Hi Rob,

Thanks for the reply, I was following the instructions that others had done saying it does work with 1.5, however even though a few acknowledged that the admin options were missing, no one actually said how they managed to fix that issue, I can upload images to the gallery by modifying the url but obviously its not my site so need to get the admin options back ideally. I have had a look for the instructions to get it to work with 1.5 but have had no luck anywhere, just dead ends.

I did previously search the plugins category for gallery and all I could find that looked like it would work with 1.5 was Zen Lightbox and as far as I can tell that isn't actually a gallery, it just displays product images in a lightbox.

What I need is a gallery that has nothing to do with products etc, it will just enable the admin to upload images that show what customers of the site has done with the product he is selling.

Thanks for your help and time, appreciated.