I'm not sure if this started immediately after a recent upgrade to 1.3.9h or later, but we just noticed it.

On this site, if you scroll down to the bottom of the home page to the New Products For May box, and hover over any of the products, you'll see a slight difference in the text links compared to the image links. For example...

text link:  ../index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=130&products_id=964
image link: ../index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=130&products_id=964
Just before the products id in the text link (but not in the image link) the normal ampersand is being changed into an HTML entity and then the link doesn't work. Oddly, the ampersand for the category is not being changed.

If you check out any other listing, for a category for example, or even by following the New Products... link under the categories, all the links look and work correctly. It's only wherever you have a New Products For May box that the links are wonky.

So I guess my question is... where is the code that is outputting those links? I'll need to check that php file against a stock one to see what's wrong, but I don't know where to start.

Thanks for any hints you can offer.
