Welcome to the new support thread for Super Orders v4.0, for v1.5.x


Here's the answer to the most frequently asked question: "What does Super Orders do?"
(which BTW REALLY IS explained in detail in the readme for those who REALLY wanna know.. it doesn't hurt to download the fileset..)


Super Orders is exactly what its name implies: Zen Cart's default order management on steroids.

It's more in all the areas Zen users are asking for more:

  • More order control
    • "Batch Form Printing" and "Batch Status Updating" including support for PDF invoices.
    • "Batch Form Printing" and "Batch Status Updating" both offer expanded order search options.
    • Editing of hidden "admin only" comments
    • “Split Orders” allows you to split individual lines on an order. So for example:

      Customer orders:

      3 Super Widgets
      4 Super Duper Widgets

      You've only got 3 of the Super Duper Widgets in stock. With Split Orders, you can move the Super Duper Widgets to another order creating a new (child) order which is split from the parent (original)

      So you will end up with 1 order (parent) with 3 Super Widgets and a child order with 4 Super Duper Widgets.

  • More thorough data
    • Order payment tracking -- allows shopowners to enter and track order payment details (check, money orders, etc.) Payments made via Authorize.net, Linkpoint and PayPal are entered for you automatically. Send customer payment notification/verifications
    • Order refund tracking -- allows shopowners to enter and track order refund details. Send customer refund notification/verifications

  • More detailed reports
  • EASY integration* with Edit Orders, USPS Click-N-Ship, Fedex Automated Labels, and Ty Package Tracker
  • More navigation options
    • More shortcut icons on the orders listing screen. Now there is a corresponding shortcut icon on each order line that matches the buttons that appear in the sidebox

*Edit Orders, USPS Click-N-Ship, Fedex Automated Labels, and Ty Package Tracker MUST be installed to use these built-in integration features

That said I STRONGLY suggest that anyone THINKING about this mod download it and READ the readme.. The readme goes into a LOT more detail about what Super Orders can do.. It should answer any questions about what this mod provides..

If you are upgrading you too should read the readme file BEFORE you upgrade.

Lastly I want to ask a SMALL favor..

When posting bugs/issues about Super Orders v4.0, it's a WHOLE LOT more helpful to resolve them if you post details. Just saying "it's broken" or "doesn't work" does not provide nearly enough information to help YOU resolve YOUR issue.

Please provide as MUCH information as possible including the version of Zen Cart you are running, the version of Super Orders you are running, any other add-ons you may have also installed.. Also hosting/server information (PHP versions, mySQL versions, hosting provider etc) is helpful too.

AND if you're REALLY detail oriented, tell us the install sequence/method you used to install Super Orders.