That's so awesome - it only one major problem left...cart does not checkout...back to that thread to see where to go from there!!

Thanks a mint...apologies for seeming dumb - I normally am not this


Quote Originally Posted by DrByte View Post
Fair enough.
So ... in order to find the exact lines of code if I were to look them up for you, I would do the following:
- find a fresh copy of the original files (perhaps download fresh again from Zen Cart site, or maybe re-unzip the files you downloaded previously)
- open the original version in WinMerge
- open the customized version in WinMerge
- compare and identify the different lines.

In case you're uncertain where to download the latest version of Zen Cart original files, click the "home" link at the top of this page. You'll see the "download now" button and text on the right-hand side of the screen.