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  1. #1
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    Default Express Checkout payment module

    Hi, ive been using website payments standard and over the last couple of days am having issues with IPN not creating the order.

    I have read on here that using the express checkout is much more stable and is less likley to have problems.

    However, i just set it up, but I no longer have detailed line items when on the paypal site? I think this is not very user friendly for the customer. have I configured something incorrectly? i'm using 1.3.9h

    Thanks in advance, also appreciate it if anyone else coud let me know if they have suddenly had problems with the orders not creating? was working fine for me for ages and all of a sudden last 48 hours its a bit tempromental. Even when i manually re-send the IPN i'm having no luck


    Phil Rogers
    A problem shared is a problem solved.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    1. If IPNs aren't being received by your store, then no order will be created. That could be a PayPal problem.
    2. If IPNs are encountering errors in your store while it's trying to process them, no order will be created. That could be a currency or price mismatch problem, or a myriad of other mismatch problems. Will be detailed in the PayPal IPN debug logs if that is enabled.
    3. Express Checkout is more likely to show line-item details than IPN ever was. But it cannot show line-item details if the order is placed in a currency other than your PayPal account's main currency, or if discounts are applied to the order, or if there are rounding problems when calculating discounts and/or taxes ... because PayPal can't do the math of adding up all the numbers in such scenarios. That said, both EC and IPN use largely the same code to prepare line-item details, so if it works in one then it should work in the other. Whatever is causing the details to not show will be explained in the debug logs, if debug logging is enabled.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
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    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    Here's the error with debug on and resenting the IPN:
    IPN ERROR :: No saved Website Payments Standard session data available. Must
    be an Express Checkout or Direct Pay transaction.
    Could be a test notification, or the incoming IPN notification is not
    actually a bonafide PayPal transaction.
    NOTE: It is likely that all the following log content is meaningless or

    What could have caused this? Happened twice in a row..


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    That IPN log is triggered by an Express Checkout transaction, and is completely normal. Nothing unusual there.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    But it wasn't an express checkout payment, this was from when I was using payments standard..

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    The last debug message says:
    NOTICE: IPN Processing Aborted due to missing matching transaction data, as
    per earlier debug message. Perhaps this transaction was already entered via
    PDT? Thus there is no need to process this incoming IPN notification.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    Let me explain a bit more.##
    First problem:
    I usually use website payments standard which is what I have had issues arising with. I had an order not complete only payment taken so I manually resent the IPN twice. This did nothing, so on your advice I enabled debugging and resent the IPN. This is what I got:
    *** Originating IP:
    IPN ERROR :: Could not find stored session
    {05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4} in DB; thus cannot validate or re-create
    session as a transaction awaiting PayPal Website Payments Standard
    confirmation initiated by this store. Might be an Express Checkout or eBay
    transaction or some other action that triggers PayPal IPN notifications.
    IPN ERROR :: No saved Website Payments Standard session data available. Must
    be an Express Checkout or Direct Pay transaction.
    Could be a test notification, or the incoming IPN notification is not
    actually a bonafide PayPal transaction.
    NOTE: It is likely that all the following log content is meaningless or
    Breakpoint: 0 - Initializing debugging.
    Breakpoint: Flag Status:
    isECtransaction = 0
    isDPtransaction = 0
    IPN INFO - POST VARS received (sorted):
    ## ##[address_city] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVICY
    ## ##[address_country] => United Kingdom
    ## ##[address_country_code] => GB
    ## ##[address_name] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVICY
    ## ##[address_state] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVICY
    ## ##[address_status] => confirmed
    ## ##[address_street] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVICY
    ## ##[address_zip] => REMOVED FOR PRIVICY
    ## ##[business] => [email protected]
    ## ##[charset] => windows-1252
    ## ##[custom] => zenid=05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4
    ## ##[first_name] => REMOVED FOR PRIVICY
    ## ##[ipn_track_id] => REMOVED FOR PRIVICY
    ## ##[item_name1] => PRODUCT
    ## ##[item_name2] => PRODUCT
    ## ##[item_name3] => PRODUCT
    ## ##[item_name4] => PRODUCT
    ## ##[item_number1] => 9241
    ## ##[item_number2] => 3493
    ## ##[item_number3] => 2286
    ## ##[item_number4] => 9975
    ## ##[last_name] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[mc_currency] => GBP
    ## ##[mc_fee] => 0.91
    ## ##[mc_gross] => 20.96
    ## ##[mc_gross_1] => 2.76
    ## ##[mc_gross_2] => 5.44
    ## ##[mc_gross_3] => 4.35
    ## ##[mc_gross_4] => 8.41
    ## ##[mc_handling] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_handling1] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_handling2] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_handling3] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_handling4] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping1] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping2] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping3] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping4] => 0.00
    ## ##[notify_version] => 3.7
    ## ##[num_cart_items] => 4
    ## ##[payer_email] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[payer_id] => REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[payer_status] => unverified
    ## ##[payment_date] => 12:45:03 Nov 25, 2012 PST
    ## ##[payment_fee] =>##
    ## ##[payment_gross] =>##
    ## ##[payment_status] => Completed
    ## ##[payment_type] => instant
    ## ##[protection_eligibility] => Eligible
    ## ##[quantity1] => 1
    ## ##[quantity2] => 1
    ## ##[quantity3] => 1
    ## ##[quantity4] => 1
    ## ##[receipt_id] => REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[receiver_email] => [email protected]
    ## ##[receiver_id] => REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[resend] => true
    ## ##[residence_country] => GB
    ## ##[tax] => 0.00
    ## ##[tax1] => 0.00
    ## ##[tax2] => 0.00
    ## ##[tax3] => 0.00
    ## ##[tax4] => 0.00
    ## ##[transaction_subject] => zenid=05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4
    ## ##[txn_id] => REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[txn_type] => cart
    ## ##[verify_sign] => REMOVED FOR PRIVACY

