Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
So to be clear... You have your site files where there are folders such as /images/, /cache, /logs/, /download/, and YOUR_SECRET_ADMIN.

Then you navigate to YOUR_SECRET_ADMIN where there are folders such as /backups, /images, and /includes... In this folder are files like whos_online.php. You added the first plugin file of backup_mysql.php, and dropped the includes folder into this admin folder? This will place the three other files into their applicable subdirectory.

Then you either navigated the admin, or you logged out and logged back in (cleared cache?) to check the tools sub-directory.

If that is the case, then the next question is how did you come to have ZC 1.5.4? Was it an upgrade? how was the upgrade performed? was it a fresh install? What was the source of the files? Are you getting any error logs in your logs directory? (the myDebug file may contain admin folder information, please do not include that folder name if posting the file contents to this site.) If posting code, please first select the # symbol in the messagebox toolbar and then paste the code so that it is wrapped with [CODE] and [/CODE] tags.
You are refering to a different backup by Dr Byte
Backup MYSQL Plugin

This is NOT the Backup that the OP is refering to..