
Type: Posts; User: Pablo1719

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  1. Re: Disable Discount Coupon Lookup Cross Linking Script

    In the file tpl_discount_coupon_default.php around line 27 you will find the following code. I added the zen_output_string_protected. This looks to have solved the issue.

    <?php echo...
  2. Disable Discount Coupon Lookup Cross Linking Script

    Running 1.39h, Cpanel 11.34, and PHP 5.2.17

    I have a recent PCI Scan failure that I need to fix asap. The scan came up with a cross scripting vulnerability. I need to fix this or disable it...
  3. v139h Suddenly Credit Card Multiple Charges & Order Not Being Emailed

    I am running 1.39h, is the gateway (AIM)(authorize+capture)(PHP 5.2.17). I have had a couple of instances in the past 2-3 weeks where the customer is being charged multiple times when...
  4. Re: Credit Card Processing Charging Declines

    Ok its what I thought but I just wanted to make sure I was doing everything I could within reason. If I set it up as Authorize only that would only help if I also set up the fraud triggers not to...
  5. Credit Card Processing Charging Declines

    I am having a problem with charging declines. A customer will order and the credit card will be authorized for the amount specified. But when the transaction comes back for AVS or...
  6. Replies
    585 screen capture

    In order to be able to process from it states that you need to do a screen capture. Does the module comply with this and where can I verify the screen capture. ...
  7. Re: New gift card requirements for Mastercard and Discover-how do I do this?

    I am sorry I don't see where to turn of partial transactions. I went to the transactions page but I did not see were to modify the setting.
  8. Replies

    Re: Add delete button in shopping cart

    Awesome! works great.

    as far as getting the icon to align to the right I just put align="right" in the <div> tag. as far as going back to the shopping cart page I have mine set up differently...
  9. Re: Add estimate shipping button to sidebox shopping cart

    I see why it needs to be bigger. The popup window is being determined by what page I'm on. Sometimes it larger or smaller or even none at all depending on the page. It seems that I need to add a...
  10. Re: Add estimate shipping button to sidebox shopping cart

    Sorry, Actually the code works fine I just need to make the pop-up window larger. Does anyone know how to adjust the pop-up window?
  11. Replies

    Add delete button in shopping cart

    I have installed the shopping cart with rewards side box and merged it with the images and checkout button in cart sidebox. Now, I am trying to add a remove from cart button after each product. I...
  12. Re: Add estimate shipping button to sidebox shopping cart

    I should also note that I changed the button from BUTTON_IMAGE_SHIPPING_ESTIMATOR to BUTTON_IMAGE_SHIPPING_ESTIMATOR_SMALL. I uploaded a different image in the button file and added...
  13. Re: Add estimate shipping button to sidebox shopping cart

    I know this is an old thread but I did not see the solution to this one. I have been able to put the shipping estimate button in the sidebox and have it pop-up but the shipping estimator doesn't...
  14. Replies

    Greying out options

    I currently have my site configured so that at $250 or more the COD module is not active. I also have it so that certain items trigger it so that the only option available is UPS ground. The...
  15. Replies

    Re: Shipping Rates in Cart [support thread]

    I am using the UPS module for shipping as my main method of shipping. I want the shipping in the cart to show the least expensive method through UPS (Ground). I seem to be able to get it to work...
  16. Replies

    Re: Reward Points Module- Live Release now available.

    Thank you. I am sorry I changed where it was calculating by subtotal but missed the part where it calculated individually or by order total/subtotal.
  17. Replies

    Re: Reward Points Module- Live Release now available.

    I am having a problem with quantity discounts. Is there something I am doing wrong because it doesn't seem to calculate the rewards points correctly.
  18. Replies

    Re: Reward Points Module- Live Release now available.

    I think this module is great. Although, it appears that I am having one problem. The module is not correctly calculating reward points when Quantity Discounts are involved. For some reason it is...
  19. Replies

    Re: Editing order details

    I have come across a problem when updating orders. The problem is linked to a product that has an attribute. The item attribute doesn't have a +/- in the price change box. It is just blank. I...
  20. Replies

    Re: NewWay to save Attributes Modelnumbers

    Has anyone figured this out? I can not seem to get it to work

  21. Replies

    Re: Dynamic Price Updater

    Ok I have gotten a little further but it still doesn't change yet. I have gotten it to the point of return the debugging messages and it says it is updating but it isn't actually effecting anything....
  22. Replies

    Re: Dynamic Price Updater

    I was able to get the attributes to work on the product listing page but I am still stuck on getting it to work with the dynamic updater. Anyone have any ideas?

    Here's the attribute/product...
  23. Re: drop down attributes at product listing page near add to cart button.

    Ok got it to work but now I am wondering if anyone knows how to make the price update dynamically with attributes.

    For anyone who is order to use this just replace the file in your...
  24. Replies

    Re: Dynamic Price Updater


    If you have a you know how your updater could be modified to update the product listing page. I have another modification that I'm working with that will put the attributes on...
  25. Re: drop down attributes at product listing page near add to cart button.


    Did you figure it out? On your test page it appears that you have. Can you share the answer as I'm trying to do a similar project.

  26. Re: Add extra shipping charge for Hazardous Materials

    I found the best way to handle extra UPS Charges such as Hazardous Materials is to use "Onetime Attributes Qty Price Discount:". This way it will not show the price in the attributes. You can also...
  27. Replies

    Re: Dynamic Price Updater

    I solved the Error on the page. I simply assigned products that are going to use the dynamic price updater a different product type. I used document product and changed the dynamic price updater...
  28. Replies

    Re: Dynamic Price Updater

    I don't know if this is what you are looking for but when adding an attribute a "+" or "-" sign will add or subtract from the base price. If you want a seperate price don't put anything in that...
  29. Replies

    Re: Dynamic Price Updater

    I have been trying fo a little bit and hopefully someone can answer a couple of questions.

    1) The price updater updates my top price even when I have selected attributes not to be added to the...
Results 1 to 29 of 33
Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR