I've updated the Zen Cart v1.5 ready version of TPP that doesn’t REQUIRE the CSS/JS Loader. (Tabbed Products Pro (TPP) v1.09) It will be posted on my site later today, and submitted to the downloads section as soon as I finish cleaning up the rest of the readme file. (Install instructions are complete)

Thanks to examples I "borrowed" from the venerable niccol, I was able to re-work and improve the auto installer. There is no need for any external SQL install or uninstall files.. The auto-installer will now remove previous versions of TPP from the database completely (especially versions 1.06 - 1.08).

You will need to remove all previous versions of TPP and CSS/JS Loader files before installing TPP v1.09. (If you want to use the the CSS/JS Loader, you should consider downloading the latest version from the current author's site and install it separately from TPP)

I posted this because I thought others would find it useful.. It's been VERY well tested, but your mileage may vary.. I will NOT be providing any support for this..