom started long before you.
    I honestly don't know why the support team haven't responded yet. As stated previously, your issue does appear to be rather unique, so I can still only assume that someone is taking a more in-depth look for you, and this will take a little longer than normal.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    I chose not to divulge the name due to not wanting to "advertise", but it really isn't an advertisement as I haven't used it yet.

    The software I'm referring to is osCommerce. As I mentioned previously, they have hundreds (potentially thousands, but I didn't read that far) of positive reviews - ranging from user-friendly to virtually bug free.
    You probably aren't aware of this, but ZenCart was actually derived from OsCommerce, and if you do a little more research you'll find there are far more people that migrate from OsCommerce to ZenCart than the other way. The reason is, OsCommerce are very poor/sluggish with updates (even security fixes) and the support is very poor in comparison to ZenCart, and if the users of my ozpost shipping module is anything to go by, it has less than 1/10th of the number of *active* users.

    Personally I think you would be wasting your time with this one.. I'd suggest you take a look at PrestaShop, OpenCart or VirtueMart instead, not that their support is any better, but simply because they don't share the same code as ZenCart, so you probably won't run into the same kind of issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    Problem with that is, the issue isn't on GoDaddy's end this time. Zen Cart removed the options themselves, thereby leaving users no option to ensure cURL proxy is disabled.
    This is where the real mystery lies, at least as far as I'm concerned, because I know for a fact that ZenCart requires cURL for several of its features (including my own module).

    The need for cURL *proxy* was something that was *needed* when using GoDaddy, but very few other servers (at least it was a couple of years back).

    The code snippets I provided earlier (from the zencart installation scripts) defaults to having the proxy *disabled*, which is going to be correct for most users (except GoDaddy)

    From what you have told us GoDaddy no longer require the use of the cURL proxy, which brings them back in line with most other servers.

    Also as I stated very earlier in this thread, it would be foolish for the zencart team to force the proxy to be enabled, because to do so would almost certainly cause problems for pretty much everyone.

    I can't find anything anywhere that would cause your installation to have the proxy enabled with the options to disable it being removed, so on this basis, your problem really does appear to be unique and without explanation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    It's simple: cURL proxy is still enabled, and I'm unable to disable it via the Admin panel, because the options were removed.
    Regardless of all else, this is *wrong* It would/should never be this way because it WILL cause problems, not just for you, but for pretty much everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    Belittle GoDaddy all you like, but that won't solve the problem that is definitively a result of Zen Cart's actions.
    I'm not as convinced as you are. I've looked at the zencart code from the V1.5 distribution files and I've posted a copy of the relevent parts into this thread for all to see and inspect, and this code clearly shows that the default setting is for the cURL proxy to be *disabled*. Therefore the only conclusion that *I* can come to is that the installation scripts being used by GoDaddy are NOT the same as those provided by the zencart developers, ergo it isn't a result of ZenCarts actions at all.

    I'm not going to say that the GoDaddy made the changes either, they probably use another 3rd party installer package (such as Fantastico), so this could be a case where the cause is neither with ZenCart or GoDaddy, but the 3rd party installer.

    Actually this is currently about the only logical thing that makes sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    And again, as mentioned previously, I don't have the luxury of spending wildly for extra resources I simply don't need. GoDaddy is a low-budget option, and I'll be sticking with them.
    You probably won't like what I'm going to suggest, but have you considered doing a manual installation of zencart using the official distribution files? I'll wager that if you do, the problem will go away.
    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    To me, it suggests that you have had more hands-on experience with the thousands of support requests here, and that if you're unable to think of a possible solution, then it's unlikely there are many others within the community who would either.
    It doesn't really work that way (I wish it did). I really am struggling for an answer/explanation. I'm not like many others that will simply dismiss the problem because of the host you are using, because in this case it really doesn't seem to be that simple.

    There is a mystery to be solved. There is *something* wrong with your installation. The default zencart install scripts appear to be doing what they should, GoDaddy insist they haven't messed with these scripts, the scripts don't modify themselves, so the only possible conclusion is that some other party has made the changes.

    Actually I can think of one other possible cause, but it would be so remote and unlikely that it probably isn't even worth mentioning, but it is possible there was a glitch of some sort with the mySQL server at the exact time that you did your installation and this glitch prevented the database from being populated with the cURL settings.


