Quote Originally Posted by mc12345678 View Post
Even with all of the "recent" discussion of the plugin, considering that both of those plugins depend on javascript to provide the expected functionality and that there is something going on during page load to possibly affect that (inconsistent operation), would suggest validating your webpage to ensure that the javascript is able to fully execute. HTML validation errors can prevent javascript operation as well can poorly written/incompatible javascript.
mc12345678, do you think it is due to the conflict of js?

When I used Abagon template (free version), after installing IH and lightbox, everything was good. But install with other template like HOPE or paid version of Abagon, the problem came out!

I found that the URL is "http://localhost/zcart154hope/images/ch34816/ch34816.jpg" instead of "http://localhost/zcart154hope/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_2_3&products_id=1&zenid=8r3mnnou420a5sd 9sji8tui1l4" when lightbox improperly displaying.