    IPN INFO - POST VARS to be sent back (unsorted) for validation (using CURL):

    ## ##[cmd] => _notify-validate
    ## ##[mc_gross_1] => 2.76
    ## ##[mc_gross_2] => 5.44
    ## ##[mc_gross_3] => 4.35
    ## ##[mc_gross_4] => 8.41
    ## ##[mc_handling1] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_handling2] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_handling3] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_handling4] => 0.00
    ## ##[num_cart_items] => 4
    ## ##[payer_id] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[address_country_code] => GB
    ## ##[ipn_track_id] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[address_zip] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[charset] => windows-1252
    ## ##[payment_gross] =>##
    ## ##[address_status] => confirmed
    ## ##[address_street] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[receipt_id] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[verify_sign] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[tax1] => 0.00
    ## ##[tax2] => 0.00
    ## ##[tax3] => 0.00
    ## ##[tax4] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping] => 0.00
    ## ##[txn_type] => cart
    ## ##[receiver_id] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[payment_fee] =>##
    ## ##[item_number1] => 9241
    ## ##[item_number2] => 3493
    ## ##[item_number3] => 2286
    ## ##[mc_currency] => GBP
    ## ##[item_number4] => 9975
    ## ##[transaction_subject] => zenid=05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4
    ## ##[custom] => zenid=05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4
    ## ##[protection_eligibility] => Eligible
    ## ##[quantity1] => 1
    ## ##[quantity2] => 1
    ## ##[quantity3] => 1
    ## ##[address_country] => United Kingdom
    ## ##[quantity4] => 1
    ## ##[payer_status] => unverified
    ## ##[first_name] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[item_name1] => PRODUCT
    ## ##[item_name2] => PRODUCT
    ## ##[item_name3] => PRODUCT
    ## ##[address_name] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[item_name4] => PRODUCT
    ## ##[mc_gross] => 20.96
    ## ##[mc_shipping1] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping2] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping3] => 0.00
    ## ##[mc_shipping4] => 0.00
    ## ##[payment_date] => 12:45:03 Nov 25, 2012 PST
    ## ##[payment_status] => Completed
    ## ##[business] => [email protected]
    ## ##[mc_handling] => 0.00
    ## ##[last_name] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[address_state] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[txn_id] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[mc_fee] => 0.91
    ## ##[resend] => true
    ## ##[payment_type] => instant
    ## ##[notify_version] => 3.7
    ## ##[payer_email] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[receiver_email] => [email protected]
    ## ##[address_city] =>##REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    ## ##[tax] => 0.00
    ## ##[residence_country] => GB


    CURL OPTS: Array
    ## ##[10002] =>
    ## ##[47] => 1
    ## ##[10015] =>
    cmd=_notify-validate&mc_gross_1=2.76&mc_gross_2=5.44&mc_gross_3=4.35&mc_gross_4=8.41&mc_hand ling1=0.00&mc_handling2=0.00&mc_handling3=0.00&mc_handling4=0.00&num_cart_items= 4&payer_id=removedforprivicy&address_country_code=GB&ipn_track_id=removedforpriv icy&address_zip=Removedforprivacy&charset=windows-1252&payment_gross=&address_status=confirmed&address_street=removedforprivicy&re ceipt_id=removedforprivicy&verify_sign=removedforprivicy&tax1=0.00&tax2=0.00&tax 3=0.00&tax4=0.00&mc_shipping=0.00&txn_type=cart&receiver_id=removedforprivicy&pa yment_fee=&item_number1=9241&item_number2=3493&item_number3=2286&mc_currency=GBP &item_number4=9975&transaction_subject=zenid%3D05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4& custom=zenid%3D05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4&protection_eligibility=Eligible& quantity1=1&quantity2=1&quantity3=1&address_country=United+Kingdom&quantity4=1&p ayer_status=unverified&first_name=removedforprivicy&item_name1=Product&item_name 2=Product&item_name3=Product&address_name=removedforprivicy&item_name4=Product&m c_gross=20.96&mc_shipping1=0.00&mc_shipping2=0.00&mc_shipping3=0.00&mc_shipping4 =0.00&payment_date=12%3A45%3A03+Nov+25%2C+2012+PST&payment_status=Completed&busi state=removedforprivicy&txn_id=removedforprivicy&mc_fee=0.91&resend=true&payment _type=instant&notify_version=3.7&payer_email=
    removedforprivicy& ivicy&tax=0.00&residence_country=GB
    ## ##[13] => 45
    ## ##[78] => 30
    ## ##[41] => 0
    ## ##[42] => 0
    ## ##[52] => 0
    ## ##[19913] => 1
    ## ##[64] => 0
    ## ##[81] => 2
    ## ##[75] => 1
    ## ##[74] => 1
    ## ##[84] => 2
    ## ##[10018] => Zen Cart(tm) - IPN Postback
    CURL response: VERIFIED
    IPN INFO (cl) - Confirmation/Validation response VERIFIED
    Breakpoint: 1 - Collected data from PayPal notification
    IPN INFO :: Transaction email details.
    From IPN = [email protected] | [email protected]
    From CONFIG = [email protected]

