
I can't run ZC 1.5.5 installation and this makes me confused since I've done the same installation successfully on another domain recently.

What I did step by step: I unpacked and uploaded ZC 1.5.5 to my server, rename both dist-configure.php files to configure.php and set up the correct permissions. Previously i created database with username and password to be used for this installation. When I run the installation i see the next error:

Warning: require(/home4/rootfolder/public_html/mynewzen/zc_install/includes/classes/class.zcConfigureFileReader.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home4/rootfolder/public_html/mynewzen/zc_install/includes/application_top.php on line 55

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home4/rootfolder/public_html/mynewzen/zc_install/includes/classes/class.zcConfigureFileReader.php' (include_path='.:/opt/php54/lib/php') in /home4/rootfolder/public_html/mynewzen/zc_install/includes/application_top.php on line 55

Let's say that the folder name where new ZC was uploaded is "mynewzen". It's a subdomain where I'm trying to set up new ZC site. I run installation typing: main-domain.com/mynewzen/zc_install and I've experienced the error above.

I performed a new ZC 1.5.5 installation on the same server a month ago and I didn't experienced this issue.

Thanks for support!