Upgraded my ZC 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 yesterday and ran into one small issue. Whether it's the way ZC code now handles SSL requests, how PHP is handling the requests in the newer versions, new PCI requirements, or whatever, during my test upgrade, I was given a warning about CURL/SSL having an issue during the prerequisite check. The error I received was the following:
"Curl (60) SSL Certificate Problem: Unable to get local issuer certificate"
Curl/SSL modules have been enabled in PHP since I installed 1.5.1 a couple years ago so this warning befuddled me.
The fix was to do the following:
1) Download "cacert.pem" from here: http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html (copy and paste into a text file and save as cacert.pem)
2) Save the cacert.pem file you created anywhere on your system.
Since we'll be modifying php.ini and telling PHP where to look for this file, and I'm using a Windows server, I simply saved cacert.pem in "C:\php\extras\ssl"
3) Open your php.ini file and change the following:
; curl.cainfo =
Change To:
curl.cainfo = "C:\PHP\Extras\SSL\cacert.pem" (or wherever you saved your cacert.pem file)
4) Restart your server
5) Run the curltester.php file in a browser by going to: http://www.yoursite.com/extras/curltester.php (should all read "Good" see attached image)
I just wanted to save anyone any headaches if you run into this error during an initial setup or upgrade.
Server Info:
Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 (fully patched)
Zen Cart 1.5.3
PHP 5.5.12
MySQL 5.6.19