thx for the clarification.
Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
It's not the "age" of the call home that is an issue, but as RixStix has pointed out that regardless the setting it still tries. This goes back to the use of a constant *and* the value of that constant. In this case, the *text* value of false... In a loose comparison (not using === for example), true == 'false' == 'true'..

The test would work even if it were == 'true', but without any comparison the text value of 'false' causes the inner content to be executed.

The "older" version of the call home had been retained because that was the version that worked on older style systems that would not be expected to require or may not support the newer style(s) where newer ZC versions would already have the call home code and that portion of the file would be omitted. Although in webchills' version of ZC, he has removed the call home code and therefore if it is not included in the file such as this, then installation to a fully German based ZC site causes issues in this portion of the code.

Anyways, where:
constant($module_constant . '_PLUGIN_CHECK')
is present by itself, it could be changed to:
constant($module_constant . '_PLUGIN_CHECK') == 'true'
Or better still:
constant($module_constant . '_PLUGIN_CHECK') === 'true'
Would be more understood to mean that it better be that value or else. :)

Sorry for any previous "flippant" attempt to incorporate such a switch. I think it is a common problem across the plugins that use or attempt to offer an independent control for the plugin separate from the ZC control.