    Breakpoint: 2 - Validated transaction components
    Breakpoint: 3 - Communication method verified
    IPN NOTICE :: Could not find matched txn_id record in DB. Therefore is new
    to us.##
    Breakpoint: 4 - Details: ##txn_type=unique ## ##ordersID = 0 ##IPN_id=0

    ## Relevant data from POST:
    ## ## txn_type = unique
    ## ## parent_txn_id = None
    ## ## txn_id = REMOVED FOR PRIVACY
    IPN NOTICE :: IPN pausing: waiting for PDT to process. Sleeping 10 seconds

    IPN ERROR :: Could not find stored session
    {05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4} in DB; thus cannot validate or re-create
    session as a transaction awaiting PayPal Website Payments Standard
    confirmation initiated by this store. Might be an Express Checkout or eBay
    transaction or some other action that triggers PayPal IPN notifications.
    IPN ERROR :: No pending Website Payments Standard session data available.##
    Might be a duplicate transaction already entered via PDT.
    I am wanting to know if you can see what has gone wrong with this order so it doesn't create?##
    Is there something wrong with my site/server to cause this? Would switching to express checkout resolve this?

    Second problem:
    As I said before when I switched to express the line numbers didn't show, you mentioned discounts cause this, does that include sale items? I ask because I noticed in payment standard that when a coupon is applied the total is consolidated but not with sales, does express do the same with sales too?


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    Quote Originally Posted by philip937 View Post
    IPN ERROR :: Could not find stored session
    {05fda2a2b64bc03b5d485a0457788bb4} in DB; thus cannot validate or re-create
    session as a transaction awaiting PayPal Website Payments Standard
    confirmation initiated by this store. Might be an Express Checkout or eBay
    transaction or some other action that triggers PayPal IPN notifications.
    IPN ERROR :: No saved Website Payments Standard session data available. Must
    be an Express Checkout or Direct Pay transaction.
    Could be a test notification, or the incoming IPN notification is not
    actually a bonafide PayPal transaction.
    NOTE: It is likely that all the following log content is meaningless or
    IPN ERROR :: No pending Website Payments Standard session data available.##
    Might be a duplicate transaction already entered via PDT.
    I am wanting to know if you can see what has gone wrong with this order so it doesn't create?
    Hard to tell. The log is saying exactly why it didn't store the order: it couldn't find any customer's checkout that was sent to PayPal and still waiting for an IPN to be matched up to it. Thus it has nothing it needs to do.
    If that is happening to you on EVERY order, then yes you've got something wrong with your system, or you're purging the stored paypal-sessions data which it uses to do matching (you'd have to do that by manually editing data in phpMyAdmin, or by using an addon that purges that info).

    Quote Originally Posted by philip937 View Post
    Second problem:
    As I said before when I switched to express the line numbers didn't show, you mentioned discounts cause this, does that include sale items? I ask because I noticed in payment standard that when a coupon is applied the total is consolidated but not with sales, does express do the same with sales too?
    No, a "sale" shouldn't operate any differently in EC vs IPN.

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    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    Hmm that's interesting, I've had a few today that haven't done the same, in fact interestingly I have noticed that there has been about a 1 min delay between the payment and order being placed? But I assume that's just a delay with PayPal? I will carry on monitoring.

    The express checkout thing, If I set website payments standard up to do detailed line items it works fine (unless a coupon discount applied) if I do the exact same order with express, the order is not On individual detailed lines..?? Any ideas what could be causing this as from what you've said sounds like it should be??

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Express Checkout payment module

    I suspect it's a currency mismatch issue or something like that.

    But I can't offer any opinions without seeing the complete logs from every small step of the transaction.

    Zen Cart - putting the dream of business ownership within reach of anyone!
    Donate to: DrByte directly or to the Zen Cart team as a whole

    Remember: Any code suggestions you see here are merely suggestions. You assume full responsibility for your use of any such suggestions, including any impact ANY alterations you make to your site may have on your PCI compliance.
    Furthermore, any advice you see here about PCI matters is merely an opinion, and should not be relied upon as "official". Official PCI information should be obtained from the PCI Security Council directly or from one of their authorized Assessors.


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