Ok So I've read through some of the other posts about godaddy.com an the cURL and SSL issues and I still didn't quite find the answer.

So I have an SSL certificate, and cURL installed on my server. Whenever I go to the Zen Cart install page I get this errors:

CURL requires SSL support. Please notify webmaster or hosting company. 7 => more info...
CURL problems detected: 56 => Received error code 403 from proxy more info...

I called godaddy and asked them wtf? They said I need to put this code :
$ch = curl_init("http://www.raceroffroad.com/");
$fp = fopen("raceroffroad_homepage.txt", "w");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);


and this code:

curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, 'http://proxy.shr.secureserver.net:3128');
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);sp;

into the cart. I figured it should go into the configure files. I put the toward the end of the files and nothing happens. So I called godaddy again and got their "advanced" tech support and they said to contact Zen Cart to see when I should put it in the code.

Now I've read the thread by DrByte http://www.zen-cart.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61528 but I haven't got the cart installed yet. (ok so now my question) So can I install the shopping cart with the error messages and then do what DrByte says to get the cURL and SSL working and completly dissregaurd godaddy's code, or do I need to put godaddy's code in a file and then install? And if I have to put the code in first where should I put it?