    Hmmm.... Just for grins you could try going to the zencart tools/install SQL patches and running the following query

    INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key,  configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id,  sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('cURL Proxy Status',  'CURL_PROXY_REQUIRED', 'False', 'Does your host require that you use a  proxy for cURL communication?', 6, '50',  'zen_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now());
    INSERT  INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key,  configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id,  sort_order, last_modified, date_added, use_function, set_function)  VALUES ('cURL Proxy Address', 'CURL_PROXY_SERVER_DETAILS', '', 'If you  have a hosting service that requires use of a proxy to talk to external  sites via cURL, enter their proxy address here.
    format: address:port
    ie:', 6, 51, NULL, now(), NULL, NULL);
    NOTE: If your database tables have a 'prefix' then you'll need to edit the two places that read "INSERT INTO configuration"
    so they match your table names, eg "INSERT INTO zen_configuration" (assuming your table prefix is 'zen_')

    About the worst thing that will happen is it'll produce some kind of error message. If you run it a second time the error will/should be 'cannot insert .... because it already exists'

    Since there is still no other input to this thread I don't think you have anything to lose. You can't/won't make anything any worse.

    Good luck.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    The settings were removed from the menu because WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE were turning the Proxy setting ON because they thought that setting was turning CURL on (despite the help text in those settings explaining otherwise ... evidently nobody reads that stuff).
    They were removed from the menu because they're no longer necessary, and because they create confusion. It would've been better if GoDaddy had never implemented a CURL Proxy in the first place ... because that was the only reason the feature was ever introduced into ZC anyway. Evidently you're already aware of the myriad stupid things GD does with their servers and the long negative history they've delivered for years.

    The actual setting records themselves are still in the database, mainly to prevent breaking things from a backwards-compatibility perspective.

    That said, if YOUR store has the proxy switch turned on, then THAT tells me you've used GoDaddy's one-click install (which they've mangled), instead of doing a manual install using the proper Zen Cart installer. The Zen Cart installer indeed leaves those settings turned OFF, for the reasons I already mentioned.

    So, in your particular case, you have several options:
    a) wipe your install and do a clean one using the original ZC files and running zc_install
    b) manually run the following SQL from Admin->Tools->Install SQL Patch:
    UPDATE configuration SET configuration_value = 'False' where configuration_key = 'CURL_PROXY_REQUIRED';

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

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  8. #18

    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
    b) manually run the following SQL from Admin->Tools->Install SQL Patch:
    UPDATE configuration SET configuration_value = 'False' where configuration_key = 'CURL_PROXY_REQUIRED';
    This did the trick - many thanks for the help.

    I've gone ahead and forwarded this post to one of the GoDaddy reps I spoke with, so that they can hopefully find a workaround so that other users needn't do this when using GoDaddy hosting.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    Quote Originally Posted by Orbit Storm View Post
    Belittle GoDaddy all you like, but that won't solve the problem that is definitively a result of Zen Cart's
    Foot, meet mouth.

    Sorry. I simply *couldn't* resist.


  10. #20

    Default Re: Error on use - PayPal Express Checkout

    I didn't put my "foot in my mouth". I pointed out that the removal of the options by Zen-Cart, is just as much the problem as GoDaddy's application installer. If GoDaddy's app-install is a known issue, why remove options that could provide a workaround for something that is allegedly so "bad"?

    It's simply ridiculous, that someone can take it upon themselves to provide as little help as possible, and/or berate a user, for their choice in web hosting. To be quite blunt, it's not your damn money, nor do you have any right to belittle me for choosing GoDaddy, over some trumped up web host that is supposedly better, with a crack support team, and highway-robbery prices.

    I love the Zen-Cart software, despite some obvious flaws, but I can't say the same for this "community".

    So at the risk of sounding redundant, you can go on and on about GoDaddy being a bad choice, but there isn't another web host available with the same level of support, nor the same quality and price. I'll continue to use GoDaddy, and I'll continue to provide negative feedback for Zen-Cart, due to the belligerent nature of its community.

    And no, I'm hardly fearful of being banned, because dynamic IPs are a wondrous thing. I'll just be sure to never mention that my host is GoDaddy, so that I don't receive a whole slew of misinformed, discriminatory, dumbass responses in the future. This is my view, take it or leave it. Zen-Cart will always remain free, solely because the "community support" is the way it is; there isn't a soul who'd pay to be disrespected the way I have.


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  5. Paypal Express Checkout for UK use
    By schoolboy in forum PayPal Express Checkout support
    Replies: 8
    Last Post: 1 Mar 2007, 08:14 PM


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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR